Authors Note: Okay just an fyi when Eve is thinking she calls her mother and father by there first name, but out loud mother and father. So yeah... Sorry if it confuses you!

"Eve?" Venus said. I looked at her hazily from my hay constructed bed. I uncurled myself and stretched.

"Yes, Mother?" I asked. I sat up straight and looked at her.

Venus was a beautiful Espeon. Her fur was silky smooth and almost shined even. Oddly enough her fur was silver unlike a normal Espeon. Since I'm just an Eevee my fur is just brown and white like every other Eevee. Curiously enough I wonder if I became an Espeon if I would look like my mother Venus.

Venus had a sparkly box on her side. Venus looked at me and smiled gracefully. I stared at it with horror.

"Oh today is most certainly a happy day my daughter! Hohoho." Venus said loudly.

Venus may be beautiful but her laughter and loudness was her down fall.

"Here in this box lies your future!" Venus said standing on her hind legs and putting one paw to her chest.

I covered my ears with my paws for a bit. She was being way to loud as always.

"Have you decided what you wanted to be yet?" Venus asked me hastily. She wagged her one two split tail and looked at me with her purple sparkly eyes.

I just stared at her blankly. I grabbed the sparkly box and opened it. I sighed.

It was a simple purple flower necklace made from a male Nidoking's horn. Even though it looked simple it has a rather big meaning in my family. Every Eevee in my family must wear this before they are married.

I sighed yet again. "Mother I haven't even evolved yet!" I gritted my teeth at her while still sitting down.

"Hohoho!" Venus laughed loudly.

I swear her laughter sounds like Santa Paws (Snorlax)!

"Eve my dear! You're already 16!" Venus said loudly with a slight purr in her tone. "Father and I already arranged your marriage!" My eyes went wide and stood up automatically on all fours.

"What?" I exclaimed. My eyes went fiery red. I could feel it. "Who today do arrange marriages? That's so first season!" I yelled with my hind legs standing and my front legs waving around.

Venus simply smiled. She grabbed the necklace with her mouth and put it gently around my neck to my surprise.

"Now Eve, it's still your choice," Venus said in a normal elegant tone. I perked my ears up. To my surprise Venus didn't yell her words. I looked at her confused.

"So it's my choice if I can dump him and throw him in the Unknown pit?" I asked Venus. My tail slowly wagged a bit. I started to form a slight crocked smile across my face.

"NO OF COURSE! YOU'RE GETTING TO OLD!" Venus yelled at me with a big old smile. I swear as she was speaking my fur and ears flew back from the pressure coming out of her mouth. It was like a small mini hurricane.

"Then how do I have a choice?" I put one paw in front of me as I said that. Venus sat down with a beautiful sparkling smile.

"You have seven candidates!" Venus said loudly. She grinned at me. I looked at her with a question look.

I looked back down my neck at the purple flower necklace. I touched it with my paw as Venus spoke. "Depending on what you evolve to depends on your husband!"

"Huh?" I tilted my head slightly.

Venus grabbed a hold of my ear by biting it and dragged me off somewhere. "Just come with me," She mumbled.

When she finally let go of my ear I was in the living room. On the hay couch were six different Pokémon. I looked at them all.

One was a Poochyena who looked at me with a mysterious smile. Another was a Growlithe who had a huge goofy grin on his face. There was a Shinx who just looked at me blankly and emotionless. Also was a Jirachi with nothing more than simple smile. Plus a Bulbasaur with an innocent pure looking smile. There was also a Swinub who looked very sleepy, but had a small smile on his face.

"Uhh Mother…? Who are they?" I looked away from them and at Venus. She had nothing more than pure looking smile on her face.

"Oh I see my princess is up!" Zen yelped. He swiftly walked between me and Venus.

"Father you're here?" I asked stunned. Usually Father is off on a business trip of some sort or in his office dealing with paper work and working on his speeches or something important. He is the President of PokeVille. He's the first Ninetales to become President too.

His red eyes beamed at me like his golden fur.

"Princess now your mother and I will give you a chance to pick your husband!" Zen said ecstatically. I glared at them.

"Now Eve, don't give us that look!" Venus said with a frown. "At least we're giving you a choice!" I rolled my eyes.

"Your mother is right," Zen said with a smile. He looked at Venus all goo-goo eyes and Venus did the same to him. I think I puked a little inside.

