drabble: 56. Danger Ahead

Character: 86/60

Note: LAST CHAPTER *SOBS* Yea its my last chapter!

"There's danger ahead numbuh 83," said numbuh 355 in the arctic base. He was around numbuh 60 all day and this was surely something that everybody was afraid of.

"WHERE IS HE? What kind of trouble is he in?" asked numbuh 83. She was looking for numbuh 60 he had been a mentor of her's since the day she started training. As soon as she heard he was in trouble she immediately came looking.

"It's numbuh 86 Sonia," said a friend of her's Tammy who was going through training.

"What happened?" Sonia asked her friend in barely above whisper.

"She just came in and dragged him to his office and they haven't came out since," said Tammy. She was looking forward to becoming numbuh 77 and was eager to please. She was going to be a hard person to keep up with too.

"They locked the door, so we don't know either," said Pete and Peter.

"I think there kissing instead of chewing each other's arms off," said Tammy who was looking for her own romance. Hey she was thinking of setting Sonia up with Lee. Everybody shuttered at this thought and decided to think of something else.