The pair walked around the castle for hours, taking in the damage and nodding at passing witches and wizards, each of whom seemed to be delighted to learn they were unscathed. Much of the major debris had been cleared up but a thin film of dirt and the smell of burning skin seemed to linger over everything. There were certain spots where they stopped and stood wordlessly. Their memories were in constant battle with their eyes, which now surveyed broken windows and burnt portraits. A large marble staircase, now cracked in many places, stood out to Hermione. She remembered crying on those steps after the Yule Ball, so frustrated with Ron. He sat with her just days ago on the same spot, crying over Fred.

They toured the library, or what was left of it. Hermione's heart broke a tiny bit more to see all of the books covering the ground and their pages gathering in a blustery corner. She took out her wand and began cleaning and stacking any book she could find. Ron helped her and together they worked silently to clear and rebuild, section by section. It wasn't much but it was a start, and that was what every surviving person needed at the moment, a start.

The next few days passed in much the same fashion; little talking and a lot of cleaning. Hermione could still see the hurt in Ron's eyes and she'd be lying if she said it didn't scare her. She had no idea how to help him or what to say that might ease his suffering. Instead she smiled when she saw him, stood near him when she could, and held him as he cried from time to time.

Days turned into weeks, Fred's funeral came and went, and eventually the trio left Gryffindor tower and settled back into the Burrow. That summer the wizarding world rebuilt itself from the ground up. As the weeks passed it got easier to smile, to laugh, and to relax. Hermione sense that Ron was beginning to feel whole again. There were many happy times and many difficult times. There were nights when they wouldn't say a word, only kiss until the sun came up. There were late night talks in the backyard, just Hermione and Ron looking up at the stars, discussing everything and nothing. There were moments when Ron would become suddenly silent, deep in thought. Sometimes he looked so broken Hermione was sure he'd never smile again. There were nights were she would hear him dissaparate to Fred's grave. From Ginny's window she could see his distant figure, acres away, bent over the stone tablet for hours and hours.

Ron and Hermione took some time to prepare things for the return of her parents. Hermione had to be sure their old house was secure and ready along with their business and cover stories. She and Ron had spent the whole day cleaning her house, which had been unoccupied for nearly a year and a half. She could tell Ron was having a bad day, and it didn't help that it had been thunder storming a good majority of it. He had hardly eaten and said no more than a few words in as many hours. Hermione never wanted to push him during these times but she was afraid he might be depressed. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked as she prepared dinner in her mother's newly clean kitchen.

"Hmmm?" Ron asked, nonchalantly.

"Do you want to talk about whatever it is you're feeling? I mean, I'm here for you. You don't need to keep it all inside." She could tell he was wracking his brain, struggling to decipher what it was, exactly, that he needed. Without words Ron grabbed her hand and led her into her bedroom. He pulled her into the large, pink bed and began kissing her passionately. Hermione held him tight and kissed him deeply. She felt his desperation. He pinned her hands above her head and kissed down her neck, over her throat and lower, until her shirt obstructed his lips. She gasped as he lifted it up over her head and tossed it onto the floor. His mouth found hers again and her insides exploded with sensation as his fingers caressed her skin, roaming over her breasts. Ron was kissing her with so much force she felt herself pushing him back so that she could catch her breath. She places light kisses on his muscular arms as her breathing steadied.

Ron's fingers danced up her legs, and over her thighs, dragging her jean skirt upward until her pink knickers appeared. He crouched over her knees, placing wet kisses on her thighs and his hands grasped at her hips. Hermione moaned in pleasure, her brain unable to compute any thoughts. Ron grasped her skirt and pulled it off, swiftly removing his own shirt in the process. He lay on top of her and Hermione gasped when she felt how excited he had become. He began nibbling on her neck and Hermione became caught between enjoyment and simply trying to keep up. "Ron?" Her voice was deep and breathy. He moaned deeply but otherwise didn't respond. One of his hands found the top of her bra and swept it aside, trying to permit his roaming mouth. His other hand found the top of her knickers and he began to slide them lower.

Hermione suddenly felt overwhelmed, unsure of how far Ron wanted to go just then. Everything felt too forceful, too harsh and she knew that wasn't who Ron really was. "Ron, please." The tone of her voice seemed to make Ron snap out of a trance. He pulled back to look into her eyes for the first time since they began kissing. He seemed suddenly much more aware. Hermione saw the tears well up in his eyes and he threw her arms around his neck as he began to sob.

