"Yeah Baby, I'm Back"

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own any of the characters or situations featured in this, or any of my stories. They belong to their rightful owners. I am just borrowing them. Please don't sue.

Pairing: B/Aus

Rating: Maybe T, for the makeout scene? Nothing hardcore though.

Timeline: Set during "Eternity" for Angel, and around "Superstar" for Buffy, when tensions are still running high about the Faith thing.

Full Summary: What if, when Angelus was set free by the happy pills, the soul was just gone, like the first time, freeing Angelus permanently? Where would he go? Back to claim his mate, of course! But will Buffy be able to resist the lure of her dark side?

Feedback: I love it guys! Makes me a better writer and encourages me to write more! This is only the second fic I've made public though so be gentle!=D

A/N: First of all, I want to make it clear that I am all for strong, super Buffy, but for this fic, she had to be a little on the weak side! Come one guys! She's been going through some stuff! Angel leaving. Riley and Faith. And now Angelus. For reality's sake, I had to make her give in. Plus, I like B/Aus together! Call me crazy. I know there are a lot of sentence fragments, simply because I though it sounded like Buffy-speak. I think I caught all the tense issues this time though! Also, I can continue this, if you want. Or drop it altogether if it sucks! Just let me know!

Have fun!

"Buffy?" Forrest asks for about the zillionth time tonight. Patrolling with the commandos has never been my most favorite extracurricular activity. They slow me down. Not like patrolling with Angel. He was quick and strong; A help rather than a hindrance. Plus, the added benefit of stopping for smoochies. I can remember every detail of those nights spent with him, up against mausoleums, his hands in my hair, sitting on tombstones, my legs wrapped comfortably around his waist. His lips on mine…I am torn rudely from my happy place again by Forrest's annoyed voice.

"Buffy? Earth to Buffy?"

"You seem a little out of it tonight, Buff. Are you sure you're okay to patrol?" Riley breaks in.

"I'm fine," I answer. "Just a bit tired." Not a lie. I am tired, but that's not the whole reason for my distraction. I can feel him. My Angel-sense is tingling. It's like butterflies fluttering in my belly. Or, you know, playing soccer. Either way, it's throwing me.

"Well when you're done in dreamland, we do have a job to do," Forrest interrupts my thoughts again.

"Right. Demons, creepy crawlies, things that go bump in the night," I try, unsuccessfully, to focus on the task at hand. Angel just won't stop creeping back into my mind. It's crazy that he still has that amount of power over me. It actually kind of pisses me off that he doesn't even have to be here to drive me crazy.

It's at this exact moment that a whole cadre of vamps decides to burst from a nearby mausoleum, using the element of surprise to their advantage. I make quick work of two of them, while Riley, Forrest and Graham go after the remaining three. Forrest and Graham go after the nearest one, putting all their effort into pinning it down to be staked. Normally, the commandos don't stake the beasties, but with Walsh gone, the new commander has decided that the Initiative doesn't need any more demons to study or neuter, so it's mostly kill and not capture these days. Forrest and Graham are strong guys, but they simply don't have the preternatural power to fight the vamps. I run to help them with the struggling vamp, but stop about halfway when I hear Riley yelling. I turn to see him struggling under the two other vamps, his blaster on the grass a few feet away. I run ever there, staking a male one in the back. The other, a female, turns on me, snarling violently. I lash out at it, expecting a quick kill. These guys aren't real skilled. I'm taken by surprise when she deflects my strike expertly, and flips me over onto the ground, diving down on top of me. While Forrest and Graham still struggle with the other vamp, Riley tries, futilely, to help me. He tugs on her blonde hair, but she pays no attention to him. Her fangs descend toward my throat. She's ready for the kill, when suddenly she bursts into a cloud of dust blowing in the wind above me.

I take a deep breath, thinking Riley must have come to his senses, and finally grabbed a stake. I look up, not into Riley's murky green eyes, but into deep chocolate brown heaven. I just stare. Well, that explains the Angel-y feelings I've been having all night.

"Angel?" I ask even though I can see very clearly in the night, and know without a doubt that the man standing in front of me is my Angel. I climb up off the ground, taking the hand he offers me.

"Owww, damn it!"

