Part 2: Author's note: Hey all. It's been a long time. (Understatement) but studying for midterms is going…. Rather poorly and I find myself lost in the realm of fanfiction. Lucky for all of you! Enjoy, my long over due update.

Seras was dizzy with pleasure, the taste of her master permeated her senses and oh, did he taste … delicious. Alucard growled lightly at her thoughts and brought her up from her knees to crush her lips with a heady kiss.

"You learn very quickly, police girl." He all but purred with satisfaction into her ear. Seras flushed hotly but managed to smile almost shyly at his words.

"I have a good teacher." He chuckled, before slowly licking the shell of her ear and sending her his thoughts. 'I haven't taught you anything yet.' Seras' eyes widened and her pupils dilated further at his sinister promise, she felt herself grow even hotter for him. She whimpered faintly and pressed herself against him.

"Please, master." She begged. His nostrils flared as he inhaled the scent of her intense arousal. He groaned at the aroma, she was intoxicating. Alucard ground his erection against her mound, drawing out pleasant gasps from Seras' mouth. He smirked into her neck, the police girl was right to anticipate what he would give her and Oh. She. Would. Get it.

Alucard was dimly aware that he had almost had his every way with Seras in the main chamber of the basement, where anyone could walk in on their erotic scene. He chuckled lowly to himself, the police girl either didn't notice or couldn't bring herself to care in her state of arousal. He nipped firmly at her neck, causing her to mewl and moan against him. Alucard grinned before allowing his shadows to erupt from his body and encase them both in silken blackness.

Seras gasped with pleasure, her master's black tendrils snaked themselves over her heated flesh swiftly, wrapping her firmly in shadow. 'What is happening?' She wondered hazily. The other worldly sensations intensified binding her tightly to her master and moved around them so quickly it seemed as though the shadows were vibrating. Until all at once the vibrations and the darkness disappeared.

Seras opened her crimson eyes and noticed that they had somehow transported to her master's chambers. Alucard moved them rapidly to an immensely large bed covered in black silken sheets. She purred appreciatively to her master and placed sensual kisses to his throat but whined when she felt him pull away from her. She turned pouting eyes to where he stood a few feet from the bed and moaned softly as she watched him appraise her on his bed. His skillful digits trailed their way down his chest, he grinned watching her face flush as her eyes followed the path his hand had created. His hand dropped to his aching member and pumped his cock slowly, tracing her face with his eyes as she gasped and tried to keep her hands to herself.

He let out a feral growl as he placed a hand on the bed before prowling seductively towards Seras. 'He's more handsome than I'd ever imagined.' Seras couldn't help but think as she smiled at her master. He reached her at the head of the bed and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips, as if to thank her for her thoughts, before turning the kiss into something much more demanding. His hands ran over her body stopping to cup her breasts once more. Seras gasped into his mouth as he pulled at her nipples.

He pulled away from her lips before sinking his teeth gently into her shoulder, causing her to bleed a little. He lapped at the mark as it began to close up almost instantly; he moved lower to lave her breasts with his tongue. Seras pushed her chest against his wicked mouth and he chuckled around her pink areolas.

"Impatient, are we?" Seras blushed and turned her face away from his, she couldn't help it. He had turned her into puddle of mush; her thoughts were focused solely on him and what he was doing to her. Besides that she'd never dreamed he would actually want to touch her in this way. 'Not the master that she lov-' she broke her thoughts away, aghast that she would actually begin to think those words in his presence. 'Please don't let him have heard me.' She pleaded inside her mind.

Seras held her breath as she felt her master freeze his ministrations on her breasts. 'Oh. Fucking hell..' Alucard's eyes widened slightly, ignoring the chance to tease her for her crude language. He was too focused on what she'd almost thought about him. He lifted his face from her body and brought a hand to her chin turning her face towards him. Alucard watched as her fearful eyes tried to look everywhere but at him. 'She doesn't fear the creature that could kill her at any moment but she fears that the creature will break her heart. What a silly police girl.' He mused with disbelief.

"Look at me, police girl." He requested softly. Seras ignored him and continued to stare down at the sheets. Annoyed that she refused his soft-spoken command, he growled lowly at her.

"Seras, Look at me!" Startled that he had used her actual name she looked up into his red orbs and found no mocking amusement dancing there. She blushed in embarrassment as he studied her face, pensively.

"You love your master?" He asked her slowly, as if trying to wrap his mind around the seductive words. She bit her lip, in an effort to stay silent, but felt compelled to answer his gentle question. She sighed quietly to herself.

"Yes… I love Master Alucard." Seras spoke under her breath, but a vampire's hearing doesn't miss much. He smiled slowly down at her. Alucard had shown her as much of his dark and sinister self as anyone had ever seen, and yet… She loved him. What did he feel for her? She was very beautiful and amusing to tease. He loathed when anyone else attempted to touch her… She was his. Annoyed that he couldn't understand what it was he felt, Alucard settled for cupping her face and placing a velvet kiss to her lips.

Seras was deliriously happy. He hadn't mocked her affections but in fact he was kissing her tenderly! It was more than she had hoped for and she wound her fingers through his raven hair, eagerly kissing him in return. She pressed herself against him and he broke the kiss with a low moan.

He lifted her against him and pressed his thick cock against her sopping entrance and watched her face blazon with want. He rubbed his head over her slick opening and covered himself in her warm juices. Alucard was done waiting. He drove his aching need deep into her velvet heat and snarled at the impossible tightness. 'Has anyone ever been so tight?' He couldn't remember but the feel of Seras wrapped around him was exquisite.

