Chapters of this story from now on will stand alone, and will be multiple stories of various things happening to Hikaru and Kaoru will contain spanking and/or sex like always. This chapter is dedicated to Animefreak48554 for messaging me about continuing it. Dong forget to R&R! I want lots of reviews!
"Your momma wears too much makeup!" Hikaru and Kaoru yelled simultaneously.
All the guys in the school were in the gym for an assembly about joining sports.
"Oh great, they're at it again, that's what everyone needs more drama." Haruhi commented.
Kyouya pinched the bridge of his nose tightly, "If they don't knock it off really quickly, I'm going to give them what they need."
"What does that mean?" Honey asked. Mori whispered in Honey's ear and his eyes grew even wider than they are when he gets into his mood of talking about cake or cute stuffed animals.
Haruhi contemplated how that was actually possible. Honey jumped and sprinted towards the two twins immediately.
"You idiot you always end up…" Kaoru began.
"Guys stop! If you don't stop fighting Kyouya's going to spank you!" He yelled.
The twins blushed and kept their heads down as everyone in the gym looked towards them. Hikaru huffed and stormed off angrily.
Kaoru just looked around making sure the attention was no longer on him and his brother before walking towards where the rest of the club was standing.
Honey followed happy that he had resolved the fight. "That wasn't right Honey, you just directed even more attention towards the fact that they were fighting."
Honey cringed, "I was just trying to help… You're not mad at me are you Mori? You're not going to…,"
"What?" Mori asked.
"You're not going to spank me are you?" He whispered.
"No, your intentions were good, just don't do it again promise?" Mori asked.
"Promise." Honey agreed giving Mori a thumbs up.
"Thanks a lot you jerk." Kaoru muttered.
Mori grabbed Kaoru by his collar threateningly, "Don't ever talk to Honey like that ever, he was only trying to help you, do you understand me?" He asked dangerously low.
Kaoru had his eyes squinted shut, "Y-yes, I I'm sorry Mori and Honey."
Mori let him go and he fixed his collar blushing even deeper than before.
"I just came over to apologize, I'm sorry about fighting with my brother Kyouya, I won't cause another scene I promise." Hikaru said.
"Don't let it happen again." Kyouya said warningly.
Kaoru let go of the breath he had been holding, glad that he wasn't actually in any trouble, yet.
Haruhi stood there thoughtfully; there are a lot of promises going on today.
"Haruhi are you even paying attention?" Tamaki asked.
"Why should I, it's not like I'm joining any sports." She retorted.
"Maybe because we're leaving." Tamaki said.
She looked around and saw that everyone was already moving and laughed nervously, "Haha sorry Tamaki, I wasn't paying attention at all."
The boys and Haruhi, who to everyone else was a boy, made their way to lunch together and sat at their usual table. Kyouya who was already sitting and everyone at the table turned, including him, when he heard shouting coming from the lunch line.
He wasn't surprised that of course it had to be the last two members of their club, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, always.
He never had much trouble keeping the rest of the club in line but those boys would never stop, always coming up with schemes, pranks, or some other stupid stunt.
As of now the two were fighting, which he would be the first to admit he found that to be a very good thing at first, thinking they would just be civil and ignore each other but now it was truly getting out of hand.
He should have seen this coming. They had caused disruptions practically everywhere they went and were starting to give the host club bad reputation.
He was not going to tolerate their insubordinate behavior much longer; if they couldn't resolve this problem by themselves then he'd be sure to take care of it for them.
Once they finally both had two different lunches they made their way back to the table and sat down. Well Kaoru sat down at least, and Hikaru just stood there glaring.
"What's wrong Hikaru?" Honey asked innocently.
"I am not sitting by him." Hikaru answered.
"Sit down now." Kyouya ordered sternly.
Hikaru sighed in defeat and took his seat beside Kaoru.
Kaoru tried to ignore his brother and stared down at the table sheepishly. He didn't want his brother to keep fighting with him but he wasn't going to be weak and give in like always.
Hikaru glanced at Kaoru noticing the sadness that radiated off of his younger twin. He wanted so desperately to comfort him and be the one who could understand and take care of him like always.
He knew how stubborn he was being but he wasn't going to give in either.
"I'm getting extremely sick of this attitude from the both of you, if you cause one more disturbance you're going to regret it." Kyouya warned.
Hikaru could feel the anger growing inside of him, "Who are you to lecture us? I didn't even start this fight so I'm not going to be the one to give in and end it!" Hikaru yelled standing up.
Kaoru had heard enough, "I didn't start it either so if you're trying to make me take all the blame it's not going to work this time Hikaru!"
"Well if I didn't start it and you didn't start it then who the hell did dumbass?" Hikaru asked.
"I didn't say you didn't start it you stupid bastard!" Kaoru said.
"You said either I think that means both of us, and yet I'm the stupid one?" The two were in each other's faces now and were completely oblivious to what was happening around them.
Everyone in the lunch room had crowded around to see what was going on, except the rest o the host club who remained seated, besides Kyouya, and Tamaki who was trying to clear the crowd. Haruhi found the effort to be helpless so she didn't even bother trying.
