Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.
A/N: I'm not really expecting comments for this, but I've still decided to share. Maybe, it's because - no matter how dead a fandom is - there still might be someone who'll appreciate this?
I don't think this is my best writing, but - hopefully - it's passable.
He's so much shorter than Tamahome.
Tamahome, Yui thinks, is the epitome of what a real man should be. Caring, strong and independent: Yui knew from the get-go that with someone like Tamahome at her side she'll always be safe. Yes, with him at her side, she'll never have to suffer again.
Of course, her intellectual and rational side objects to that because women are equal to men and, she, as a striving intellectual should be totally opposed to anti-feminist thinking like this.
But Yui is only fifteen and, though she doesn't admit it out loud still dreams of her knight in shining armour. That dreams are mostly illusions and only lead to disappointment is something that Yui will only realise later on.
Suboshi, though only two years younger, is still a boy and, as such, nothing but a mere child. He might - from a distance - look a bit like a man; his shoulders already broad and his body muscular, but, when she looks at his face, she still sees rounded cheeks and a boyish glint in his eyes.
She remembers how he wept in her arms when he lost his twin - how he trembled and nestled closer to her, as if her presence made him forget momentarily that the world was a harsh and cruel place. He seemed so weak and lost - nothing like Tamahome.
Nothing like her.
Yui often forgets that she's nothing better, that at nights she also curls up in her bed and cries for her mother. Then again, it's always easier to be brave when it's bright outside.
She often sees Suboshi's eyes on her lately - admiring and so full of affection that, in another world and another time, she might have considered it flattering that he liked her so much.
In another world, Yui wouldn't have minded his puppy-dog crush on her; she'd not have cringed when he tried to kiss her. She might even have considered kissing him back.
But now, whenever he looks at her and speaks to her with obvious respect, Yui can't help remembering that she's filthy, that she's not worthy of him being loved like this.
So she uses him as her lapdog, knowing fully well that Suboshi will be satisfied - boys are so easy to fool - as long as she talks nicely to him, lets him massage her shoulders and play her knight. A little bit of small-talk here, a bit of flirtation here and Yui knows that she has Suboshi wrapped around her little finger. He's whipped, alright.
Yet, Yui also knows she's playing with fire because, though Suboshi might be easy to fool, he's still a boy with hormones and they, in general, shouldn't be underestimated.
Therefore, Yui makes sure that, while she flirts and treats him well, never to cross a certain line: he can admire but not touch, she can treat him well but makes sure to never make Suboshi feel special.
He can love her, but only from afar.
After all, as Yui tells him again that day, her heart only belongs to Tamahome.
And it's so much easier to love Tamahome because, deep down, Yui knows she'll never have him.