
Soon after I had woken up everything shifted.

James had eventually been caught but the female, Victoria, had gotten away.

I was now officially a part of Edwards world. I was now a vampire.

I didn't regret the decision to be changed. How could I when I got my forever with Edward.

Even though I couldn't regret it, I could mourn for what I lost. Those memories, though muddied, are still there in my head.

A week after my change we debated the best way to pull off my disappearance. Everyone in Forks was commenting on the 'Runaways,' small town gossip spreading like wildfire. The Carlisle and Esme played the part of worried parents to the letter calling in to Charlie and making sure he was okay. They were waiting for the decision. My decision.

No longer being human meant that I couldn't keep dragging Charlie and Renee through my leaving the way I did. My options were simple. I could call my parent one last time and tell them I wasn't coming home, that I'd be eighteen soon and could legally do what I wanted. Or I could fake my death.

Some of the Cullens thought that, if I chose the 'Alive' option, it would let my parents live with hope. Out of both options, I preferred the latter. Knowing Renee and Charlie this would be the better option. I knew Charlie would never give up looking for me. He would never move on if he thought for one second he could find me and convince me to come home.

No the best choice was to 'die.' If I were to die there would be nothing for them to cling to. Mom would bury herself in new hobbies and she has Phil. Charlie wouldn't keep looking for me. I know Billy and his other friends on the reservation will make sure he is alright. Alice had my back with this decision aswell as Edward.

I didn't want any part of what happened next. Carlisle and Esme offered to take care of it. All I knew was that Edward and I would have an 'accident' in which our bodies would be unidentifiable except for a few items that could be traced back to our families. Soon after the news would break out, the 'heartbroken' Cullens would leave the area to move on.

I was sitting in the window in Edward and I's bedroom in our new place somewhere in Canada. It was remote to give me distance from people. I was thinking about everything. I could do that now apparently. Thinking on multiple things at once without getting a headache.

I knew he was in the room before he said anything. Edward has been my rock throughout this whole ordeal. Holding me when I need to be held and making the others give me space when I wanted to be alone. And I had forever to love him.

"Are you okay, Bella?"

"Not right now"I replied. "But I will be."



so there it is. "The end" after so long it is completed.

For readers, I hope you enjoyed the story of Edward and Bella going in new directions and I hope everyone, who has followed this story, that this lives up to expectation.

Thank you.

Slán for now xxx