After they finished there tender Luvdisc moment my mom pulled out some piece of paper from underneath the circle blue carpet floor underneath us. She held it in her mouth.

I looked at this strange diagram with confused eyes. After a while I looked at Venus and Zen with annoyed looking eyes.

"Mother, Father what is this?" I asked. Venus and Zen just looked at each other then laughed.

"If you evolve to an Umbreon you will marry the Poochyena, if you evolve to a Flareon you will marry the Growlithe, if you evolve into a Jolteon you will marry the Shinx, if you evolve into a Vaporeon you will marry the Buizel, if you evolve into a Espeon like me you will marry the Jirachi, if you evolve into a Leafeon you will marry the Bulbasaur, and last but not least if you evolve into a Glaceon you will marry the Swinub," Venus explained.

I looked at her annoyed. "Why so complicated?" I asked with a sigh. I looked at my so called possible husbands sitting on the hay couch. They all stared back at me and made me slightly nervous but not so much. I noticed that there wasn't a Buizel there.

With an uncanny coincidence a Buizel ran in with all fours and bumped into me. The Buizel looked at me with wide eyes and had a flustered face. He was right on top of me.

"Oh! Uhh! Err! You must be Eve!" He said quickly. He got off me and bowed his head.

I rolled over from my back and was back on my front paws again.

"My bad! You see I slept late! And my well uh erm and my Whismer alarm didn't wake me!" He lifted up his head slowly and looked at me with sad eyes. "Really uh…!"

He went down to the floor and put his paws over his eyes. "I'm sorry! I made a horrible impression!" He whimpered.

I stared at him and started to laugh. He removed one paw from his eye and saw my laughing expression.

I noticed the others behind me who were sitting on the couch all looked with bewildered expressions. Zen and Venus did nothing more but smiled. Venus lied on the floor next to the Buizel.

"It's not very easy to make my daughter laugh. Good job," Venus whispered to Buizel. His face began to turn bright red as he looked at me.

My laugh disappeared and I regained my normal posture.

"What's your name?" I asked the Buizel. He got up from the floor and stood on two.

"It's er… uh… [.] Tad," Tad stuttered. I nodded.

"So Eve do you choose him?" Zen asked me with a sly smile. I looked at him annoyed.

"Shall I fetch the Water Stone?" Venus said loudly on her two hind legs and one on her chest. I rolled my eyes.

I looked at Tad who was becoming redder by the second. I glanced at the hay couch to see that some of the other Pokémon looked either shocked or mad. Except the Shinx who had nothing more than a poker face expression.

"I'm not going to marry some random stranger," I simply stated. I walked off and ended up in the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and a box of Oran Berry K cereal. I poured the cereal in then went to grab a gallon of Miltank milk and poured it on top of the Oran Berry K cereal.

I began to munch down on my breakfast.

"Hey Princess," A Growlithe said. He was sitting right next to me with his tail up. I looked at him for a second. When I did that he looked extremely happy. I then ignored him and continued eating.

"So… How's the food?" He asked me. I still ignored him and continued to eat.

Obviously he was ticked off now. I heard his teeth clenching.

"I see. That's cool. I like hard to get kind of girls~" The Growlithe said with a wink.

I finished with my bowl of Oran Berry K cereal. I got up and left and headed straight for my room. The Growlithe was right behind my tail. Every now and then I took a glance at him as I was walking. He had a goofy smile on his face every time I saw him.

As I finally reached to my room I opened the door. I turned to the Growlithe.

"Good bye," I simply said. He looked at me confused.


I shut the door right on his face. I sighed. I grabbed my necklace wrapped around my neck and took it. I threw it against the wall between my hay bed and my little white table with a picture of me and my family on it. [Picture includes Eve, Venus, Zen, and Blair. Blair has no orange tips on her tail, but Zen does!]

"ZzzzzZzz…" My ears perked. I looked around my room and saw no one.

"Who's here?" I exclaimed. I began to grit my teeth. I was prepared to use the attack BITE.

Suddenly my hay bed began to rustle. "Eh?" I said to myself. I slowly approached to my hay bed ready to use TACKLE if I had to. I poked my hay bed with one paw. Nothing happened. I poked it again.

Then a Swinub popped up from under the hay bed all the way up through it. I jumped and nearly fell backwards.

