A three shot I've started at work out of boredom. After wondering long enough what would psychos do if they escaped jail and wanted to take revenge on Jane and Lisbon (since the duet had caught some bad guys by themselves often…quote Red Potatoes, Red John's Footsteps, Red Badge and some others), I came up with this.

No Red John in the picture, but lots of angst.

Warnings: rape, and rated M for a reason.

Disclaimer: I do not own Mentalist, just my crazy twisted mind. My English grammar isn't the best. Hope you'll…"enjoy" this anyway.

Red Psycho

It had been dark for some time in the white hallway of the hospital. Melissa Hawkins yawned. It was her first night as an agent of security and not only was she tired, but also bored out of her mind. She checked her watch for the fifth time in twenty minutes, wishing her shift would show up earlier so she could crawl into bed.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sound of footsteps not far around made her brows frown and she straightened, holding her lamp higher.

"Who's there?" she asked in a strong, assured tone. The steps stopped. Melissa abandoned her spot and move towards the corridor she thought she heard the sound. She noticed she was heading towards the inside emergency staircase and opened the door, certain someone was on the other side. She took out a stick -no guns in a hospital they said- and repeated;

"Who's there? Show up now!"

Tap, tap, tap.

The footsteps started again, and indeed somewhere above her, in the stairs. For the first time since 7 pm that night, Melissa felt the rise of anxiety. Who was wandering so late out there? Was it a lost patient? A late nurse? Someone from the offices that forgotten something and came back? what if it was a psycho?

She brushed the last thought aside. Of course, being alone in this building brought scary thoughts, and she had watched too many horror fims when she was fifteen.

"Excuse-me ma'am?"

The young woman jumped in surprise and turned round. A medium-high man wearing a brown jacket was staring at her with compassion.

"Damn it you scared me!" Melissa barked; a hand over her chest to slow down the heartbeats. "I think I'm gonna have a stroke or something…What are you doing up here anyway sir?"

"I am very sorry ma'am" he said on a low tone. "But for the welfare of our plan, you need to die."

Melissa Hawkins never felt the bullet flying through her skull from behind. Never felt the impact of the cold ground when she fell. Never saw the woman walking over her body to join her accomplice and both walk away.

She never knew she had died.


Lisbon pulled over in front of her apartment. Once the engine of her SUV died down, she glanced at the passenger seat. Jane was sitting there, humming cheerfully, a big purple bruise on his nose. The senior agent sighed. Today's case has been tiring, as usual.

A young woman, Melissa Hawkins, had been shot from behind. Jane pointed out that the position of her body hinted she was talking with someone right before she died, and that her killer was either waiting for her, or protecting her partner's ID.

They had found no fingerprints, nothing suggesting struggles. She had no family, very few friends who all had alibis and were in shock to hear about her death. According to them, even thought Melissa was a pure antisocial, she never looked for or started troubles. She got her job by chance to help paying up her rent. Logically, no-one had any reason to kill her.

Of course, Jane had to speak smart during the investigation. He put his suspicions on the head nurse –who was sleeping with an intern ten years her junior- and was punched by the husband of the said nurse. Since the blood was floating from his nose, he had to go to the bathroom and managed, Lisbon still wondered how, to come back completely high after taking a dose of morphine. The doctor who examined him afterwards told the team Jane needed to be watched over by someone. And being the absolutely selfless, guilty-conscious boss she was, Lisbon offered to take him over. Apparently, no-one but else had the courage to deal with the high spirited consultant.

So here they were, sitting in her living room, watching one of her favourite movie with Jane making comments about everything and nothing, feigning to throw up when the scenes were too cheesy for him or complaining on the predictability of the ending. When the credits started to roll, Lisbon was strongly wishing she could strangle him.

"I want some tea Lisbon!" he whined like a five years old child.

"Fine. Stay here" she growled, standing up and heading to the kitchen, glad to leave the living room.

She warmed up some water, took out one mug –after a short hesitation, two- and let them on the table. A sudden knock made her jump. Jane was standing in the doorway of the room, a cute grin on his face. Lisbon turned her head away, aware of the slight blush creeping on her cheeks.

"Don't be shy Lisbon" he said, and she could hear the smile in his voce. "Has anyone told you how beautiful you are?"

Lisbon just rolled her eyes and poured the now hot water in the closest cup.

"Jane, can't you be serious a sec…"

She stilled when she felt his hands taking her hips gently and pulling them backwards. His face busied itself in the back of her neck and his teeth bit her earlobe.

"Very, very beautiful" he whispered huskily. "And desirable."

Lisbon froze at his words. A pang of anxiety crossed her when he didn't let go, but brought her even closer and started kissing her neck. Her skin tickled where he put his lips, but she brushed the feeling away.

"Jane" she grumbled "What are you doing?"

