Okay… This is a fanfiction of me writing down everything my friend was acting out being Sonic on sugar. He's going nuts, talking in a Sonic voice, so if anything seems random, you know why. I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog!

Sonic: (Jumps up and down spastically.)

Knuckles: This isn't normal…

Tails: Sonic, whatcha problem?

Sonic: You know what, you're stupid Tails! (Talks fast jibberish and wacks himself with a book)

Shadow: What is going on? Why is there root-beer all over the floor?

Tails: um…

Sonic: I had a lot of root-beer. I ,like, drank 500 gallons. You can count!

Knuckles: Can I kill him?

Tails: Knuckles! He'll fall asleep eventually.

Sonic: I'm sleepy… I'm awake!

Shadow: Right… do you need medical help?

Tails: Just because Sonic goes hyper once, doesn't mean we can lose faith in him.

Sonic: (Drinks another bottle of root-beer) Ice-cream! I have an ice-cream cone and nobodies gonna get it! (Licks chair)

Knuckles: Does he think the chair is ice-cream?

Shadow: Get a hold of yourself, Sonic! (Grabs Sonic and slaps him)

Sonic: NEVER! Never! Never!(Grabs Shadow back and slaps him.)

Shadow: How long has this been going on?

Tails: For awhile.

Sonic: I gotta pee…(Looks at Tails)

Tails: (Gulps) If you think you're peeing on me…

Sonic: (Grabs forest creature) Pretty!


Shadow: Uh…

Sonic: Is that a polar bear on your chest?

Shadow: What?

Sonic: Can I borrow it? (Rips of tuff of fur off Shadow)

Shadow: Chaos Blas-

Tails: Stop! Don't hurt him. He doesn't know what he's doing.

Shadow: When will he know?

Knuckles: I say we knock some sense into him! ( Holds up fist)

Tails: Are you nuts?

Sonic: Black and white! (Repeats looking at a black and white movie)

Shadow: What the heck is he watching?

Tails: It's a Wonderful Life. It has Jimmy Stewart in it!

Knuckles: Nobody cares about these kinds of movies anymore.

Shadow: Except Sonic.

Sonic: (Pulls on side of mouth and looks at Knuckles)

Knuckles: What are you looking at me for?

Sonic: Why aren't you smiling? (Grabs Knuckles face) Smile! Smile! SMILE!

Tails: Get off of him! (Tries to pull Sonic off Knuckles) He'll hurt you.

Sonic: (Pretends to start crying) I'm okay!

Shadow: When's he going to sleep?

Sonic: (Snores)

Tails: Whew. Finally…

Sonic: So anyway! I was like dreaming about chilly dogs with sugar on them. They were topped so high with sugar it went to the sky! Besides, I'm going to make one!

All: No! (Tackles Sonic to the ground)

Sonic: Get off of me! (Does a Sonic Spin)

Shadow: That does it! Chaos Blast!

Knuckles: Shadow ,you idiot!

Tails: Is everyone okay? Sonic?

Sonic: ( Beeps a song)

Tails: Whew… Shadow!

Shadow: What are fussing at me for? Sonic's the one the made me do it!

Sonic: Who made you do what?

Knuckles: At least he's calming down.

Tails: He's right.

Sonic: Aww… I'm tired. Get the pillow. I want the PILLOW!

Shadow: I'm not doing anything!

Tails: I'll use my tails!

Sonic: Wait! I'll use my polar bear.

Shadow: That's mine! (Snatches tuft of fur)

Sonic: Waaah! Okay! I'll just use Tail's tails. (Repeats)

Knuckles: Would you just go to SLEEP!

Sonic: (Falls asleep)

Ok, I just thought I'd share this moment with you. I'd like reviews. I'm very proud of people who got to the last author's note. I bet this scared people away! I know it's short… just if you get my friend's and I sense of humor you must have thought it was super freaky but funny!