Thanks to those who happen to like what I write and support my work.

A/N: I am sorry it took so long for me to write, but as usual, real life gets in the way.

Live, Rude Girl, III

It is fair to say that Bonnie had no idea what she was doing with the likes of Damon Salvatore. She couldn't really say she was being a friend to him. After all, Elena was Damon's only friend.

Friendship required a moderate amount of trust and honesty. Bonnie is trustworthy, and she can be quite honest. However, she was sure that Damon chooses not to exhibit those qualities as easily.

This was the first time that Bonnie engaged in sexual activity with someone she did not like. Oh sure, she would start to like Damon, but then he'll do something that made it difficult to like him. And he'd do it with a smug smile on his face, the bastard.

Bonnie understood that somewhere in his life, Damon learned how to be the way he is. She could blame Katherine, but Damon didn't need a scapegoat.

Right hand trapped between her thighs, heat throbbing beneath the flimsy underwear and Damon should only be concerned with the now, not the hereafter.

Wile dragging the knuckles of his right hand across her center, left hand lost underneath Bonnie's hair, almost soothing against the nape of her neck, Damon whispers "We are so good together."

Bonnie nods, but it is not clear if it is because she agrees with what Damon is saying or because she agrees with what he's doing with his hands.

Later, Bonnie's up and around, not bothering to cover her naked body like she would have if she weren't on this "Bad Girl" kick.

Damon likes being inside her room. The bed is small, but it makes what they do together more intimate. It makes them press so much closer to each other; it makes them hold on so much tighter.

Damon wants to tell her to get back into bed; he wants to see if he could talk her into some filthy suggestions. And she'll do them, he's sure of it. Bonnie never chickens out.

"We need to talk." Bonnie's words interrupting Damon's flow of thoughts.

"So, talk."

The air that Bonnie's holding in escapes with a sigh, like she regrets having a discussion in the first place, "I think we should stop sleeping together."

Damon frowns because sleeping together is new. Sometimes he's too tired to get up or she's too exhausted to move so they lay wherever they are, side by side. Falling asleep is only natural. Damon could see how Bonnie would be annoyed, though.

Bonnie puts on a robe, and sits on the end of her bed. "I didn't mean falling asleep together, I meant that we should stop having sex.

"Why? I thought we were having fun." The disappointment that should have strained Damon's voice, doesn't. It is covered with a slick smile and the word "fun" is punctuated by his fingers tracing Bonnie's collarbone. He's once again reminded of how fragile she is.

"It is fun, I won't deny that. But I think we should stop." Bonnie doesn't say that they should be friends because that won't go over well.

Bonnie stands, walking away from the bed, abruptly ending the conversation.

"Why don't you tell me what this is really about?" Damon grabs Bonnie's arm, preventing her from turning away from him, his grip harsher than it should be.

"I don't have any ulterior motive, Damon. I'm just tired of everything. When my grandmother died, I went off the deep end. I've had some time to vent and act out but I'm starting to realize that I should relax a little more. The world is not against me."

In other words, she had no use for him anymore.

Damon drinks more than he usually does, which is saying a lot. It's all a revolving door of young women, some resembling a certain little Witch. Stefan doesn't say anything.

Damon goes out as he usually does, but after one of his special meals, he makes a detour to Bonnie's house.

He doesn't knock on the door, or just walk in and make himself at home. He stands outside, wondering what she id doing, wondering if she is alone.

Damon comes home and Stefan knows where he has been. Stefan cannot stop himself from commenting, "Stalking is a crime."

Damon raises an eyebrow. Stefan's attempt at being witty never fails to amuse him. "Shouldn't you be out somewhere, drooling over Elena."

"What kind of game are you playing, Damon?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Everything is a game to you, Damon. And you are determined to win at any cost. If you really care about Bonnie, stop pulling her into your world."

Katherine blows into town and life plays out like the most ridiculous movie ever made.

It comes out that Elena and Damon shared a kiss; only, it wasn't Elena, and Damon must have forgotten how it felt to kiss the former love of his life.

It turns out that all Katherine really wanted was Stefan. Elena confides that she feels intimated by competing with the Mistress of the Dark but Bonnie assures that competing with a girl that Stefan never loved as much is the least of Elena's problems.

They battle the big bad Katherine. Some people die. A boy that Bonnie used to see cutting class to hang out with his friends is found dead. The parents blame drinking, drugs, and bad influences because vampires don't exist.

All the while, Damon had this air about him, this "don't make me kill you" attitude towards Katherine, this "why can't you see that I love you" attitude, this "I hate you for what you've done to me" attitude, and it felt so suffocating, these feelings coming in waves off of Damon.

Elena's hugs and whispers in his ear aren't doing it for Damon anymore. He feels a little dirty whenever she touches him and he couldn't explain the reason why even if he tried.

Bonnie's back at the bar. So much for quitting bad habits. But the Katherine confrontation took a lot out of her; so what if she wants to get good and wasted.

Damon strolls in, cockiness wrapped around him like blanket. His eyes search the crowd for someone to eat. He notices Bonnie but he doesn't approach her right away.

Bonnie acknowledges Damon with a nod and a raise of her drink. Damon could no longer stand in the corner and watch.

"How are you?," the first words that come out of his mouth aren't terribly original, but Damon really wanted to know how she was doing.

"I'm fine, I guess."

Silence follows and Damon is thinking of things to say that will possibly make her smile, or laugh, or put that half hostile look in her eyes when she's aroused. The latter really interested him at the moment. He didn't examine too closely why he missed the Witch.

"You can stop standing outside of my house. The neighbors are getting worried. They think I'm being stalked. My father actually considered calling the cops."

"There is nothing wrong with checking up on a friend," Damon insisted.

"Are we friends?"

Damon wanted to say 'yes, we are friends' but friendship felt like too small of a word to describe what was happening between them.

Bonnie makes him hungry. She makes him want to devour the world around him, and devour her in the process.

Bonnie is not drunk. Tipsy, maybe, but not drunk. Damon only downed two drinks so he is nowhere near tipsy, let alone drunk. Both of them are in control of their faculties.

Bonnie won't deny that she is holding on to him, that she is kissing him, that she enjoys it immensely.

Maybe it is because he watches her from outside of her window until she falls asleep. Maybe it is because he asked her how she was, and really wanted to know.

When his lips touch her, it's like liquid heat down her spine. Everything in his hands that trace her body and his tongue that traces the inside of her mouth says: I want you so much, I need you so bad, and Bonnie doesn't believe any of it.

Bonnie would be stupid to believe that Damon Salvatore actually cared about her.