Disclaimer: I do not own Nintendo, Gamefreak nor Pokemon

Author's Note: I have never written a story like this before. So please excuse me if it's a little slow but I think I finally found a way to write it. I'm having so much fun writing this! You'll also have to please excuse me for the topic discussed today. *shrug* I thought it had to be mentioned before I go on to other, more interesting aspects. Enjoy!


It was to Brian's honest opinion that the Kantoan Government could have done a lot better in serving the people of its nation.

Some of the roads that he had traveled, mainly by walking, were down trodden and were quite dangerous in some aspects. The cities didn't even have busses, aeroplanes or trains to take a citizen from one city to the next. Not only that, but wild pokemon were constantly near the roads making them dangerous to somebody that was not a trainer.

Brian could add one more thing to that list, which was Cycling Road, the bridge that connected Celadon City to Fuchsia City. Punks of different gangs and classes patrolled the area looking for a good fight to somebody that looked at them wrongly or disagreed with how they hadn't put on deodorant for more than a week.

It just made Brian wonder what kind of sick people in the government of Kanto keep letting this malicious activity go on without even lifting a finger to stop them. They might as well not have built the bridge in the first place since no one even uses the damn thing at all for obvious reasons.

Normally it was annoying to go on Cycling Road but Brian needed the experience.

Brian cocked his steam punk pistol and made sure it was loaded. Adjusting his now worn top hat and wiping some dirt off his vest, he reached to his side and pulled out a pokeball that was colored purple with black stripes on it. He then called out Aragorn, his nidoking.

Aragorn looked at Brian with a face that showed he was pumped up for battle. He gave a roar and slammed his fists together several times making soft thuds every time. His violet horn gleamed in the afternoon sun and his thick tail quivered with energy. Brian looked at him with a stern expression and said, "You ready to destroy some bikers?"

Aragorn roared again and bared his teeth which indicated that he was indeed ready.

Brian silently nodded and got onto his bike.

"Let's go."

He peddled forward on the sidewalk that led towards Cycling Road, Aragorn ran after him, causing the ground to quiver every time he did so. At last, when he was at the entrance of the bridge, a gang of bikers saw him and revved their horribly loud cycles and raced their ways toward him. Soon the bikers surrounded Brian and his nidoking, they laughed at him and gave cat calls to him. Brian was not fazed by their taunts and was actually more offended by their ugly appearance. Some of them were fat and bald as a cue ball while others were as thin and jaunty as a scarecrow and had spiky Mohawks. The leader of them, who was carrying a whip, got off his bike and shouted to Brian.

"Hey, punk! This is our land you're crossing! You'll have to pay us 20,000 credits if you want to pass!"

Brian told him to shove off only with much coarser language.

The leader just laughed at his comment and said because of that, he and his gang will have to take all his money and his pokemon as well.

Brian smiled, cricked his neck and motioned him with his hand to make good with his threat.

The leader laughed again and then called out his weezing. He then said, "Weezing! Use Tackle attack!"

"Aragorn! Take him down!"

Aragorn and Weezing charged at each other at full speed. Weezing was about to slam into him but Aragorn dodged the attack and grabbed Weezing's side head and slammed it down to the ground. Before Weezing could get back up, Nidoking raised his foot up and slammed it down on Weezing's face, consequently causing an Earthquake attack. Brian saw it all in slow motion, Aragorn's foot made contact with the Weezing, whose expression was that was fear, and violently squashed his face in. The ground shook violently and some of the bikers actually lost their balance and fell off of their bikes. When Aragorn lifted his foot, Weezing was knocked out. His face was now even uglier and it was faintly emitting a poisonous gas.

At this point, the leader's face changed from being jaunty to angry. He looked at his fallen bikers and screamed, "Don't just stand there! Take him down!"

Ignoring normal battle procedures, the bikers called out their pokemon and ordered them to attack Aragorn.

