Hi! Not much to say about this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own Sonic, Amy, Silver, and believe it or not, the Mystery Man who you will meet this chapter. I also don't own Crystal, who belongs to Kollolly. Everyone else is MINE, MINE, MINE!
Sonic arrived at school, the bell ringing just as he sat down. It would be a few minutes before school actually started, giving the hedgehogs time to talk. A few seconds later, a purple hedgehog walked in and sat down behind him. Sonic turned around in his seat.
"Hey, Crystal. Where were you yesterday?" Silver asked the purple hedgehog.
"I had a fever. Really bad one, too." Crystal replied.
"Of course. What else would it have been?" Becca rolled her eyes.
"Duh, she's a pyromaniac!" Sonic said.
Crystal punched him playfully in the shoulder. "It's pyrokinetic, not pyromaniac, dummy."
"Eh, same difference." he shrugged.
"No, a pyromaniac lights things on fire for the fun of it. A pyrokinetic controls fire. Get it?"
"But you like igniting things, don't you?" he said with fake innocence.
"You're hopeless." she said.
"I try." he replied.
They chatted aimlessly until Mrs. Peri used her foghorn and reminded the class none-to-gently that school started.
Amy noticed Sonic drop something as he left class.
"Hey, wait!" she picked it up and ran after him, but he was gone.
The pink hedgehog looked at the object in her hand. It was a little red colored notebook. When she removed her finger from the front, the color stuck to it. The fingerprint revealed a light green under the dust. It looked worse for wear. Amy rubbed the dust off the front.
Ancient Translation
by G. R.
He takes that class? Never would she have thought Sonic would sit through something as boring as that. The history teacher, Mr. Jenson, was boring; even for a teacher. Sonic must've had a whole lot of stamina to survive that class. He must take this book everywhere with him for it to gather so must dust. . . red dust? Where would he get red dust? The only place you could find dust that shade of red was in the mountains surrounding Jurr. Maybe she could find him there? A hopeful thought. Tomorrow was Saturday, so he could probably hike there in a few hours.
Ok, Amy thought. I'll head our there tonight. It's a good excuse to hike, camp, and talk to him. Genius!
When school let out, Amy ran for her house. She flung open the front door and ran right past two adult hedgehogs and up to her room.
"Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!" she called. "I'm going camping this weekend, ok?"
She crossed her fingers and prayed hard as she grabbed her red dresses and flung them into a bag. If they were in a good mood, she would be in the green. If they weren't. . .
"Who with?" her mom yelled up the stairs.
"There better not be any boys there." her dad added.
"No boys, no girls. I'm going alone." she answered as she flung in a jacket.
"Ok, sweety, but only on one condition." Mrs. Rose called.
Amy felt hope. "Ok, name it!" she cheered.
"Rose has to go with you." Mr. Rose shouted.
"What? Why?" she cried.
"You don't expect us to let you go alone, do you? What would happen if you fell and sprained your ankle? No one would be there to help you." her mom reasoned.
"Yes, Mom." she grumbled.
"Is that a deal?"
"I said 'Yes, Mom!'"the pink hedgehog replied.
Amy finished packing and grabbed a tent from the basement. She walked up the stairs and heard the door close.
"Hey, Rosie, guess what?" she said as her older sister walked passed.
"What? We better not be having dinner with the Hansen'sagain. I hate the way Becca stares." (A/N AKA, Becca Hansen, Chosen)
"We're not. We are going camping. You and me, up in the mountains. We'll be back by Saturday night, so pack up."
"Really? Awesome!" the rose colored hedgehog ran up the stairs to her room, right across the room from her younger sister's.
Though she didn't act like it, Rose loved outdoors activities. Camping, hiking, sports, you name it, she loved it all. A half hour of packing later, they were finally ready to go.
Sonic walked leisurly through the field. Maybe he could find another strange little trinket like the strange tool he found earlier that week. A cool breeze whipped his quills back. It was the perfect day for a run up in the mountains. As he approached the trees, he noticed a figure on his knees and back bent. Was he. . . bowing to the trees? He chuckled at the thought. As he walked closer, the mysterious visitor seemed to be searching for something. Wait. . . visitor! A visitor was in Jurr!
"Hey!" he greeted the man. Said man looked up.
He was unlike any Visitor Sonic had ever seen. He was very round, had a long mustache, and wore glasses.
"Hello. And who might you be?" he smiled at the blue hedgehog.
"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog." he said. (A/N You knew that was coming, didn't you?)
"I'm Dr. Robotnik." he returned to combing the grass.
Sonic walked around the man, trying to get a better view at what he was doing. "Did you lose something?"
"As a matter of fact, I did. Earlier this week I visited this spot and seemed to have misplaced something of mine." the Dr. replied.
Sonic knelt in the grass, joining him in the search. "What is it?"
"You'll know it when you see it." Dr. Robotnik turned to a new patch.
"What's it look like?" the hedgehog pressed.
"It's a small bit of metal that used to have a handle, but that broke off sometime ago," the round man replied. "and spirals at the top. Like a screw."
Sonic stopped searching and instead reached into his quills. "You mean like this?"
He pulled out the strange tool he found earlier. That man's eyes lit up.
"Yes, that's it," he held out his hand, Sonic gave him the strange device. "Thank you."
"Glad I could help." Sonic stood up, brushing himself off.
Dr. Robotnik also stood and dusted himself off.
"See you around!" Sonic said, running off.
The man waved as Sonic sped towards home, then walked towards an unknown destination.
Finally got the chapter up! It's really short and took me ages to write for some reason. I noticed I didn't give my OC's last names when I introduced them, so I'll try to. Someday. I'm sorry it takes so long for me to get these up, but I'm a slow writer. Advice is invited and encouraged. By the way, Crystal is a Chosen and controls fire, if I didn't make that clear. It only makes sense that she gets sick from fevers, right?