Chapter 40

Disclaimer: I do not own HP or SWAC


McGonagall read out the names in alphabetical order just like in our first year, except this time we weren`t being sorted we were being let go.

"Sonny Munroe" She said. I walked up and got my diploma and shook everyone`s hand.
Once everyone was given their diploma Dumbledore spoke.

"Another year and another group of students move on. Hopefully to bigger and brighter futures.
We have watched you grow into adults and transform. You will be missed and on behalf of the staff we wish you good luck."
He turned to the parents. "I give you the class of 1995" We stood up and tossed our hats in the air.

Transforming them into butterflies and such.
Today I said goodbye to Hogwarts and started a new chapter in my life.

Okay so A Sonnier Hogwarts is done. It was awesome writing it and I hoped you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

As it is obvious with Sonny`s apprenticship thingy and the fact that Snape and her are not together there will be a sequel.

So what I need you to do my little pretties *evil grin while petting a random hairy cat* is to review this story and keep me on author alert if you don`t want to it`s okay I understand. and watch for the sequel *cue epic music* A lifetime of love and regret. yeah I know the epic music probably wasn`t nesscary.

And this is for my sister as she is sitting over my shoulder and poking me trying to get me to say this.

Please go check out her stories they are not as good as mine *OWWWW* kidding they are actually really good so go check them out please before she possibly kills me with a mechanical pencil. Her profile is .net/u/2014028/ her name is being changed but this will stay the same.

Okay so please review and adieu...

For now. *DUN DUN DUN!*