"Shh. It's alright. It's alright." Hermione spoke soothingly and stroked his bare back.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to…I just. Dammit. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, Ron."

After a few minutes Ron wiggled out of her arms and sat up. Although she was still in her bra and panties, Ron's eyes never left hers. He pushed her hair from her face and wiped his remaining tears away. "Please forgive me. I'm such a prat. I'm still crazy over Fred, but I promise I'm getting better…you're making me better. But I know you deserve better than this…than me."

At this, Hermione sat up and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Don't ever say that again, Ronald Weasley. You didn't hurt me, everything is fine. Please don't think that I don't…want to. I want us to, it's just…not when you're hurting like this. You're the most brilliant man on the planet and you are what I want, okay? I promise." She hugged him, enjoying the sensation of her cheek on his chest.

He squeezed her tightly. "Hermione?"

"Hmm?" She spoke, his heartbeat reverberating in her eardrum.

"I love you." He spoke it so simply yet it made Hermione's breath hitch.

She pulled back to look him in the eyes. "You…you love me?"

"I love you, so much." His eyes held so much conviction that Hermione burst into a huge grin.

"I love you too!" She kissed him full on the mouth and they embraced as if they'd never let go.

Not soon after, word got out that Harry was still a guest at the Burrow and news reporters began standing outside the house, guarding the boundaries of the yard, doing whatever they could to get a photo of the victorious trio, the team that had defeated Voldemort and saved the wizarding world. Molly Weasley seemed at her wits end trying to protect her family's privacy. Hermione even saw her sending a few jinxes at their cameras one evening after an outdoor picnic had been bombarded by uninvited guests.

One particular afternoon, Hermione and Ginny were swimming in the lake, a normally secluded location. As the girls were lounging about rafts a reporter with a camera and a quill popped through the bushes and began shouting questions. The pop of the camera startled Hermione so much she had yelped and flipped over into the water. "Ladies, do you feel your lives are in danger from Death Eaters who may still be at large? Can you give us a comment regarding the final moments of the Dark Lord's life? Ginevra, are you and Harry Potter linked romantically? Hermione, are you aware of the recent comments made by international quidditch star Viktor Krum and his claims that you and he have been involved? Ladies, please?"

Ron, overhearing the girls' screams and the splashing water, proceeded to calmly inform the man that if he trespassed again he'd be curse by half a dozen angry gingers. They had laughed about it at dinner that night, although Hermione's amusement ceased when the picture of her in her bikini ran on the front cover of Witch Weekly with a headline reading 'HERMIONE GRANGER – how she managed to snog War Heroes HARRY POTTER, RON WEASLEY AND Quidditch Superstar VIKTOR KRUM! We've got the proof!'

"I can't believe they can just pop in, take your picture, print it on the front page with a ridiculous claim, no less, and not even ask me for approval!" Ron sat on his bed staring at the picture, a crooked smile on his face. "What is that look for, Ronald?"

His smile grew bigger, although he tried to play it off. "Aw, well…" he ran his fingers through his hair. "You look bloody fantastic, Hermione."

"What? That is not the issue here! Wouldn't you agree that…wait, you really think so?" She couldn't help the blush that grew across her cheeks.

"Absolutely! In fact…" Ron ripped the cover off and charmed it to stick onto his wall above his bed. "Oh, just one little thing." Ron used his wand to scratch off Harry and Viktor's names from the headline. He grinned, leaning back onto the bed, his hand under his head gazing up at the picture.

Hermione chuckled, "Well I'm glad someone is enjoying it."

"Oh, I can guarantee there are loads of blokes enjoying it, probably too much." He smiled at her, motioning for her to come near. "But they better keep their distance if they know what good for 'em." Ron gathered her into his arms and pulled her on top of him. She leaned in to kiss him and she immediately felt her insides go warm. Ron had this amazing ability to calm and excited her nerves all at once. He pulled away from her kiss and slapped her butt playfully. "Come on, love. Time to go get your mum and dad."

Hermione squealed in delight and hopped off his bed, exiting the room in a flash.