"Oh sorry," The Swinub said. He yawned then jumped off my hay bed. "Didn't mean to startle ya," The Swinub said. "Let me introduce myself. I am Charlie," He said. Charlie tried to stand up but ended up falling on his back. He tried to turn to his side, but was like a Squirtle and stuck on his back.

"Umm… Do you need any help?" I asked Charlie. I wasn't really concern, but I didn't want him in my room.

"Yes, if it's no trouble Madam," Charlie said politely. He showed me a sleepy smile.

I got my paw and pushed him over where he was on his stomach. He looked up and nodded.

"Thank you kindly. I hope we will get along in the future," Charlie said slowly.

I diverted my eyes from his and looked at the door. I perked my ears up and tried to listen for any sounds out the door. So far I heard nothing.

"Looks at the time it's getting late!" I grabbed Charlie with my two front paws and started to push him towards the door. "I think you should leave. Like NOW."

I put pushed Charlie to the side so I could open the door. Just as I did the Shinx ended up being right in front of me. Face to face.

My eyes opened wide. And I felt my cheeks turning a little red.

I slammed the door and then re opened it. The Shinx just stood there with the same emotionless expression as earlier.

"Do you need something?" I asked the Shinx annoyed. I really just want to kick this Swinub out of my room right now… But Shinx is in my way and I don't want to hit him. Well not yet who knows.

"Is this the bathroom?" He asked with the same facial expression. I looked at him with wide eyes yet again. I opened my door wide open.

"Does this look like the bathroom idiot?" I exclaimed.

"ZzzzZzzZzz," Charlie snored. I looked at him for a second. Wow he sleeps fast.

"How am I supposed to know? This is my first time in this house," The Shinx said. He sighed. "No need to insult my intelligence," He said with no tone what so ever.

I took a really good look at him. He looked like your normal everyday average Shinx except he didn't smile or anything. Most Shinx I've seen always smile or at least show some sort of emotion!

"Hello? Hello? You there?" The Shinx asked.

"Huh?" I blinked twice. I looked at him and realized I was spacing out. "Er, sorry," I said quickly.

"Could you show me to the bathroom?" The Shinx asked. I gave him a funny look.

"What no please?" I asked. I was on two hind legs and I crossed my other hind legs together as I said this.

"Could you show me to the bathroom please?" The Shinx asked. I thought about it for a little bit.

Should I help him? Hmm. Well if I did show him where it was he would move out of the way then, so I could get Swinub out.

"Sure, but can you move out of my way?" I asked the Shinx. He sighed. I just looked at him with a question look.

"What no please?" Shinx said. His facial expression still unchanged. Still it was a nice combat.

"Please?" I asked. I looked at Charlie still sleeping soundly.

The Shinx sighed. He looked at me then moved out of the way. I pushed Charlie out of my room.

"Okay the bathroom is straight down! Kay thanks bye!" I said as I quickly slammed the door.

I sighed with relief and went to my white desk on the opposite side of the wall from my bed. I got on my little white chair and started to read one of my favorite books Night Light. Before I even got through one page the door knocked.

I simply ignored it and continued on reading. Then another banging from the door happens again. Then so on and so on. I started to get agitated. After like the hundredth knock on the door I lose it and get off the chair.

I stomped and growled as I walked toward my door. I opened the door very quickly with flames in my eyes.

"What?" I yelled. To my surprise it was the Shinx. Charlie was still there where I put him snoring happily.

"Show me to the way of the bathroom," Shinx said plainly. Never changing expression I swear!

"I told you where it was," I said annoyed. I rolled my eyes. Does he actually need me to hold his hands and show him there? How old was he?

"I need you to show me," The Shinx replied. I looked right at him. I couldn't tell his age. I'm sure he's a teenager, but that's about it.

"Hey how old are you?" I asked him.

"My name is Rai, I'm 14 years old, and my blood type is A," He said. I looked at him bewildered. Not only he was 2 years younger than me, but he gave me such a generic answer!

"You're younger than me?" I ask him. I stepped a little back in shock.

Rai gave me a small nod and nothing more. Still stunned I said nothing.

A few minutes go by with just an awkward silence.

Even though I want to be alone right now I really can't stand awkward silence like this!

"Don't you need to use the bathroom or something?" I asked Rai. He nodded his head slowly. It honestly doesn't look like he needs to go.

"So you want me to walk with you to the bathroom…?" I asked Rai. He nodded again. This is seriously one odd Shinx! "Okay, well let's go," I said. I closed the door of my room and took the lead.