Koffings flew towards Aragorn while wearing their stupid grins. Aragorn stood his ground and held his arms to the side. Giving a mighty roar of strength, rocks from nearby rose into the air and with a mighty throw they flew through the air and landed squarely on the toxic pokemon.

Bam! Crack! The noxious pokemon didn't have a chance. The large boulders fell upon them and squashed them flat.

From behind, a muk jumped onto his back and used sludge bomb to no great effect. The poisonous goo slowly slid down Aragorn's face and he blinked several times to rid himself of it from his eyes. Grasping the muk was hard because of his amorphous nature but he solved it by jumping up in the air and falling down upon his back. The muk was flattened under his weight and the air was kicked up with dust and grime. Weakened, the muk loosened his grip on Aragorn and slid off his back. The nidoking rolled over and slammed his tail on the muk causing the ground to shake again. The ground shook violently under muk and jostled him so much that he passed out.

Just then, wham! A machoke's fist went right into Aragorn's jaw. Aragorn fell back a bit and grasped his mouth. He was caught off guard by the attack and tasted his iron-rich blood. He was more pissed off than he was hurt and gave a snarl to the machoke. Spitting some blood, he ran up to the machoke and the two's hands forcefully locked onto each other causing a struggling match between the two. Aragorn's eyes flashed with anger and adrenaline as did the machoke who was enjoying such a rich battle. Without hesitating, Aragorn opened his mouth and let loose a stream of flames onto his opponent's face. The machoke screamed in agony and let go of Aragorn paws. He clutched his eyes in pain and stumbled a bit. Aragorn thundered up to him and punched him in the gut. The machoke crumbled and Aragorn let loose another stream of flames onto his opponent's back. The machoke cried again and this time, fell completely to the ground.

While this was going on, a biker crept up to Brian and was about to take him down. Without hesitating, Brian pulled out his pistol and aimed it right at the biker's face. He then said, "Take one more step and I'll blow your brains out. Don't think I won't."

The biker, who had no gun of his own, was surprised by this and slowly backed away, yielding to his lanky adversary.

At this point, Aragorn had taken down all of his opponent's pokemon but just as Brian was to claim victory, the leader stepped out and said, "Hold on! I got one more pokemon! And this time, it will spell the end for you and your nidoking! Go, Hypno!"

A flash of light and a hypno came out of his pokeball. Aragorn looked at Hypno with wariness. Brian stiffened, Hypno had the type advantage and if he was strong enough, he would be able to take down Aragorn. The two pokemon looked at each other and waited to see what their masters would tell them.

"Now, Hypno, use Confusion!"

"Shadow Ball, Aragorn!"

The pendulum Hypno had quickly waved back and forth. Hypno raised his hand and closed his eyes. It went faster and faster and a strange aura began to form around Hypno's hand.

Aragorn roared and lowered himself, he then sprinted himself towards Hypno and pulled back his left hand. A dark, pulsating anti-matter grew and grew in his paw and was soon the size of a small basketball. Aragorn's eyes grew wide with wrath and he smiled maliciously. He breathed in and out quickly.

His mouth still bled from earlier but he didn't notice it. His face was still stinging from the muk's sludge bomb but he didn't care. He was focusing everything he got on the hypno. He wanted to take it down, in one shot.

Faster and faster the pendulum went. And when it reached its apex, Hypno released his psychic energy and it went full frontal into Aragorn. The air was filled with a strange, crinkling sound when it impacted Aragorn.

His brain throbbed with pain as he took the attack. His muscles weakened and his old wounds threatened to open again. But he withstood it. It hurt him, but he almost liked the pain. It made his hunger for victory even greater.

The attack slowed him down and he closed his eyes. He thought of Brian and knew that he was counting on him to win.

To win against this bastard.

In a flash his eyes opened, and his Shadow Ball grew in strength, feeding off of his dark emotions. His speed picked up again and the hypno took a step back in surprise when he realized that Aragorn survived the attack.