I am knocked out of my Angel-induced trance by Graham's screech. I spin around to see him being hit repeatedly by the vamp, which is holding Forrest up against the wall by his throat with one hand. Riley is hitting him fruitlessly in the back with a broken blaster. I sigh, grabbing my stake out of the grass, and walk calmly over to shove the sharp implement through the vampire's heart. He disintegrates, leaving Riley and Graham panting and Forrest gasping for air.

"Hello, Angel," I say in what I hope is a casual tone, trying to hide the way my heart speeds up, and my stomach flutters at even the thought of him. Riley, and his friends all turn to stare at us. Oh goodie, an audience. I meet Riley's eyes for a moment, then look away guiltily, like a child caught doing something she shouldn't be.

"You're getting sloppy, Lover," he growls. My mouth falls open. It can't be. It just can't. I've already done this. Already been through it. "Not at your best, beloved?" he says, using Angel's old pet name for me. But this isn't Angel. This is his demon. Angelus. The name invokes fear and awe in humans and demons alike. The name is famous. Famous for cutting a bloody swath through continents. And he wears the face of my only love.

"Angelus," I whisper, not as a question, but as a statement of fact.

"Yeah Baby, I'm back." This cannot be happening. I think about what could have happened to cause this. Perfect happiness. With someone other than me. It cuts deep. Who? Who could have done this? I mean, is perfect happiness really that commonplace?

"So, this is what you replaced me with," Angelus crows, shaking me out of my reverie. "Riley Finn. He's…sweet. The only problem is, he's not me. What made you think you were free of me, Lover? You know, I'm going to have to punish you for this betrayal, honey."

"I don't doubt it," I say, finally finding my voice. It sounds broken to my own ears.

"What do you think you're doing?" Riley breaks in. Geez, I had forgotten he was even there anymore. Whoops. This was gonna take some explaining.

"Taking what's mine," Angelus answers hotly.

"Buffy is a woman, not a possession. She doesn't belong to anyone. She chooses to be with me. Maybe you should show a little respect." Riley finishes his tirade, puffing out his chest. His boys come up on either side of him, the three standing between me and Angelus.

"Wrong, boy. She is mine. Mine to touch, mine to love, mine to hurt," Angelus takes a step toward riley, bringing them nose to nose.

"Who do you think you are?" Riley lunges at Angelus, his fist shooting out towards the other man's face. Angelus catches the hand, twisting it behind its owners back and tosses him effortlessly against a nearby mausoleum. On the way, Riley falls against his friends, taking them with him. They land in a heap a few feet away. Angelus turns toward me and, with that cocky smile that I love and hate, pulls me to his chest, his arm wrapping all the way around my waist. His mouth attacks the skin of my throat, pulling and tearing. I feel fangs against my neck. My brain acknowledges pain, but it is overpowered by the lust of touching him again. I know in my brain that this isn't the man I love. This is the thing that killed him. That fact doesn't stop my heart from racing, my arms from finding his muscular shoulders, or my body from arching to be closer to him. I know I should stop. Riley is watching me right now, along with his friends. Besides, this way only leads to pain. So, why can't I pull away? Punch him in the face and run? Pull out a stake and shove it through his heart?

"Buffy! What are you doing? That thing will kill you!" Riley shouts. I look over. He and his friends are staring at me with a look of utter disgust. How do they know what he is? Oh yeah, game face.

"Probably," I mutter, beyond caring what the frat boys think. I'm too lost in Angelus. I turn back, pulling his head up toward mine. He's still in his demon face, and I don't care. Our lips meet and his arm tightens around me.

Suddenly, for whatever reason, he's yanking my face away from his by my hair, morphing back into his human visage. Maybe he's had enough for tonight. Maybe he wants to keep me waiting. I'm beyond caring.

"Until next time, Lover," he growls, grabbing the front of my shirt and pulling me to him for one last rough, possessive kiss. He tosses me to the ground, where I land in a heap with Riley, Forrest and Graham, and backs away, disappearing into the fog amongst the tombstones.

I am left in the presence of three disgruntled frat boys, one having a major episode of jealousy.

Well, this should be fun.

Please, feed my brain. Feedback Rocks!

And let me know if I should start another chapter!