(Peeks head out from behind a titanium enforced wall) Hello all! Devil'sAngelicConsciousness Here! I've missed all of you, truly I have! I've probably pisssed off a lot of readers with this 4 year disappearing act of mine, but I just wanted you all to know that I am still alive and well! I have some good news and some bad news for anyone still following this unreliable old girl. Being the type of person I am, I'll hit you with the bad news first...

The existing chapters of Say You Love Me will be deleted from this story title. Why you might ask? Well that's where the good news comes in!

I'm in the middle of college now and just recently took a look of all my past stories and poems and crap from when I was a bean sprout and I thought to myself 'I could do better!' So, seeing this story is beloved by you guys and that even now some of you are probably awaiting that miraculous day when I update, I decided to make this story my very first redo project. There will be some changes to the story (mostly minor that you'll barely notice, but will ultimately affect the course of the story) and some characters will be getting much needed makeovers, but don't worry. You all will definitely be getting your Zack/Cloud fan service. Also I will be trying my very best not to disappear on you guys this time. Updates might take long ( due to college) but I will try to make it so that the greatest amount of time you guys go without an update will be a month tops. I'm sorry for any fangirl/boy raging I might have caused with my disappearance (believe me, I've been there myself with stories that I liked that were never finished) and will work hard for you guys from now on. After all, happy fans make a happy author whose not looking over her mental shoulder for the dark aura that would otherwise be there.

So, to reiterate, I am completely redoing the SYLM story! The plot will be the same, but the story itself will be a little more polished than it currently is!

I hope you guys continue to have a bit more patience as I make these changes and I will do my utmost best to have the first revised chapter up for viewing before the end of April. Again, I apologize to you all for such a long delay and I am indeed back in the story making! =)