
The class visibly broke out in a cold sweat. Shifty glances were tossed in all directions except the one spot where the teacher's own gaze was fixated on. No one dared speak; everyone's heads were bent over their desks feeling the moments tick by. Some were trying to calm themselves down by fiddling with their school books; others appeared to be fascinated by the marks and vandalism on their desks. When the teacher opened her mouth to speak, everyone cringed.

Shizuo broke a railing away from the fence surrounding the perimeter of the school's rooftop. His adversary had nowhere to run and both of them knew it. He tasted the excitement, savoring the adrenaline pumping through his veins, knowing that he was inhumanly strong and no one, not even that manipulative bastard Izaya, can bring him down.

"Izaya-kun." He drawled out and he took another step forward. The grin on his lips contradicted the scowl marring his smooth forehead and anyone else would cower and be scared shitless at the sight –anyone, except Izaya, of course. That's what made it all the more stimulating for the blond.

"Come on, Shizu-chan. It's not like I planned for it to happen." Izaya reasoned out, trying to persuade the boy with a gesture of mock defiance, palms held up in fake surrender.

"You know you can't talk your way out of the situation with me. Your mind games won't work no matter what you do." Shizuo murmured as a warning before he swung his arm out, aiming for the brunette's skull.

Izaya ducked, barely missing the piece of metal by centimeters. "That's not fair, Shizu-chan." He pouted before he swung blindly with a pocket knife that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Undeterred, Shizuo grabbed at the sharp blade with one hand, hardly flinching as blood seeped out form the deep cut. With the other hand, he clutched at Izaya's arm, effectively preventing escape with his iron grip.

Throwing the brunette's slight body as easily as he did with the metal shaft earlier, he effortlessly hurled Izaya from the edge of the rooftop allowing gravity to do the rest of the work. At least, even if he didn't die, if Shizuo was lucky, he might break his leg or even better, his spine.

The last words Shizuo could hear as Izaya plummeted to the ground were the words "Damn you, Shizuo!"



But why was there a blasted echo of the flea's voice ringing in my ear? Shizuo contemplated before the voice came to punish his ear drums once again.

"Heiwajima Shizuo!" The economics teacher yelled once more, thoroughly incensed that one shout was not enough to wake up her student. She stomped to the student in question and loudly whacked the book she held on the desk, this time effectively jostling the dreaming boy into wakefulness.

"Huhh?" Shizuo asked stupidly while he took in his surroundings. He noticed the nervous, wary eyes of his classmates and it was only then that he shifted his gaze to the huffing teacher's insulted form standing beside him. Dang it! So it was only a dream?

"Out. Now. Corridor!" The enraged woman shrieked and Shizuo flinched at the painful sound that was similar to nails on a chalkboard. Ouch.

With a sigh, Shizuo stood and ambled towards the door. At least he was able to kick the flea's ass in his dr… Shizuo consciously stopped that line of thought from continuing and had to make a deliberate effort to let go of the innocent wood that lay under his hand.

It was bad enough he could hear the flea's mocking voice whispering a haughty "In your dreams, Shizu-chan"


Izaya was oblivious to everything that happened though. He was sitting at the back of the room, his head resting on his desk. His stance would even appear comical were it not for the extremely pissed expression on his face.

How could he even be bothered with whatever in hell Shizuo was doing when he could still remember his own dream in vivid detail. If he'd close his eyes, he could still remember the feel of Shizuo's lips, moving against his own. Or Shizuo's tongue dragging a wet trail across his bottom lip, demanding entrance. Or…

Damn! Crap! Shit! Fuck!

To say Izaya was fuming with fury is a complete understatement. He was too busy nursing his pride – his Man Pride – and his feelings of self-worth that he wasn't aware he had shouted the last expletive out loud.

"It seems Mr. Orihara would like to join Mr. Heiwajima outside." The now irate teacher uttered with soft tones that only made the rest of the room cower.

With a huff, Izaya stomped out the room. He passed by Shinra's seat and his friend opened his mouth to whisper.

"Not. Now." Izaya glared. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as if to calm himself down and Shinra was taken aback when Izaya's eyes shot open a moment later.

Surely, it was only Shinra's imagination that before the sliding door closed, he saw Izaya, distaste clear on his features, wipe his mouth on the sleeve of his uniform like an elementary kid after an unwanted kiss.


Sleeping in class – not always the best thing to do. I wish I could have written more of Izaya's dream but writing Shizuo's first would have made more sense. And I'll do my best to update soon. I'm kinda stuck at the next prompt .-.

Comments are much appreciated! Please and thank you. :3