I came home from school and plopped down on my bed. Nagihiko walked me home today, and it was nice to talk to him alone. On Monday he'll finally be able to come to school as himself. It's still hard to get over the fact that he and Nadeshiko are the same person. Even though he kept it a secret from, I forgive him, and it's also comforting to know the fact that my best friend is at my side again. Well, at least it's Friday, so I have some time to let this all soak in. The best part is that there's also no homework! I stared at the ceiling for a little bit, and before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning completely refreshed. I looked over and noticed that there was a notification on my phone. Who would text me this early? I looked at the message and saw that it was from Nagihiko. "Hi Amu-Chan, I know you're probably not up right now, but when you wake up, can you please give me a call?" I laughed to myself when I read that. I should've known that no one was as much of an early bird as him. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" he said. His voice was so soft and sweet.

"Hi Nagihiko, I got your message. Did you want to tell me something?" I asked.

"Actually, I was wondering if you were doing anything today."

"No. There's not much for me to do over here. I don't know this place very well." I said with a small laugh.

"Well why don't I show you around?"

"That would be really great!" You could probably hear my smile through the phone.

"I'll pick you up. What time would you like to go?"

"Um…What time would be good for you?"

"It's up to you, Amu-chan. You're the one who's seeing the town for the first time."

"Well you're the one who's being nice enough to show me it."

"Well I owe it to you after everything that happened." I could hear a certain consideration in his voice.

"Everything that happened is forgiven now, remember?" I said with my voice softening.

"Okay, how about I pick you up in about an hour? Is that okay with you?"


I jumped out of bed and got ready. I fixed my hair and then picked out my clothes. After a while, I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed to the door, and opened it to see Nagihiko smiling at me. "Hi Amu-Chan; are you ready to go?" "Yes!" I left before me parents could see him so that he wouldn't be interrogated.

We were walking in silence for a bit before he finally said something.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked as he turned around to look at me.

"I thought we agreed that you would pick." I asked being a little surprised.

"I agreed to nothing."

"Yes you did!"

"Can you prove it? Do you record our phone calls so you can replay them at your will?" He said with a smirk.

"Fine, I guess we'll just walk aimlessly until we reach something interesting."

"Sounds like a plan."

*Nagihiko's POV*

I love spending time with Amu-Chan. She means so much to me, and I don't even think she realizes it. I've always sort of had a crush on her, but I could never really show her how I felt. Hopefully that can change now since she knows I'm actually a boy.

I'm secretly thinking of this little outing as date. I wish I could hold her hand, but I don't want to be too forward. Looking at her more closely, she seems a bit nervous.

"Hey, Amu-Chan, are you okay?"

She looks up at me. Gosh, she's so cute.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. You just seem a little…off, I guess."

"Oh, no, I'm fine," She said with a smiling forming on her face, "Thanks for asking, though!"

I noticed an ice cream shop down the street and suggested we go in for a snack.

We both ordered a chocolate ice cream cone. When she was about to pull out her wallet to pay, I stopped her and handed the money for both of our ice creams to the cashier.

"Nagihiko, what are you doing? I can pay for my own ice cream."

"It's okay, Amu-Chan. I'm the one who asked you to hang out with me, so it's my treat." I said with a laugh.

We sat down as we ate and caught up with each other a bit. We talked for a while until all of our ice cream was gone. After that we started walking again. This time we stopped at a park. Amu-Chan sat on the swing, and I pushed her a few times. She seemed so happy, and her laugh was beautiful, just like her.

She got off and headed for the slide. She climbed to top and I told her that I would wait for her at bottom. She slid down and I caught her when she reached the bottom. I held her by both of her arms and looked into her eyes. We both paused, and I leaned into her. I wanted to kiss more than anything else in the world at that moment. Our faces were no more than an inch apart when rain started falling down. I snapped out of my trance and looked up at the sky. I hadn't even noticed the clouds.

I then realized that we were getting soaking wet. I stood up and took Amu-Chan's hand to help her up. I led her to a place under the play area. There wasn't much room, so we were standing closely together.

"Okay Amu-Chan, we have two options. We can stand under here and wait for the rain to stop, or we can start running my house."

She thought about it for a second while looking up at the dark clouds. I assume she noticed that the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Let's run."

I smiled at her and held her hand.

