Author's note: This is my first attempt at writing a story. Please let me know if I should continue.
This story is told in Bella's point of view (at least for right now) and takes place 10 years after the infamous birthday party.
Prologue (1 year after the birthday party): Hey Cinderella, does the slipper fit you now? What happened after Prince Charming carried you away? Did the fairy tale really turn out that great? I had this song playing in my head as I tried to decide what to do with my life. Charlie has been more than patient with his high school dropout daughter. Well that is only half-true. I did drop out after Edward dumped me (that is putting it nicely). After several months of severe depression, I did go to night school and graduate but since then I have been a bum. Just laying around while Charlie worked. I just could not decide what to do.
Anyways back to the song. I wish I could really ask the princess what happened after she got her prince. Not that I considered myself a princess, but I always deemed Edward a prince, no a god really. Maybe I am jaded, since Edward left, but I do not think fairy tales can come true. As I lay in my bed thinking about what was supposed to happen yet again, something occurs to me . . . if I want to have a fairy tale, I can, but I have to be in charge. I cannot let someone take charge of me. I can be a Princess and have it all but it has to be what I want not what some man tells me I want.
I jumped out of bed ready to face the new day when reality crashed upon me. . .I didn't know what I wanted. I had thought I wanted Edward but he ripped that dream apart. Then I thought I wanted Jacob after he brought me out of my depression but then he imprinted on a girl from the rez. So what did I Bella Swan want? What was my dream come true? Where would I find my castle? I paced around my room when inspiration hit me. . . I know what I want. I know exactly what to do. I am going to go out into the world and they are not going to know what hit them . . . Look out world her comes Bella Swan.
Author's note (again) Please, do not immediately give up on me. I have a pretty good idea where this story is headed but I need to get it set up first.
The song is Hey Cinderella by Suzy Boguss. Also I don't own anything except my dreams of Japser taking me away...Stephanie Meyer owns everything.