CHAPTER 9: Saying goodbye
- Goodbye...
She whispered while the plane was taking off.
L heard her.
Who are you saying goodbye to?
She blushed.
- To...uhm... actually... to London.
She hadn't travelled much in her life, she never had much money for that.
But she always told her city 'goodbye' when she left it.
She thought she would have been back in a week. She didn't know yet, how wrong she was.
Four hours later, it was all dark and quiet around them. Most people were sleeping. She had just watched a thriller in which some FBI training profilers were sent to a desert island to simulate a murder case, but then it turned out to be real and they were all killed one by one. Like in the novel by Agatha Christie. Yep, just something to cheer her up...
Now she was very tired, but the adrenaline in her veins kept her awake.
She put on a light scarf, she couldn't stand the air conditioning.
She messed about with her iPod for a few minutes, trying to fix it, but there was no way.
- It doesn't work?
Asked the older boy sitting next to her.
- No... it doesn't. I think it's gone.
- Can I see it?
- Yeah... of course.
She gave him her iPod and he handled the little object with care.
- Don't worry, you can't do anything wrost to it, it's already destroyed.
- Mmh... I'm sorry but I think I'll have to agree with you. It doesn't work at all.
She snorted and threw it back in her bag.
- You can borrow mine if you want to.
- Oh... thank you. Aren't you listening to it?
- No, actually no... it's a present, you know. But I rarely use it. Where did I put it? Mmmh... yes, here it is. Anyway... you might don't like the music in it.
He told her, handing her his iPod.
She had no particular tastes in music... because she had just very little time to improve her knwoledge about music.
L kept on explaining her:
- Most of the songs have been uploaded by some of the kids from the orphanage and...
He stopped, realizing that he had told her a piece of news he wasn't really intentioned to give away.
She was questioning him with her eyes.
- I've been raised in an orphanage since I was eight.
He explained.
- I still visit it often. I'm not... good with kids, you know, but they seem to like me anyway. They always buy me presents...
He smiled. He was cute when he smiled. Unfortunately, he rarely did.
In the meanwhile he pulled out from his bag an unidentified blue object- uhm, a Nintendo DS maybe.
- That's the last one I've received.
He chuckled. She has never- ever- heard him chuckling before.
- I've never even switched it on... but he made me promise that I'd always keep it close to me and so... I carry it around.
- That's... nice of you.
- Mhm, it's not heavy. Anyway, you're tired. Try to sleep now, or you'll fall asleep when you get off the plane, and I'll need you to be awake by then.
He was right. She was knackered.
She closed her eyes and leaned back to her seat.
An hour later, he gently took the iPod away from her and switched it off. She had fallen asleep while listening to it.
Now, she was sleeping with her head on his shoulder, and he was really annoyed by it.
He wasn't keen on physical contact.
Anyway, it would have been rude of him waking her up, and he was a gentleman, so he just let her sleep.
He tossed a jelly bean into his mouth, listening to the girl's steady breaths.
Her hair was tuckling his neck.
Everything around them was dark and quiet.
Only the soft lights some passengers needed to read and the regualr hum of the plane.
They were probably flying over China by then.
He took a deep breath.
He had a bad feeling he wasn't able to explain himself.
He was a rational person, he didn't usually based his decisions upon 'feelings'.
Anyway, he didn't usually lie to himself either.
And now, he couldn't hide it, he had a bad, bad feeling about this case.
Author's space:
So that's the end/ beginning of a new story... anyway... let me know what you think about it... I hope you enjoyed!