Hi everyone! I wasn't planning on posting this until I'd finished my holiday, but I thought what the hell? I've got ten chapters written, a vague idea for the other few, it's all good.

So this is obviously a post Rule 51 fic, it's got everyone, even if Ducky and Palmer only have very short cameos, they didn't really fit into this story, sorry. It is mostly a Tony and Ziva story, because that's what I do. Gibbs is there, he's a bit weird in this, but then he was a bit weird in Rule 51 (missing Ziva's ceremony to talk to that awful woman Hart, what's up with that?).

So far there have been references to Truth or Consequences, Rule 51 (bit obvious, that one), Obsession and probably some others.

Thanks to my buddy who agreed to help me out editing wise, offer an opinion or two. I'll ask her if she wants her name mentioned on the next chapter.

The T rating is for some swear words mostly, there's a bit of harmless innuendo too, but mostly the rating is for the swearing.

I don't do disclaimers, to me they're a huge cosmic joke.

The elevator doors opened and the team, still dressed in their best from the ceremony, piled out. There was still no sign of Tony or Gibbs, their absence was felt by everyone. Abby sighed, looking around the bullpen.

'Why are we at work anyway? We should be out partying!' she declared. 'I mean, it's not every day your best friend becomes an American.' Abby reasoned.

'Hey! I thought I was your best friend.' Asked Tim, defensive.

'I'm still annoyed about that weight comment, McAnnoying.' Abby told him. 'Give it a couple more days.'

'Miss Sciuto, you can party all you like after 1700, until then, I expect you to be in your lab, working. You two still have to finish up your incident reports for the Airfield shooting.' Vance interrupted. Abby sighed and made her way for the elevator again, Ducky and Palmer in tow.

Ziva sat down at her desk, she knew she should have been happy right then, but she couldn't help wondering where on earth Gibbs and Tony were. Tony she knew was on some mission for Vance, though what that involved or where it had taken him, Ziva was unsure. She looked up and watch Vance enter MTAC, his phone to his ear, looking concerned. As for Gibbs, well, she had no idea, frankly.

'Sucks that Tony and Gibbs couldn't make it.' McGee said, trying to avoid starting his report for a few more minutes.

'Gibbs has had a rough week, and Tony is doing something for Vance.' Ziva replied, turning on her computer, she didn't like where this conversation was leading. The ceremony had left her emotionally drained, and she was secretly looking forward to the monotony of paperwork.

'I get it with Tony, but what did Gibbs have to do that was so important?' McGee wondered aloud, Ziva gritted her teeth.

'Tim, I would like to write my report now, if you don't mind.' Ziva muttered, McGee took the hint and bowed his head, as Ziva's phone began to ring. She looked at the Caller ID and frowned, answering. 'Hi, Tony.'

'Hey, sorry I missed your ceremony.' Tony replied, Ziva barely registered his words, the sound of screeching tires in the background had her worried.

'You are working for Vance, I understand.' Ziva replied, she heard more screeching tires, car horns blaring and Tony swearing at someone. The pencil in Ziva's other hand broke. 'What's going on Tony? Where are you?' she noticed McGee watching and signalled for him to trace the call.

'Uh, nothing much. I think Gibbs learnt how to drive from Franks.' Tony replied.

'You found Franks?' Ziva asked, surprised.

'In the same sense that we found Gibbs the other day.' Tony replied. 'I got you a present.'

'You what?'

'Yeah, it's in your desk drawer.' Tony replied, Ziva pulled the drawer open and almost dropped the phone.

'Tell me that is not what I think it is Tony.'

'I dunno, what do you think it is?' he asked. Ziva eyed the little jewellery box in her drawer apprehensively, she would have been less terrified by a nuclear bomb. 'No, relax. Trust me, I know what you're thinking, and that is not what you think it is.'

'What is it then?' Ziva wondered, Tony chuckled.

'I'm not going to ruin the surprise, open it.' Tony ordered. Ziva didn't move, Franks swore in the background. 'Uh, I don't have a lot of time here, so could you get on with it already?' Tony asked her. Ziva reached for the box and flicked it open, revealing a lapel pin in the shape of a US Flag. She grinned and breathed a sigh of relief.

'Thank you Tony.'

'Yeah, I thought you might need it, since no one is ever going to believe we let you become one of us.' Tony bragged.

'Tony I probably know more about the constitution than you ever will.' more screeching tires, a weird thumping sound and muffled Spanish had Ziva out of her seat and moving to McGee's desk to see if he had a location yet. He did, Tony was in Mexico, narrowing down to some town close to the border.

'Moot point, I was born here.' He retorted.

'I do not know if that says something about the education system, or just you, Tony.'

'Let's blame the education system, it's an American thing to blame the government.' Tony replied.

'Everyone blames their government Tony, not just Americans.'

'I have to go now, but can you tell Gibbs that he really needs to get to Stillwater, soon as possible. He should probably take backup.'

'Stillwater? Tony, what's going on?' Ziva insisted.

'Sorry, I gotta go, take care Ziva.' The line went dead, Ziva eyed the little red dot on McGee's screen that showed Tony's location, moving along some road. As they watched, the dot disappeared, McGee swore and began to type furiously.

'You lost him! Get it back McGee.' Ziva ordered.

'I can't, the GPS is disabled.'

'What does that mean?'

'Uh, he's either some place where the satellite can't get a lock on his location, or it's been destroyed.' Ziva felt a sinking feeling in her gut, she was willing to bet good money on the latter.

'Find Gibbs, tell him he needs to go to Stillwater, now.' Ziva told McGee as she moved back to her desk, pulling out her SIG and badge.

'What? Wait, where are you going?'

'I'm going to Tony's last known location, then I'm going to find him, and probably kill him for ruining my day.' Ziva replied as she marched for the elevator, McGee stared after her, he'd never been so scared of a woman in a white dress suit before.