He followed right behind me.

We were now in front of a wooden door with the words engraved Bathroom in it. I looked at Shinx. He was of staring at the door.

"Well this is the bathroom," I told Rai. He looked at me and nodded.

"Thank you," Rai said as he opened the door. I sighed. I can't get over the fact of how weird he is.

I started walking back toward my room. As I did I walked past a window and noticed a Poochyena outside. When I walk passed it I walked backwards to the window and looked out the window.

He looked like he was digging. From my point of view the whole looked pretty deep. After a few minutes the Poochyena climbed out of the hole with a devious smile.

I noticed that his right front paw and some parts of his face had some sort of red stains on it. He started to cover the whole with dirt.

Could that be blood? Could he be trying to cover it! Thousands of questions like this popped in my head.

I used QUICK ATTACK to run as fast as I could instead of trying to attack someone and reached to the front door. I quickly opened it and ran to where Poochyena was.

I was inhaling and exhaling air fast. I kind of over did it with the QUICK ATTACK. I huffed and I puffed.

I looked at Poochyena to see a smirk on his bloody looking face.

"I didn't know you wanted to meet me so bad," The Poochyena said all coolly. "Heh," He said with closed eyes and a smirk.

I just fell down onto the floor all dizzy. I looked over to where the dug up hole was supposed to be but it seems it's been filled up with dirt completely.

My head was right in front of his bloody looking paw. I lift my head up a little bit to look at the Poochyena's face.

"Need a paw?" He asked me. He reached out at me with the bloody paw. I only looked at it.

"Ekk…" I wanted to scream, but I ended up only squeaking that noise. I got up quickly and ran to a bush near by and hid behind it. He looked at me confused. He clearly saw me getting up and going behind the bushes since I was right in front of him earlier.

"I never thought the President's daughter would be so shy. You're really unlike your dad you know?" The Poochyena claimed. He started to smile. "But I think that's pretty cute," He said.

Maybe I would of blushed or felt like that was a compliment or something, but I was to afraid of becoming the next victim buried. I only trembled behind the bushes and I think he started to notice.

He sat there staring at me and I stood there behind the bushes looking at all the red stains on him. Only his paw and some parts of his face had it.

"Are you ever going to come out?" He asked me. Immediately I shook my head. That actually caught him by surprise. "Well if your not coming out to greet me properly like a young lady Eevee should do for her future husband then I will come to you," The Poochyena said with a smile and a bowed to.

He started to walk towards the bush I was behind and I started to tremble even more! He gave me a question look.

"Hey it's Eve right?" The Poochyena asked me. I hesitated for a second, but reluctantly nodded. I bit my inner cheek to keep from making a noise. I closed my eyes shut. I couldn't look at him at all.

They say Poochyenas can smell fear! I kept my eyes shut tight. I heard him walking closer step by step. I just sat there and prepared for the worst.

Oddly my forehead started to feel all fuzzy and warm.

"Your forehead is warm. Are you sick?" The Poochyena asked.

"Huh?" I said. I opened my eyes to see the Poochyena's forehead was touching mines! I felt myself blush slightly. Immediately I jumped back.

I put myself in an attack position. The Poochyena looked at me confused then smiled.

"Okay something's up. What's wrong?" He asked me with a sly like smile.

"W-w-why is your paw red?" I stuttered still in the same attack position. I gave him a serious look. I felt a little sweat came down my face.

Poochyena looked at his paw then at me. He started to show a devious smile

"What exactly do you think?" He asked me smiling a big smile.

"You killed someone put them in that hole and then buried the body to hide it!" I pointed to the buried filled hole.

"That's a nice guess," The Poochyena said. "But that's incorrect," He said with an assuring nice smile.

I didn't believe him. "Well then why is your paw bloody red?" I snarled at him.

He sighed and then smiled. He pointed his bloody paw to the bush we were right beside.

It was a Tamato Berry bush. This is a very spicy berry that could swollen your lips for weeks unless you could take this kind of heat!

"I like spicy food a lot but… I'm sort of a messy eater," The Poochyena said with a smile looking at the Tomato Berry bush. He used his two front paws to grab one and then started to eat it.

He really is a messy eater. The way he ate it no wonder there was little spots of red stains on his face. The reason why only his right paw had red stains on it was because the right paw would touch the berry itself and the bitemarks which left some jucies oozing out and his left paw would only touch the green leafy part of the Tamato Berry.

