Chapter 1 - Visiting
[Yoruichi POV]
I was walking towards Urahara's room. Me and Urahara were in a relationship for a year, and somehow I dont seem to like it. Urahara has been rejecting all my requests, like if I wanted to eat out in a pizza place, Urahara would be so lazy and just ask if we could eat in the shop instead, which made me really annoyed.
I knocked on the door and went inside, not caring whether he allows me in or not. I was in a pouted face. I saw his face, it was a face who didn't care if I was sad or not. "So whats up, Yoru-chan?" he asked smiling, which disgusted me. "Nothing, I plan on going to soul society" I sighed, sitting down and scratching my head. "Again? You just went there last week" He frowned. But yes, I went there last week to help Soifon with her paperwork and training.. its better than staying here in this antique shop for the rest of my life, even Jinta left to soul society with Ururu. Im guessing they ran away together.. they are such a good couple.
"Um yeah, gonna help out Soifon." I practically smiled "but Ill be alone here," he said putting his fan in front of his annoying face."but…" He sighed "Sorry, I wont let you" he demanded "WHAT? I decide what I want to do, not you!, and anyways you have Tessai here with you!" I said as Tessai gave a salute to us, which I returned and I went back to yelling at Urahara Kisuke.
"Im your boyfriend. I CAN decide what you will do" he hissed back with his eyes covered by his hat.
"Uggh, you know what! Im gonna go to SOUL SOCIETY today! And not TOMORROW!" I yelled, slamming the door and went outside of the shop
I was about to head out but I waited for a few minutes, thinking that Kisuke might come back for me, but.. No. He didn't . I immediately opened the gate to Soul Society and went inside
I was already near the end of the passageway. Once the door was opened I saw a figure, waiting outside.
That figure belonged to Soifon.
"Yoruichi-sama!" Soifon waved her hand to me. "Soifon?" I asked "Yes, Yoruichi-sama" she replied, bowing to me.
"whaat are you doing here? I never told you to wait for me here" I sighed as a small blush went on my cheek.
"I know. But I chose to come for you" she smirked.
"Well, thanks little bee" I smiled
"Plea-se Y-Yoruichi-sama, my name is Soifon … not little bee" she said, her pale face becoming a red tomato. She was so cute and hot when she blushes like that. Its so adorable. I laughed, which made her blush even more.
"but little bee is a more suitable name than Soifon." I winked which made her blush more than ever! "So, what can I help you with, Soifon?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Is it alright if you help me with my paperwork?" she asked, becoming pale. "Paperwork? Are you kidding me? I can help your subordinates train" I smirked, trying to not get the paperwork job.
"but that's my duty, and if I leave you to train with them, I bet your gonna go easy on them and NOT be strict to them" she confirmed,
"aww come on, Soifon! I even cancelled a date with Kisuke to help you here!" I lied, thinking she'd fall for it. I really didn't have a date with Kisuke today, and Im glad about that.
"y-you did that? Just to help me o-out?" she blushed.
"YUP!" I replied
"is it alright with you? I mean, cancelling a date with your boyfriend must be sad" she said, pouting… feeling responsible, which made me guilty
"y-yeah! Of course its FINE! Kisuke was busy doing experiments anyways" I said, rubbing her head and grinning
"If.. you say soo…" she stuttered. I also noticed that she had bruises on her arms.
"What happened to your arm?" I asked, worried
"Hmm? Nothing really…" she said, softly
"Wait a second… don't tell me…"
She looked away
"I knew it! You practiced Shunko too much didn't you?" I asked her madly.
No answer, I sighed and grabbed her by the arm, she gasped softly in pain
"This is…" I observed her arm, it was bad.
"Rest." I said, her face was in shock
"REST? I cannot! I have a lot of paperwork to do! And I have to train my subordinates!" she said
"well, I'll do it" I said, staring and glaring at her
"but… Yoruichi-sama.." she softly said
"No buts! Now lets go to your room! And let you get some rest" I stammered, almost dragging her there.
I opened the door and went in with Soifon
"Ok… you res—" before I could finish, I caught Soifon already in her desk, signing papers.
"HEY!" I yelled, as I marched to her
"Sorry Yoruichi-sama, I cant rest" she said continuing her work
I grabbed the pen from her. "Your gonna rest! Your so tired that your hand writing even sucks!" I confirmed, she pouted.
I sighed and carried her baby style. She blushed
"Yoruichi-sama?" she asked, becoming so red
I brought her to her bed. "I'll do the paper work! You rest!" I explained
"bu-" I covered her mouth.
"LESS TALK MORE REST!" I pointed at her
"O-okay ." she managed to say and closed her eyes.
[Few hours later]
I was half done with the paperwork. Can you believe it? Its been almost 3 hours and I only finished half of them! I grunted,
I stared at Soifon who was napping. She shivered.
"She must feel cold" I thought to myself, as I stood up and went to her.
I got the blanket and placed it on top of her, I moved some of her hair away from her face… her so cute face.
"Heheheh… aren't you a cutie" I smirked and looked at her even closer, I leaned close to her mouth, feeling her breath.
I was about to kiss her, but I suddenly realized what I was about to do to her. I immediately backed away from her and fell down,.
I was red… I blushed hard.. I couldn't believe what I was just about to do…. To my little bee…
A/N : Chapter 2 will be out soon…. Enough… :))) Sorry to uraharaXyoruichi fans.. I just really want to bring the ohhs! Hahaha. Please review :D and sorry if its short.