Alive again

chapter 1 savior

author's note: my first final fantasy fiction, if i've got something wrong please tell me, i've never played the game, this is based on what i've seen advent children, wikipedia and wikia, such helpfull things they are anyway please enjoy

disclaimer: i do not own final fantasy, all rights go their repected owners

Kadaj opened his sea green eyes and drew in a shaky breath; he wasn't in the lifestream anymore. He was lying on the edge of a forest; snow was falling steadily and covered his hair and clothes. It hurt dreadfully to be cast out and forgotten, left alone to die in the dark. The Mother was gone too, gone were the comforting whispers when he couldn't sleep, and the gentle voice showing him around the Lifestream and introducing him to some of the souls who rested there. All where gone now and he didn't think he would see them again.

He shivered, he had never felt so weak in his life, when he was lying in Cloud's arms dying was nothing compared to this; Kadaj blinked and felt the snow beginning to melt on his clothes, soon it would soak his body and he would slowly die of hypothermia "Mother" he moaned and somehow managed to roll over onto his side, a few useless tears side down his pale cheeks as he closed his eyes, he was going to die

All of his hard work was for nothing, all the time and effort taken to find mother and she had abandoned him when he was dying in the enemy's arms, he had never expected Cloud to win, Sephiroth always sounded so strong when he talked in his head, and when he was fighting his movements were so smooth and controlled that Kadaj wondered if he really was an angel. But Cloud had cut the strength out of his body and hurt him badly, Sephiroth had reteated his mind grievously wounded and filled with pain, then left for Kadaj's body had been the strain of battle, he wondered what had happened to Yazoo and Loz

"Kadaj...?" a tall figure was striding towards him, a red cloak billowing behind him

"Vincent…." Kadaj moaned and reached out with a trembling hand, he didn't care if he was going to die now; he just wanted the pain to go away forever. Vincent knelt down beside the injured teenager then glanced around quickly

"What are you doing here?" his red eyes stared as the snow slowly turned scarlet around Kadaj

"How should I know…I didn't want to come back" Kadaj almost smirked at Vincent's annoyed expression

Vincent sighed and bent down to talk softly in Kadaj's ear "Listen kid, I'm getting you out of here, there's a cave nearby I can take you there" he pulled out Cerberus and pointed it towards Kadaj's chest "but try anything and…"

"Fine..." Kadaj stiffened slightly as Vincent's arms wrapped around his shoulders and legs, then relaxed as he realized he meant him no harm and let his head loll on Vincent's chest. Vincent flinched slightly

"What's wrong?" Kadaj muttered, Vincent glanced down at him and frowned slightly

"One of your brothers" he said with an amused expression, they can't stop fighting can they?"

"You've seen brothers!" kadaj struggled in Vincent's arms then sagged as a wave of pain swept through him

"Stop it kid, it's quite a way to the cave"

"Does that pass for concern in your tongue?" Kadaj looked up with an innocent expression, Vincent gave him an annoyed look

"Shut it kid"

They walked a little further in silence; kadaj looked up at Vincent, his enemy had become his savior even though he was probably carrying him towards his death, not that he really cared anymore, Vincent stumbled slightly and Kadaj moaned

"How badly are you injured?" Vincent looked down at him, concerned in spite of himself

Kadaj smirked "badly enough to be leaving a trail so people can follow" Vincent whirled around and saw the droplets of scarlet covering the ground, he cursed and glared at kadaj, who shrugged as best he could and winced

"Well I can't stop bleeding can I?"

"No" Vincent said with an evil smirk, he raised his clawed glove and slashed open the teenager coat, "but you can try"

Kadaj squealed in protest as the cold air swept over him. Vincent smirked and looked at the wound on his chest, it wasn't too deep but it could cause problems if it wasn't stitched up, he would do that later. The cuts on his arms would be easy to deal with as well they just needed to be bandaged. He took off his cloak and wrapped it round the boy's shaking shoulders and lifted him up again

"You'll get cold" kadaj muttered closing his eyes as Vincent started to walk again

"I've had worse" he grunted "now shut up"

Kadaj leaned against his rescuer's chest and muttered "touchy"

please review

people who o will get a hug from Kadaj and Vincent