"But wait!" I exclaimed. "What about the hole?" I asked filled with curiostiy. I looked at the buried hole wondering about it.

The Poochyena finished eating the Tamato Berry and spat out something on his paws. They were seeds.

"Tamato Berries are my favorite and well I ate quite a few and figured I could grow more with the seeds," The Poochyena claimed. It all started to make sense now! "As a Poochyena we are natural diggers!" The Poochyena said with a bright smile.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding!" I said quickly. I blushed a bit and then bowed my head. He just smiled at me.

"Now there's no need to bow young lady Eve," He said smoothly. "If you promise to be my bride all is forgiven," He said with a wink.

I looked at him with wild eyes. I felt myself blush into a deeper red.

"Well I guess I will never be forgiven then," I said still red. The Poochyena looked hurt. He actually frowned. I sighed.

"Hey what's your name?" I asked the Poochyena. He actually lit up. He smiled.

"Curious aren't you?" He said with a smile. "Just call me P.D." He said with a wink.

"Why P.D.?" I asked him. He started again with a devious smile.

"Maybe someday you will remember," P.D. said with his eyes closed and a smile.

I looked at him confused.

He started to walk away from me, but then he turned his head. "I'm going to wash up," P.D. said. "You should probably get some rest. Your forehead was really warm!" He pointed out as he walked away.

I started to blush all over again recalling the moment he put his forehead against mines. Immediately after that flashback I sighed.

"Princess!" Someone yelled. I turned around to see it was the Growlithe from this morning. I just ignored him and began to walk back to the house.

Suddenly he grabbed a hold of my paw with his.

"Let's go!" He said loudly as he pulled me along with him. We were running on two's instead of all fours.

"Hey what do you think your doing!" I yelled at him out of breath as we were running. He looked at me for a second as were running.

"Going to our castle Princess," Growlithe said with a wink. I looked at him annoyed. He proably couldn't tell since he just kept smiling all goofy. I'm really getting tired of running today.

When we finally stopped the Growlithe beamed a huge grin.

"Look!" Growlithe said as he pointed in front of us. It was a beautiful view of the sunset. I looked at it with sparkling eyes.

"It's so…" I stopped my sentence. I suddenly saw something that flashed before my eyes.

A Ninetales…? Was that Zen? No! The tip of the tails weren't orange like my dad's… Blair? It was Blair!

I remember this place! I used to come down here all the time with my sister and someone else…

Tears started to well up in my eyes, but I held them back from falling.

"This place is really beautiful isn't it?" The Growlithe said. "I used to come here often," The Growlithe said as he closed his eyes.

"I used to come here with my sister…" I said softly. Growlithe ears perked up when he heard me speak. He opened his eyes. He looked at me with sincere eyes. His ears suddenly went down.

"I bet she was beautiful like you," The Growlithe said with a small smile. I nodded. I felt like I wanted to cry right now and there.

The tears were so closed to falling out until the Growlithe kissed the side of my cheek. For a second I just sat there flustered and confused. Then immediate rage formed!

I pushed the Growlithe and slapped him with my paw.

"What the heck do you think your doing?" I yelled at him. He looked at me with a bright smile and just nodded.

"You really are a hard girl to win over," The Growlithe said with a wink. I fumed.

"You're such a jerk!" I yelled. I started to walk off.

"Hey wait up!" The Growlithe hollered.

"What," I asked stomping as I was walking home. The Growlithe just so happened to be walking behind me as I was walking.

"You know my name right?" He asked me. I stopped walking for a little bit and glared at him. He just smiled and wagged his tail at me. I spat at his face then I began to walk away.

He looked at me disgusted and wiped off the spit with his paw.

"What was that for?" He yelled with anger at me. He actually bared his teeth.

"Idiot I don't even know you! So of course I don't know your name! Also how dare you kiss me!" I snarled at him. I turned my head to see his face and he actually stopped walking behind me. He just sat there. His ears were down, his tail wasn't up, and his eyes just looked plain sad.

I actually looked at him shock. I haven't seen him sad at all this is the first time. I sighed. I stopped walking and turned back towards the Growlithe. I grabbed his paw and we started to walk on two's.

He looked quite surprised when I did that. I didn't bother to make eye contact.

"So what is your name?" I asked him.