Aragorn swallowed his own blood that was still bleeding from his tongue and with one last push; he shoved his left paw into the stomach of the hypno and released his Shadow Ball.

The Shadow Ball tore its way into Hypno's gut and scrambled his psychic energy and organs, it then shot right back out of his back like a fountain of misty oil. No hole was left behind. No blood was spilled.

The scene was silent and Hypno still stood firmly, never backing away once, but shaking with pain. His eyes were wide and blood rolled down his face from his big proboscis. Aragorn retracted his paw and with a small push, the hypno fell, he fainted before he hit the ground.

Aragorn proudly looked over the battle scene to see his fallen opponents; he then looked up at the sky and roared for a final time while releasing a stream of flames. He looked at Brian and suddenly acted like an overgrown dog. He hobbled up to Brian and gave a soft but friendly growl to him. Brian smiled and stroked his maw and said, "Good boy, I'm very proud of you. Remind me to treat you when we get to Fuchsia City."

Aragorn stroked himself against Brian's hand in quiet happiness. Brian then gave him a super potion which stopped the bleeding in his mouth, made his muscles less numb and sore and quieted the pounding in his brain.

Brian turned to the leader and gave a friendly smile. He then said, "Give me your money, bitch."


A trainer determines the pokemon he will train and raise by a combination of three very important aspects of it. Two of them are typing and stats. The third one is movepool.

The movepool of the pokemon is a major factor in determining how useful the pokemon is to the team. A pokemon that has high physical attack, such as Machamp, can take excellent use of its movepool which has Earthquake, Rock Slide, Return and the deadly Cross Chop. Taking it a big step forward, a weird pokemon like Wobbufett, would be quite comfortable with Counter and Mirror Coat due to its large HP but dismal defense.

Sometimes, it's one or two moves that even defines the pokemon itself and makes it a strong addition to any team. Heracross' signature move, Megahorn, is by far the strongest Bug Type move and for Generation 2, only Heracross knew it. With its high accuracy and its even higher attack it's a threat to even those that are not weak to it.

But there are some pokemon whose movepool makes you wonder what the heck Gamefreak was thinking…



"Are you there?"


Brian's blank look was wiped clean and replaced with alertness. He looked up and saw Evan, once again, hovering above him holding his lunch tray. Brian blinked several times.

The two were at the university owned cafeteria, The Hideaway. Located in the center of the bustling school, many students came here to eat lunch during their midday break, regardless of what they thought of the food or its prices.

Brian was expecting Evan to talk about the club. However, he was a little late and it gave Brian time to think about one of his favorite video games ever.

"Thinking about how great your chicken sandwich tastes?" joked Evan who sat down across with him.

"Nah…I was just thinking about Pokemon…"

"Now that's what I like to hear from our soon-to-be-president of the Pokemon Club!"

Evan took a slice of his small pepperoni pizza and bit the tip off, apparently, the pizza was still too hot for he dropped the pizza as if it was a bomb and started panting real quickly to cool down his mouth. An amused Brian took a bite of his sandwich and watched Evan try to cool himself down.

After taking a drink from his Sprite, Evan said, "What were you thinking about exactly?"

"Oh how Gamefreak sort of dropped the ball when it came to certain pokemon…"

"Ah…well, when designing hundreds of pokemon, not all of them could be perfect. I mean…look at Luvdisc! Seriously…what the hell is it?"

Evan paused at Brian's small laugh and said, "And don't get me started Spinda. Now there's a useless pokemon if I ever saw one. Bunch of bull how his spots change due to his IV's or some crap like that. What were you thinking?"

"Well…I was thinking more on the lines of a pokemon being useful. Like Kingler for instance."

"Kingler? What's wrong with him? I think he's pretty kick ass. Haven't you seen the anime? Ash's krabby took down an exeggutor, evolved into a kingler, and then took down a golbat and a seadra. All in one episode! Now, after hearing that, how could you say such a thing?"

