A/N: I found this story (literally) buried under my school books from 6th grade when I was cleaning my room ( yeah I don't clean much...) and decided to finish it.
Disclaimer: I do not own FF7 or any of its characters
Summary: Cloud has been in love with Zack since they were both kids, but hasn't been able to confess because of Zack's feelings for Aerith. After an accident causes Zack memories of Aerith to disappear Cloud feels he finally has a chance to confess his love. Will he confess or will Aerith's sudden arrival cause him to back down?
Rated M for: Yaoi, Character death, Violence, etc.
"Zack! Cloud! Come look at this!" A cheerful voice called out, catching the attention of a small raven-haired boy and a young blonde who were inspecting a dust covered window depicting the goddess Shiva.
They carefully made their way to the front of the room, being careful not to trip over the worn and tattered books labeled 'Bible' that littered the floor. The full moon's light shone through a large hole in the ceiling, reflecting off a large patch of white flowers blooming at the center of the room.
"Over here!" A small brunette sitting off to the side motioned them over, a smile playing at her lips. They joined her, taking a seat on an old pew and listening as it groaned in protest at the newly added weight.
"Aren't they beautiful?" She asked in a whisper, watching the flowers sway in the midnight breeze. Her eyelids drooped dreamily as she took in the fairytale-like scene before her.
"Yeah," The raven-haired boy replied in awe.
"I thought flowers couldn't grow in Midgar," The blonde added, confused.
Zack pondered on this surprising discovery when a stifled giggle caught his attention. He looked at his companion whose shoulders were shaking with suppressed giggles. He glanced at Cloud whose face mirrored his own concern for their friend.
Her giggles increased in volume as she broke out in a fit of laughter as she realized the irony of the scene before them. Zack and Cloud, however, stared at her in confusion and worry. They couldn't help but wonder if the brunette was right in the head.
"Very ironic don't you think?" she asked, wiping the tears from her eyes, "The fact that these flowers are growing in an old church?"
He thought about it for a bit, his eyes lighting up in amusement as Cloud nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, you're right!" He replied, a large grin adorning his features. He chuckled slightly, not noticing when Aerith's smile slowly disappeared. A silent sniffle brought Zack out of his happy daze. He noticed the silent tears creep down her rosy cheeks. The raven- haired boy scooted closer to her, pulling her into an awkward one-armed hug, as she silently cried. Zack looked to Cloud with pleading eyes. The blonde, catching the hint, got up and went over to the patch of flowers, leaving the two alone.
"Hey, don't cry!" He ran his thumb over her cheeks, catching the stray tears as they fell, "Your eyes will get all puffy!"
Her sobs subsided into small hiccups while Zack continued to comfort her. He and Cloud were sad about this unexpected outcome as well, but they wanted to stay strong for Aerith. He fidgeted a little before reaching into his pocket to pull out a large, pink ribbon. He stood and turned towards her waiting until Cloud was standing next to him with his own present, a necklace with a small spherical crystal that glowed a brilliant white.
"Hey, Aerith," he began softly, waiting until she looked at him to continue. When she did, they presented the gifts to her, a large grin on each of their faces, "Happy Birthday!"
The brunette looked from the presents to the two boys with a mixture of surprise and confusion.
"Well I know your birthday's not until next week, but I figured since you were moving and all…" Zack began to laugh nervously while scratching his head as Cloud's usually pale cheeks burned a bright red.
Relief washed over them as they watched Aerith laugh, all traces of sadness gone. Zack liked the sound of her laughter even more than he liked her sense of humor. They waited until she was finished before helping her put on her new ribbon and necklace. She smiled in thanks and rolled the white crystal between her fingers as another breeze caused the flowers to dance under the moonlight. Zack and Cloud looked at each other for a moment, both of them silently urging the other to say what was on both of their minds. Zack decided to start.
"…letters…" he muttered earning a glare from the blonde.
Aerith looked up at Zack.
"What?" she asked unsure if he had spoken or not.
"We promise to write you lots of letters," Cloud stated, a small smile on his face, "So you do the same, okay?"
She remained silent for a moment looking up at the two boys who had always taken her on their wild adventures, regardless of her being a girl, and smiled at them both. Zack blushed averting his eyes from her dazzling smile while Cloud smiled softly in return.
"Promise?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with happiness causing The two boys to look at one another, a large smile on their faces.
"Yeah…" they both replied, grinning at her, " We promise."