"Blaze," He said. I could tell he was smiling, but still I didn't turn my head to look at him.

"You better not kiss me ever again. You got that?" I snarled. I gritted my teeth just thinking about it. Still a little tiny blush came across my face thinking about it too.

"What if you give me permission?" Blaze said with a teasing voice. He probably winked too, but still I refused to look at him.

"I doubt that will happen," I said annoyed. I just sighed. I heard him laugh softly.

"Heh, you never know Princess. You never know," Blaze said.

When we finally reached to my house I let go of his paw. I think I heard him whimper.

"Aww… You let go," Blaze said with a whimper. I rolled my eyes and ignored that comment.

"Good night," I said. I walked in my house and headed straight for my room.

I was in front of my door. I sniffed around. I smelled something peculiar… I looked around to see no one. I just sat in front of my door pondering on the thought of what I smelled right now.

Hmm what is it…? Ah just forget it and go to sleep. As I opened the door a bucket filled with a brown bubbly liquid fell right on top of me!

"Ew!" I screamed. I was completely wet. I sniffed my front paw then I licked it. Poke Cola! That's what it was. Poke Cola! Ugh. I feel so sticky now! "Who did this?" I snarled. I bared my teeth.

I suddenly heard laughter and looked up. It was the Jirachi!

"Hey was it you?" I hollered. I positioned my self in attack mode. All that Jirachi did was laugh and laugh.

"Wow your reaction was priceless!" He bellowed. I glared at him. "You were all like EW and everything!" He laughed even louder. I was starting to get real ticked off now.

I used SHADOW BALL and it was a direct hit on him. He instantly fell on the ground on top of the puddle of Poke Cola.

"Ouch…" Jirachi said. He rubbed his head, but then smiled.

"Idiot…" I said. I heard some foot steps behind me and turned around.

"What happened to Arrow?" Rai asked. Tad was right behind Rai.

"She's showing me her affection!" Arrow said with a smile. He began to hug me. I looked at him confused.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I exclaimed. I pushed him off me. Arrow looked at me with sparkling happiness. There must be something seriously wrong with him.

"E-e-eve, your fur is wet," Tad said flustered.

"This Pokémon poured Poke Cola on me!" I said annoyed. I sighed. "Hey Tad can you do me a favor?" I asked. His cheeks were starting to gain a small pinkish color.


"Could you use WATER GUN on me? I feel so sticky," I said. Tad nodded and used WATER GUN, but gently.

I dried off by shaking my body.

"Thanks Tad," I said with a small smile.

"Second time I've seen you smile," Rai said. I just looked him.

"Will I ever see you smile?" I asked Rai. Usually Shinx are one of the happiest smiling loving Pokémon's out there until they evolve to a Luxico. That's when they start being a little scary and less smiley.

Rai just stood there completely emotionless.

"I'll always smile for you!" Air exclaimed. He started smiling and jumping and flying around the place. I sighed.

"Maybe someday if you smile for me," Rai said as he began to walk away. I just realized something.

"Hey how come you guys are still here?" I asked Tad and Arrow.

"Everyone is living here," They both replied at the same time. My jaw literally dropped.

"What?" I exclaimed as waved my two front arms around like an idiot.

"Only until you evolve to an Espeon and marry me!" Arrow said with a laugh and made a piece sign.

"Or… You know… Vaporeon," Tad said. I looked at him surprised he even made that comment. He started to blush into a deep red again. "Or Jolteon! Umbreon… F-f-lare-reon! And yeah! Erm…" He started to rub the back of his head. "But Vaporeon is just… Like…" He stopped talking and looked to the ground.

I yawned. "Goodnight," I said. Tad looked at my all flustered. He was holding his tail.

"Night," He said quietly still looking at his feet. Arrow just smiled and waved. I walked into my room and jumped onto my hay bed.

"Ouch!" Someone said. Instantly I looked underneath me to find Charlie there.

"Charlie!" I yelled as I used IRON TAIL to kick him out of my bed. He slammed against the door.

"Ugh…" Charlie muttered. I sweated a bit. Maybe that was a bit too much…? I sighed. I walk towards Charlie and opened the door. I pushed out of my room.

"Sorry… That might have been uncalled" Before I finished talking I heard snoring. It was coming from Charlie.

Wow. I heard Swinubs value sleep, but this is just a little weird… I closed the door and went to bed.