"Okay. One. Two. Ready. Go!"

And we were off.

When we got to my house, we were drenched from head to toe. We stumbled inside being tired from the long run. We both collapsed on the ground with a fit of giggles. After we caught our breath, we both stood up. I was about to go look for my mother when I noticed that we were still holding hands. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled at her. She noticed and just looked at me. I released her hand and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'm going to find my mom," I called out to her.

I looked in the kitchen and didn't see her there. I walked around to the other rooms and still didn't find anyone. I then called her cell phone. After three rings, she picked up.


"Mom, where are you?"

"Oh, Nagihiko, Baaya and I had to go out of town last minute for some business. I was going to call you later. I didn't think you would be home so soon."

"Yeah, it started raining pretty hard. I hope you don't mind, but Amu-Chan is here, too. We had to run home from the park."

"Oh, that's okay. Don't let her go home if it continues to rain hard. You shouldn't have run home in the rain either. Have her call her parents and talk to them about her staying over there tonight. You two better behave yourselves, though."

"Haha, okay Mom. Love you."

"I love you, too."

I walked back into the living room to hear Amu-Chan sneezing.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Um, yes. I'm fine."

"Come with me. I'll get you some dry clothes and a towel. My mom and Baaya had to go out of town, so it's just us. She said if the rain doesn't stop, then you can stay here for the night."

"Oh, okay. Is she sure?"

I laughed a little, "Yes, she's sure. Are you afraid something will happen?" I said with a smirk.

"Of course not!" She screamed with a blush forming on her face.

We went into my room, and I handed her some of the clothes I wore as Nadeshiko and a towel. She changed in my room, and I changed in the bathroom. After I was done, I knocked on my bedroom door and asked her if she was done changing. She said yes, and I walked in to see her drying her hair with the towel. I sat beside her on the bed. I was wondering what she thought about what was about to happen at the park before it started to rain. Did she feel the same way about me? She seemed a little weird ever since we came back.

Right when I was about to say something, there was a loud crack of thunder. Amu-Chan flinched pretty hard and shut her eyes tightly. She looked really scared, so I pulled her into me. Her head was against my chest, and I lightly kissed her on the top of her head. I don't think she noticed, though. I wish we could stay like this forever, but after a few seconds, she pulled away and looked at me in the eyes.

Her clenched hands released my shirt and her arms went around my neck. She touched her forehead to mines, and I touched my lips to hers. You could still hear the thunder outside, but it didn't seem to affect her anymore. My arms went around her waist and gripped her tightly. We pulled apart to catch our breath, but our faces were still close together.

"I love you, Amu-Chan."

"I love you too Nagihiko."

It was then that I noticed how hard it was storming.

"Um…I guess you're staying over tonight. The phone's in the kitchen if you want to call your parents."

"Oh yeah, thanks."

She walked into the kitchen, and I just continued to sit on my bed. What just happened? Well, I can't say I didn't want it to. Actually, I'm extremely happy it happened. Amu-Chan has the same feelings for me that I have for her, and she's staying over for the night so now I have a lot of time with her. I went to join her in the kitchen when I overheard a part of her conversation.

"Yes Mama, Nadeshiko's parents said it was okay. I'll be back tomorrow when the rain stops…Okay, I'll tell her you said hi. Bye."

She turned around and saw me standing there, looking at her.

"Oh, hi Nagihiko."

"Oh, hold on a second. I'll be right back and change into a skirt since I'm supposedly Nadeshiko at the moment."

She laughed a little, "I'm sorry, but my parents would flip if they knew it was you who I was spending the night with."

I sighed, "Okay, fair enough."

We watched tv for a while in the living room. She was leaning on me, and I had my arm around her. After a little bit, I could tell she was drifting off, so I suggested that we go to sleep. She slept in the guest room for the night. After I fell asleep, some loud thundering woke me up. There was a lot of lightening, too, so I walked over to Amu's room to check on her.

By the time I walked up to her door, she already opened it, and we were standing face to face. I smiled and held out my hand. She took it, and I led her back to my room. I kissed her, and we both got under the covers of my bed. She cuddled against me, and we slept through the storm together.

The next morning, the sun was shining very brightly. I walked her home, and we held hands the whole way. Before she went in, she kissed me on my cheek.

I love Amu-Chan so much, and I hope she never doubts that.