Seras cried out as he filled her, stretching her in unthinkable ways. She whimpered slightly, there was pain but it hurt less than the breaking of her barrier and her body was quickly adjusting around him, trying to accommodate his great size.

Alucard couldn't stop himself from moving, his hips surged into her depths and he moaned at the heat. Seras gasped as suddenly the pain turned to a new pleasure, she couldn't help but bring her hips to meet his, trying to increase the sensation. 'More, please master!" She pleaded internally. Alucard snarled and increased the intensity of his thrusts; pounding her with a force only a vampire could muster. He watched with sinister delight as Seras mewled underneath him, enjoying every minute of it.

He reached between them and began slicking and massaging her with their combined juices before he rolled her clit roughly with his thumb. Seras shook at the delicious sensation, she could feel the orgasm building in her under the talented fingers of her master. He increased his speed and intensity of his thrusts as well as his fingers and Seras could not hold back the keening wail that signaled her release. Alucard gritted his teeth as her body clamped down even more tightly on his cock. She held him firmly in place and he could do no more than rock haltingly within her; Alucard buried his fangs deeply into her neck as he shot his pleasure inside her body.

He released her neck and lapped at the mark, it was a little deeper than he'd intended and would probably take a few hours to heal. Seras panted as she came down from her pleasured high, her red eyes finally focusing on those of her master. Seras gave a satisfied smile to her smirking master.

"That was amazing." She whispered. Alucard raised a brow and moved his hips slightly, bringing Seras to the realization that her master was still quite hard.

"It's not over yet, police girl." He chuckled darkly as Seras' eyes darkened with renewed desire. She could hardly wait.

Pip sauntered down to the lower levels of Hellsing manor. He'd really enjoyed the trip to the convenience store with Seras, earlier. He scratched his head sheepishly as he remembered her mortification at his advances this morning; she had turned an adorable shade of red and had run off in a huff. He chuckled softly, placing his hands behind his head. 'I hope mignonette isn't too upset with me.' Well he figured he would head down to the basement to find out.

Whistling a little tune he arrived in front the door to Seras' bedroom chamber. He knocked politely before turning the knob and letting the door slowly open to find the large room was lacking a certain blond haired vampire. He frowned. Where could she be?

He strolled around the basement, marveling at the immense size and space of the place. He stopped in front of the last chamber door, it was taller and wider than Seras' had been and was a deep shade of red. Pip considered the door, knowing that it led to Alucard. It was possible that Seras was visiting her master, though he couldn't imagine she'd gone of her own will. Alucard was menacing and harsh when it came to Seras. He sighed. 'Merde. Well… I don't really want to die tonight.' Pip began to turn away from the door, resigned to apologize to Seras the next day when he heard a Seras' shrill shriek come from behind the door.

Startled, his immediate thought was that Alucard was in violent mood and was in the midst of hurting Seras. He pushed open the door and was met with a sight he'd never imagined. There Alucard sat. He was nude with his legs spread on his throne and was being ridden viciously by a petite woman with short blonde hair. Pip's eyes widened in horror and he gasped. 'No!'

Alucard glanced at him with sinister eyes and placed his hands on Seras' hips guiding her body down forcefully to meet his hard thrusts upward. She shrieked in pleasure at the near painful sensation of their union. "Yes! Master." Her breathy moans bounced off the chamber walls.

She bucked her body against his; grinding her clit into his pubic bone so hard that she saw stars. Alucard growled, loving the feel of her pussy clamping tightly around him the closer she drew to her orgasm. Alucard spared a glance at Pip who was breathing hard and trying to hide the growing bulge in his cargo pants, before turning his gaze back to the erotic childe above him. He moved one hand from her hip and grazed a talon along the side of his neck, causing droplets of blood to gather. He watched with pride as her eyes darkened in a deeper red that revealed her hunger and she drew her mouth down to his neck.

Seras stopped before she brought herself fully to his neck and whispered. "Can I, Master?" He grinned widely in pleasure, she had asked his permission first, showing clearly that she was his to command. He purred out a sensual 'yes' as he continued to bring her hips down firmly on his cock. He groaned as he felt her fangs pierce his neck and she drew strong pulls of his blood.

Seras' eyes widened as her senses became overwhelmed. Her master's blood was so intoxicatingly powerful, more intense than she could ever imagine and her pupils dilated so wide that her eyes were almost all black. She sucked hard at her bite and moaned as she ground her clit roughly against her master when he brought their hips together. She bit him harder and her body quaked with a violent orgasm, she ripped her mouth from his neck and screamed in completion. Alucard felt her tremble around him and roared in ecstasy as he exploded forcefully into wet heat.

Seras collapsed against his chest in exhaustion, never realizing that there had been a witness to their intimate moment. Alucard turned his blazing eyes to Pip's and grinned sadistically. 'Seras is Mine.' He sent forcefully into Pip's mind causing the French man to tremble.

Pip heard Alucard's silent warning and left the chamber swiftly, vowing to never touch the girl again. He shivered with fear hearing Alucard's manic laughter follow him in his mind.

Chuckling softly to himself at the cowardice of the boy he returned his attention to the blond vampire in his lap. Her eyes were beginning to close and she was leaning heavily against his chest. His eyes softened a little and he used his shadows to move them to his coffin. He lay against the red velvet, pulling Seras on top of him and smiled when she purred in contentment, nuzzling her face into his chest. Pressing a kiss to her hair he mused that it was indeed time for this vampire to no longer walk alone in the night.

Read and Review. ;P