Misty Mer

District 1

"Good Morning Misty!" A voice yelled outside my door. My sea green eyes flew open and I quickly opened the door.

"Stormy! Don't ever do that again!" I laughed and started to walk out.

He just pushed me right back into the door. "You need to get ready, you aren't wearing that to the reaping, are you?" He gestured towards my pajamas and I blushed. I had almost forgotten! It was the reaping today, the day where we all gathered up to send children off to fight to the death. I had trained all my life for this, but I knew I would probably never get picked. I only did have this year and next year left. All my hard work would be a waste.

I just sighed and picked off a dress I had already waiting from its hanger. It was one sleeved, and the one sleeve that was there was long-sleeved. It was short, way to short for a lot of people I knew, but I loved it. It looked especially cute with the pair of black heels I had picked out.

Now came the hard part. Should my hair be up? Or should I leave it down? It always took me forever to decide on this one thing. My light brown hair went down to my elbows, so there was definitely a lot to do with it. I narrowed my eyes at the mirror and decided up would be best. It looked cute, and if I got picked it would show everyone I was ready to kick ass in that arena, and my hair wouldn't get in the way. Not one bit.

Yeah. I would kick those people asses!

I started to make my way downstairs to the kitchen before going back and flipping open my jewelry box. Inside was a small gold ball on a black string, it was simple, but it was my token.

I then made my way down to the kitchen where my brother was eating breakfast and I frowned in disgust. I could never eat food on reaping day – the one time I did I had thrown up. I hadn't done it since then.

"Lets just go. I can't stand to watch you eat." I grabbed his arm and pulled him off. Now it was time to see who died.


As soon as we got there, some friend of Stormy's dragged him off to the 14's, and I walked over to the 17's.

Waiting for me were a few of my friends, but none of us were acknowledging each other. I guess I was late; I had missed all the speeches. But of course, that's a good thing.
I giggled when I saw the escort. He had yellow bedazzled skin, and pink hair. My friends started giggling too, but we stopped as soon as he started talking.

"Ladies first!" His voice was clear and professional, much in contrast to his yellow skin and pink hair. His hand dove for the glass ball and it played around, grabbing at one, then letting it go. Grabbing, letting go, over and over. Then he finally pulled one out.

"Misty Mer!" There was a gasp around me, and I moved forward, shocked. "NO!" I heard from the crowd. I assumed it was my brother, but I couldn't tell. I was on the stage, and was staring blankly at the audience, confused. Hadn't I just been preparing for this, this morning? Why was I so shocked? I had planned for this all my life!

When no one volunteered, the escort continued to the boys. I was shocked, smiling at the camera, egging on the sponsors. They would sponsor me, and I knew it. I just had to push them to it. I was talented, and pretty. What else was there?

"I volunteer!" A voice called from the crowd. Well it definitely wasn't volunteering for me, seeing is it wasn't a girl voice. Had I really completely missed the boys? I turned and sure enough, there was a boy standing there, shaking away. The pounding on the steps caused me to turn in that direction, and I saw the volunteer.

This guy looked about my age, and I liked what I saw. His shag hair was blonde and short, and his eyes bright blue. I smiled brightly at him but then frowned. I would have to kill him.

"Lux Veres." He told the escort. "My names Lux Veres." The other boy was still shaking, but now he was slowly walking down.

"So that must be your brother then, huh?" The escort smirked, and then put our hands together, making us shake them.

"Congratulations to the tributes from District One, Misty and Lux! Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"

I tried not to think about how warm and strong his hand was.


"No! I should have volunteered! I should have!" My closest friend, Lola, stomped around the tent we were in. "You can't die! You better not die! Your good at this stuff! You better live!"

I was playing with my necklace, letting her go about her hysterics. :Of course I'm going to win. Why do you think I'm so calm?"

Lola then broke down, she was crying, hard. I couldn't blame her though, if the positions were switched, I would be crying too. "Lola, its ok. It will all be ok." I wrapped my arms around her an let her cry until the peacekeepers came.

Then Stormy came on. I could tell he was to shocked to say anything, so we sat there in silence and waited until he had to leave. "Don't die." Was all he said to me.

After that a long list of people came in. People I didn't know, friends, family, everything. When it was finally done, I was exhausted.

But then Lux came in.

"One of us is going to die." He stated. I nodded, it was exactly what had been going through my mind.

I thought a bit before replying. "I can't promise which one of us will."

He sighed. Had he expected me to let him win? I made a promise. I was coming back. "Can we be allies until the time comes?" His bright blue eyes looked into mine and I nodded, but then stopped myself.

"That's your decision." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, then left.

There was one thing that wasn't his decision.

He wasn't going to win.

I was.

A/N - Not quite sure if I captured the character well enough, but please leave your thoughts! Its should get better after the reapings. They are kind of hard :/ anyone who reads this just go $100 to sponser on any tribute but there own! I will put a list of items and such you can buy.