EDIT:: So, this story is edited and re-posted as complete. :) Thanks to all who have been on this rollercoaster with me.
A/N: WARNING: Tiva Ahead! Nothing too graphic, though. :D
"Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted?"
- Glitter in the Air by P!nk
"Zee-vah!" Tony exclaimed, clutching his chest in mock horror, "You've never tried it?"
Ziva hissed, "No. I did not think it necessary to eat it at the time and," she gave a pointed look at her empty dinner dish, "I do not think it necessary now."
"But Ziva," Tony protested, "You can't go through life without ever eating crêpes!" Tony paused, his face thoughtful, "I think it's a crime in France."
"Hey!" Gibbs' voice barked in their ear, making them both jump, "Back to work you two. You're on company time and money so get working. Ziva. Visual?"
Ziva did a quick scan of the area, only to come up empty, "Negative Gibbs," she reported, covering her mouth in a fake yawn, "I have not seen him enter."
"Well, maybe he came in while you and DiNozzo were discussing dessert." Tony and Ziva shared a look.
"He's not out back," McGee's quiet voice whispered over the radio. Tony looked up and saw him slipping back in the waiter's entrance. McGee looked up to meet Tony's gaze and gave the older man a slight smile. Tony winked and grinned, easily slipping back into his character; the wealthy business man taking his wife out to an expensive dinner on a Friday night.
"Sweetheart," Tony said with a smile as he motioned the waitress over, "How about we share a dessert tonight?"
Ziva glared at him, but quickly replaced it with a forced smile as the waitress reached their table. "Of course darling. What did you have in mind?"
Tony grinned, knowing he had won. He turned his dazzling smile on the waitress, "One order of your best crêpes."
She smiled back, quickly jotting down the order as she asked, "What kind, sir?"
Tony appeared thoughtful, tapping his lip with his finger for a moment, before exclaiming, "I know! How about a fruit one, honey?" He asked, looking at Ziva.
She nodded stiffly, her dark eyes flashing at him. Tony covered her hand with his and looked up at the waitress, confirming the order with a nod.
"We have strawberry crêpes. Will that work?"
"Wonderful!" Tony grinned, looking like he was moments from clapping with delight.
He heard Gibbs' snort of amusement in his ear and saw McGee on the other side of the restaurant, trying to suppress his laughter.
The waitress walked away and Ziva hissed, "Remove your hand before I remove it for you."
Tony smiled slightly and brought her hand to his lips, "This has been a wonderful evening, don't you think?"
Ziva blinked. What was he doing? He stared at her, his eyes dark with some emotion. She felt herself relaxing, allowing what would happen, happen.
He didn't even glance up when the waitress brought the crêpes. He didn't look away from Ziva as the waitress started flirting with him. He simply cut her off and dismissed her with a polite "Thank you."
He allowed their hands to slowly drop and she withdrew her hand. She tucked her hands under the table and stared down at the table cloth. She rubbed the spot where his lips had touched her skin; it burned.
"Ziva," he murmured. She looked up to see his expressive green eyes serious. In his hand was a fork with a piece of crêpe on it. She stared at it, then glanced up at him, questioning.
He lifted the fork to her lips and her eyes slid closed, trusting him completely. She opened her mouth and tasted strawberries on her tongue. She chewed slowly, carefully. She found it difficult to swallow, and not just because of the crêpes. She reopened her eyes to find him staring at her, a soft smile on his face, as if he already knew what she was thinking.
"Told you," He said softly.
She opened her mouth to reply but stopped when Tony's expression flipped from gentle to grim in a second. He leaned forward until his lips were almost at her ear.
"Bad guy, ten o'clock." She shivered. His breath was warm compared the air conditioned restaurant. The brief moment was swept away as Gibbs starting giving out orders.
"McGee. Go around and guard the back entrance. Ziva. Warn the manager and guard the front entrance. Tony," he paused, "You know what to do."
Tony grinned, his mask of good humor firmly in place.
"I gotcha Boss."
Ziva and Tony rose together and moved to stand inconspicuously behind one of the pillars near the entrance.
Tony and moved to walk away and Ziva stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"Tony," she said hesitantly.
He stared back at her, his face carefully blank. Her eyes searched his for a moment, hoping to get another peek under his mask.
When she got no response, she decided to try a different tactic. Carefully, fully aware of the risk she was taking, she raised her hand to his face. She moved towards him just as he was moving towards her, until they were close enough to feel the other's body heat . . .
"DiNozzo! David! Where the hell are you?"
They sprang apart, eyes quickly scanning the room for a sign of their boss. Once confident that Gibbs hadn't seen them, they once again looked at each other.
This time, Tony was the one to look away. He cleared his throat and muttered into his microphone, "Here, Boss."
"By 'here' I hope you mean over by McGee, getting this guy out of here."
Tony gave a jerky nod of his head, "Already there, Boss."
He gave Ziva a small smile and touched her check, before making his way over to their suspect.
Ziva walked to the front counter in a daze, with McGee's mutterings about herding chickens floating in and out of her head.
What had just happened?
A/N: Ah, herding chickens. Not as much fun as you'd think.
So, I wrote the last half of this story while listening to Yiruma. Specifically, Kiss The Rain and River Flows In You. Hope you enjoyed! Please, let me know. Next chapter should be up within the next few days. And for those of you who don't enjoy Tiva as much as some of us, don't worry. The next one is not Tony/Ziva. :)