"I think it is pretty obvious my dear" he purred, one hand leaving her hip to slide on her lower stomach, right above the buckle of her pants' belt.

In any other circumstances, Lisbon would have felt embarrassed, but pleased he tried to seduce her. Inwardly, she never denied the blond man was attractive, and wasn't against the idea of 'friends with benefit'. The hot dreams she had about him were enough to prove it. Yet here, it didn't feel right. He was a little bit too enthusiastic and was still under the influence of the morphine she reminded herself.

"Jane, stop it" she ordered, trying to snuggle out of his embrace. He held her tighter.

"I'm not sure I want to let you go Teresa" he whispered, unbuckling her belt with skilled fingers. "I know you want me" his other hand slipped underneath her shirt and caressed her skin, triggering a shiver mixed of pleasure and horror "and I've want you for the longest time." He bit her earlobe again. "So tonight, you will be mine."

"Jane…" she warned while alarms bells rang in her head. What was going on with him? They had flirted before, done innuendoes, but never passed the stage of touching.

"It doesn't matter to me if you're willing or not" he added on a more threatening tone.

Lisbon couldn't help the dread feeling washing over her. He wasn't joking. Stupor prevented her from reacting at first, but when his hand grabbed her breast over her bra, she hit his rib hard with her elbow. He merely grunted and released his grab slightly. Lisbon barely managed to sneak out of his arms and was reaching for her cell phone when he grabbed her shoulder and threw her on the kitchen floor. Her head hit the ground hard and she lost consciousness.


When Lisbon eventually woke up, a massive headache made her groan. She tried to rub her head, but her hands were held elsewhere. She suddenly realised with alarm a few things: her arms were raised above her head, wrists handcuffed to the bedside, she was gagged and worst of all, her shirt had been torn opened, her bra off, and her pants and panties removed. In a corner of the room, Jane was staring at her with intensity like a hungry wolf. Lisbon shifted uncomfortably in her position. This was not good.

"You're awake" he whispered.

Her heartbeats accelerated when he started unbuttoning his own shirt, not breaking eye contact.

"Jane!" she tried to call out, but only managed a muffled 'Ein'. Panic was coursing through her veins when his pants fell on the floor. He climbed in her bed, stood over her, completely mesmerized by her naked body.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered again.

In other circumstances, Lisbon would have been flattered. Right now, the lust in his eyes terrified her.

She tried to struggle out, but one hand caught her wrists, the other cupped her chin and he sat on her hips, firmly holding her in place. He brought his face closer and muttered:

"Don't do anything you will regret later Teresa. I am warning you…" she looked away, feeling her eyes moistening; he nuzzled her neck and kissed her under the ear. "You will be mine tonight."

His hand started caressing her neck, went down her collarbone, stopped to her breasts. Lisbon closed her eyes, praying this was nothing but a nightmare. But when he leant over and captured a nipple in his mouth, when one hand slipped between her thighs and caressed the sensitive skin there, her body involuntarily arched against his. A low moan escaped her throat, smothered by the gag crossing her mouth. He was warm, gently in his touch, almost loving. And it hurt her. When he parted her legs and inserted a finger inside her, slowly simulating her body, she sobbed.

It felt good. Damn it felt so good…but this was so wrong. His free hand wiped her tears away and he kissed her on the forehead. He slid a second finger inside and thrust in and out. A mixture of shame, desperate anger and pleasure slowly aroused in her lower stomach and burned through her veins. Lisbon couldn't restrain the tears or the moans and hated herself for it. She couldn't help it. Jane just knew where to touch her. Her body was reacting greedily at his ministrations when her mind was categorically refusing it. Only one thought occupied it all.

He was going to rape her, and she couldn't –wouldn't- do anything to stop him.


Lisbon suddenly opened her eyes. She was alone in bed, in her, in her usual sheets. No traces of Jane. She frowned. Was it just a nightmare? She straightened in her bed and looked around. Door closed; the corner chair in place and silence. She sighed in relief. If Jane had indeed acted towards her like this…she shook her head, blaming her subconscious.

Hands roaming all over her body. Pleasurable yet painful thrusts inside her. His breath on her silenced face, repeating how beautiful she was.

How could she ever come up with such dreams…Jane would never hurt her, right?

Something caught her attention on her wrist. She realized the red traces on her skin. Then she suddenly realized how sore her body was, how dry her throat was. The handle turned slowly, and the door was pushed open.

"Hello sunshine!" a too familiar blond man sang cheerfully.

Jane was standing in the doorframe, holding a tray on which she could see pancakes and a glass of orange juice. The sudden brightness in the room lightened something she hadn't caught in the half-light. Her yesterday clothes were lying there, with her shirt torn apart.

She glanced back fearfully at Jane.

It had never been a nightmare.

What can I say; working in a mortician's store brings me strange ideas uu". I must have a psycho side too xD

Thanks for reading so far!