Disclaimer: I don't own CR, blah, blah, blah. I only own Abigail of course :)
Fyi, I changed Crystal's name to Abigail. I didn't really like the name Crystal anymore... SO without further ado, ENJOY :P
5 Years Later; December 25
"Mitchieeeee, hurry up. I wanna get to my parents on time for once." He yelled from downstairs. I giggled, knowing we were always late to Christmas dinner. But hey, it is totally not always my fault, Mr. Diva is usually the one that take ages getting ready. Not me.
"I'm coming, calm down." I yelled, quickly pulling my shoes on. Once I had my shoes on, I quickly walked down the stairs. We had moved from Texas to California, to be closer to his parents and to get a fresh start somewhere where no one knew us.
It'd been hard to let go of all the pain Shane had caused. But I finally fully forgave him, and we overcame everything. Sure we still fought and all, but we understood each other more. I know he has a hard time expressing himself too, so it wasn't as big of a deal anymore. Of course it still upset me sometimes, but he was so sweet when he wanted to be that I generally forgave him for whatever idiotic thing he did, or didn't do in his case.
"Finally, gosh women take forever getting ready sometimes…" I laughed, slapping him lightly. He was such a loser.
"Yeah well it takes time to look this good," I teased, smirking, "clearly you wouldn't know anything about that."
"Oh really, so you don't find me, Shane Grey, totally sexy?" I shook my head no "Liar" He whispered, kissing me. Oh I really do love this guy; even when he's a big goof.
We finally made it to his parents 30 minutes later.
"Merry Christmas Mrs. Grey" I greeted, walking into the house. She said something along the same lines and ushered us to the living room where Mr. Grey, Abigailand several others were sitting. I greeted everyone in the same fashion and sat down.
After we had finished Christmas dinner we all gathered in the living room again, ready to open presents. I was definitely nervous about giving my present to Shane, who knew what his reaction. I'd opened a few presents before it was my turn to give Shane his.
I took a deep breath, and passed him a medium sized box. He quickly unwrapped it, acting like a child. When he realized I'd given him a doll, he looked up at me, confusion clearly on his face. "Open it." I said.
Once he opened it, a home pregnancy test and lab results fell out of the box. I noticed his brow furrow before he finally realized what it meant. "Mitchie, are you serious? How far along are you?" He asked, excitement in his voice.
"I'm about 3 months along, give or take." I shrugged casually.
His family congratulated us, Mrs. Grey was apparently excited to be a grandmother, although she said she was still too young to be one, but she was excited none the less. Abigail squealed, and jumped up and down, apparently she was pregnant too, having gotten married a year or so ago.
I was so happy, maybe Shane and I may never get married, but who cares? Marriage isn't for everyone. We were content just being with each other.
"You have no idea how happy you've made me, Mitch… I love you so much." He whispered in my ear as we sat on the couch.
"I love you too, Shane, more than you'll ever know." I whispered back, leaning up to kiss him slowly. I didn't care that his family was watching us, nothing mattered at that moment.
I was simply happy to finally get my happily ending, after all the heart ache I went through. This was what I had always been looking for. Sure things wouldn't be perfect, but then again nothing is.
So I've been trying to avoid posting this, simply cuz I think this might be it for my Camp Rock writing days. Other than maybe an occasional oneshot, this is it. I do still plan to rewrite THFAR though. But again who knows when that will happen.
Hope y'all enjoyed this! I actually kinda really like the epilogue :)
Reviews are always welcome! ;)
Oh and btw my mom actually told us she was pregnant the same way as mitchie does here! That's where I got the idea :)
Love you guys!
Follow me on twitter-twatter: sensationalnat
- Nat