"His stats and his movepool don't match, that's why he useless."

Evan squinted his eyes in disbelief and took another bite of his pizza (which he blew on a bit before doing so).

"Go on…"

"Kingler's highest stat is Attack but this clashes against his Special typing which is Water. In fact, his Special Attack is so abysmally low that it is more sad than funny. Even though he has great Attack, he has hardly any moves to make any use besides some of the stupid Normal moves."

Evan nodded to that and said, "That was fixed though when the Gen 4 games came around. What with the Special/Physical split and all."

"Yeah, that's actually something I wish Generation 2 had done. It would have made the playing field a lot more even for many pokemon."

As he was biting off his thick pizza slice, Evan said, "Just a side question but how do you remember which types are Physical and which are Special? This, of course, assuming you have a game that is before Gen 4."

"Haha, I always remember it by the Eeveelutions."

"How so?"

"Well, all the Eeveelutions, including the ones in Generation 4, are all Special typing. When you take that and add in the Dragon Type you get the complete collection of Special Types."

Evan set down his pizza crust and to himself, listed off the types.

"Fire, Electric, Water, Psychic, Dark, Grass, Ice…Dragon…huh. Funny to think that Ghost is not a Special Type as well."

"Yeah, which is one more reason why I think the Special/Physical split in Generation 4 was the best thing that was introduced."

Brian took his apple-flavored Jones Soda bottle and unscrewed the lid. The soda fizzed and green bubbles quickly climbed to the top of the bottle. He looked underneath the lid which read, Your venture into new territory will reward you. Snorting at the irony of the statement, he took a swig from the bottle and set it down on the spotless table.

"It's funny," he said wiping his mouth a bit, "but the Eeveelutions actually support something that I was thinking about earlier…"

"And what's that?"

"Ah, I've been struggling to find a name for it but what I come up was the Divining Trinity of Pokemon."

"Trinity? What are you, Christian?"

"No, but like I said, I couldn't really think of anything else. It seemed appropriate."

"Well, what is it?"

"A trainer decides on a pokemon by three things; typing, stats and movepool, or the Trinity. The trainer weighs each aspect with a critical eye and a clear mind. If one aspect was lacking in quality but the other two make up for it, then the pokemon would probably be accepted."

After taking another bite from his sandwich, Brian continued, "A good example of that would be my nidoking, Aragorn. Though his Poison/Ground typing is alright, he makes up for it for his nice stats and especially his movepool. Nidoking can learn all sorts of moves; Earthquake, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, the list goes on. He's the wildcard on my team and whenever an opponent goes up against him, they're not too positive on what sort of arsenal he's carrying. This accessibility to great moves means he can take on a variety of pokemon including to ones that are strong against his typing."

Brian shrugged and said, "But like I said, each trainer judges a pokemon differently. One of my roommates actually doesn't like Nidoking solely because of his typing and not high enough Attack."

"You said that the Eeveelutions actually relate to this. How so?"

Brian smiled and said, "They're quite the perfect example of how the Trinity works. All Eeveelutions are linked by two things, one is that they evolve from Eevee and two is that they all share the same total base stats. Though each of them have different assortment of stats, they all total up equally."

"Because of which, the trainer is to judge each of them by how their typing and movepool compliment their unique stat distribution. This is just one of several reasons why people are so fascinated and drawn to the Eeveelutions."

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that because I chose Flareon I lost the first round in your Pokemon Tournament?"


"But nobody ever chooses Flareon! I didn't want that fiery fox-thing to be left alone! Besides, variety is the spice of life!"

Brian knew that Evan hated to go on the well traveled path of life. He would always try anything new or different no matter how unwise it may be. Flareon wasn't his only unique pokemon, he also had a Kabutops, Articuno, Mr. Mime, Marowak and Clefable. Everyone kept telling him how unlikely his team was to win any battle but he refused to give in. He went into the tournament with brimming confidence but was beaten soundly and thus went out with a lackluster personality. Brian hoped that Evan learned a lesson from that day but he somewhat doubted that.

