Not a Chapter, but I wanted to make sure people were aware of this. I copied this message from CheckersChance2 to save time; I know its not much but it is VERY IMPORTANT to the future of fanfiction. I cannot take out the spaces for you guys because the link will not show up otherwise probably for obvious reasons, so when you copy the link take out the spaces after the periods and backslashes.


SOPA is at it again!

This law is trying to pass covers streaming material. MEANING PEOPLE LIKE US CAN GO TO PRISION!

Yes, people like us, FANDOMS!

You can get charged with

-Making Fanart

-Covering Songs


Guys please sign this petition, (take out the spaces)

petitions. whitehouse. gov/ petition/ stop-sopa-2013/ LMzMVrQF

I have 937 followers on this story right now, if all of you sign it will make a huge difference.

This SOPA thing is getting out of control. I understand claiming something is yours when it isn't is bad, but none of us are doing that!

So again, PLEASE sign this petition. Even one signature can make a difference.

Sincerely yours,

Chelsea Lucas