Kyouya however had other plans as he made his way towards the twins. He stepped in between them and shoved them both to the ground harshly.
Kaoru looking ashamed quickly gazed at the ground beside him. Hikaru became enraged and was getting up ready to fight until he looked up and saw the fierce look Kyouya had directed towards him. He stumbled and fell back to the ground with a mixture of shock and fear.
The twins couldn't believe that they had managed to push him that far but they both knew what was in store for them.
As if on cue Kyouya spoke, "Both of you return to the club room immediately."
They nodded obediently in response and together they broke through the crowd with Kaoru trailing Hikaru.
They made their way to the club in silence and they both took a seat on one of the couches and waited.
Kaoru felt upset and alone. When anything ever went wrong his brother was always there to comfort him and now his brother was less than two feet away and he was ignoring him completely.
He felt a tear start to slide down his face but as he went to wipe it a firm hand engulfed his wrist and pulled him sideways roughly. Hikaru now had Kaoru's attention as he faced him, and he slowly and gently wiped the tear away from Kaoru's cheek.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to go so far. But I will never abandon you when you're hurt brother, I promise." Hikaru said.
"I'm sorry too; I shouldn't have been so stubborn that's your job." Kaoru said.
They smiled at each other happily, but their smiles faded when Kyouya entered the room.
He had waited just long enough for them to have time to talk as he had planned. But to the twins it hadn't been long enough.
Kyouya shut the door behind him and walked towards the two menacingly.
"Kyouya look we fixed it ourselves." Kaoru attempted.
"I see that, but it doesn't matter. It's too late; I warned you both did I not?" Kyouya asked.
"Yes." They answered simultaneously.
"But Kyouya listen, I caused the disruptions, not him so can't you just punish me?" Hikaru asked.
"He was involved too and deserves the same." Kyouya stated.
"It's okay Hikaru, I'm not letting you take all the blame, and it was my fault too." Kaoru said.
"Fine let's just get this over with then." Hikaru said.
"I agree since we all have to go back to class," Kyouya said, "Lean over the couch."
The twins obediently got up and walked around the couch so that they could lean over it. They both stiffened when they saw Kyouya sliding his belt off.
Kaoru looked at Hikaru momentarily, trying to absorb some of his bravery, before looking back down at the couch.
The only noises the two heard now were their breathing and Kyouya's footsteps which seemed louder than anything they had ever heard. They could feel their breathing hitch every time one of his feet made contact with the ground.
The next noise they heard was a loud swishing sound followed by a smack. Kaoru whimpered faintly and Hikaru grabbed his hand tightly trying to take in some of the pain is brother was feeling.
Kaoru felt faintly relieved by his brother's efforts until the next smack fell and he softly quivered from the pain.
Hikaru jumped as the next smack landed on his ass instead of his brother's but he managed not to make any noise. Hikaru silently took the rest of the smacks that followed without even whimpering once.
Kaoru however yelped as soon as the belt struck his skin again. He tried to be as strong as his brother but he had no clue how Hikaru could manage so well when it came to being spanked.
Kyouya continued to deliver the smacks to each of the brother's backsides but Hikaru still remained silent even as Kaoru pleaded for it to all be over, and for the two of them to be forgiven.
"Lower your pants." Kyouya instructed.
"You can't be serious?" Hikaru asked.
"Please don't make us." Kaoru exclaimed.
"Do as I say." He ordered.
The boys both reluctantly slid their pants down watching Kyouya the whole time.
Kyouya waited until they were once again settled over the couch before resuming the smacks.
Kaoru couldn't tell how many minutes and smacks had passed but he was crying freely now as the smacks continued, but Kyouya however didn't refrain from spanking either of them until Hikaru himself had tears streaming silently down his face.
Hikaru felt the pain just as much as Kaoru did but he just expressed it differently.
Kyouya slid his belt back through his pant loops and lightly put his hand on both of the twin's backs, "I forgive you guys."
They both wiped their eyes and turned around, "We're sorry Kyouya." They answered concurrently.
He nodded, "You both have ten minutes to get to your classes, trust me I will know if you are even a second late so don't try my patience."
"Yes sir." The boys answered in unison as they pulled up their own pants.
Kyouya left them alone so they could be together and Kaoru didn't waste any time in embracing his brother's outstretched arms. He sobbed into his brother's neck and cried for at least five of the minutes that they had, apologizing repeatedly as his brother shushed and soothed him.
No matter how much he told Kaoru it wasn't his fault the boy still felt that he had to take the responsibility.
"Kaoru it's all over now, we've both been forgiven, and I promise that I am not angry with you at all for starting the fight in the first place so stop apologizing to me." Hikaru said.
"But if it wasn't for me neither of us would have been spanked." Kaoru cried.
"I'm sure with Kyouya's temper and our mischief personalities that we would have found some way to be spanked by the end of the day." Hikaru said smiling defiantly.
Kaoru smiled back at him lovingly.
Kyouya made his way to his class shaking his head, those twins always kept him busy.