"Flareon has got to be the worst Eeveelution ever. That does not mean…" continued Brian when he saw Evan's disagreeable face, "…that his stats are low."

"Flareon suffers because his typing, stats and movepool do not agree with one another. For one thing, he's a Fire Type, a type that is quite poor to begin with in defensive style since it's weak to common attacks. This coupled with his abysmally low Defense, makes him highly likely to be KO'd in one hit by Rock Slide or Earthquake. His highest stat is his Attack which conflicts with the special typing of Fire. The only worthwhile physical attacks that he can learn are Return, Shadow Ball and Iron Tail. And though Iron Tail might be able to scare away a Rock Type these moves don't have much potential in protecting Flareon what he's weak against."

Evan was silent for awhile, he was proud and he didn't like it whenever someone outright told him what he was doing was stupid and even more so when they had proof to back it up. He looked as if he bit into a sour lemon and sat with his arms crossed. After a few seconds, he grabbed his soda and took a drink from it. Setting it down, he said, "Sometimes, you can be a real butthole when you use your great Pokemon knowledge."

Brian laughed and said, "I'm just saying that Flareon may not be my first choice when choosing an Eeveelution. He may be strong sometimes but most of the time he's just not that threatening."

"One day…I'll make you eat your words," vouched Evan who tore off a piece of his pizza with vengeance.

"Ho-kay, Evan," replied Brian in is goofy tone.

"On another note…" Evan swallowed his food and said, "What have you gathered so far for the Pokemon Club?"

"Uh…well…we have a problem."

"What's that?"

"Apparently, the deadline has already passed to start a new club this semester. For next semester though the due date will be November 26th."

"Hmmm…that's alright. That'll give us time to find out how many people are interested in the club and whether it'll sink or float. So we got more than two months to get this club up and running."

"Yeah, that sounds reasonable. We also need a sponsor for the club. Though I'm still unfamiliar of the details, I believe it has to be a professor."

At this point, Evan coughed on his soda and said, "What? A professor? How are we going to get a professor to approve a Pokemon Club?"

Brian shrugged and said, "I don't know, but like I said, that's what I think. It's highly possible that other faculty members of the university can sponsor the club as well."

"Hmm…that's going to be interesting trying to recruit somebody who's over 35 years old to be the sponsor of our club."

"The last thing I found out was that we need at least 10 members in order for it to be approved by the Student Senate. We also have to present our club in person as well. If they find it an appropriate club that does not infringe on the rights of other students then it'll most likely be approved. And that's…basically all I have found for now…more details will spring up as we go on."

"Hmm…" he said again, "doesn't sound too difficult. We just got to find a sponsor…"

"Easier said than done," said Brian which complimented Evan's thoughts on the manner.

"Okay then…now, what about our first, unofficial meeting? Did your roommates say it was okay to host it at your place?"

"They said it was fine. We're going to have it on the 16th, which is a Thursday. I already made a Facebook event and invited you. Once you accept, I'll make you an administrator so you can invite other people as well."

"Awesome, you're way ahead of me then. I'll invite some of my friends as well. How many do you think will come?"

Brian shrugged and said, "Hard to say, ten maybe?"

Evan smiled and nodded slowly, "Yes…that'll do."

Brian smiled back and said, "I actually got a good feeling about this. Even if other people don't join the club, at least it will be a nice gathering of friends who have a common interest."

Evan shook his head and said, "Brian, Brian, you must think big! This club will be great! And it will be awesome! Here…"

He raised his half-drunk soda and said, "A toast, for the future!"

Brian raised his Jones Soda bottle and touched the cup, he then replied, "Yes! And may it be as beautiful as Ho-oh, and as powerful as Lugia!"

The two drank their sodas until it was all gone.