Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Naruto characters!

WarningL Yaoi, future mpreg, violence, angst, bad humour, etc

And here it the long awaited side story to 'My One and Only' .

This fic is about how Kyuubi and Minato met, fell in love, and changed the destiny of their world!

Beta read by Lanie12777


Chapter 1: A dream…

There was a thing about quiet mornings that could really bring out the best in people. Getting up when you felt like it, having time to lounge around in your bedding to simply admire the quiet. To give yourself time to think, to plan your day ahead, or just enjoy the rare moments where it was just you in the world, and nothing else existed. Only silence as your companion.

Too bad this morning wouldn't be like that at all.

"Wake up," red black-tipped ears twitched in recognition, but nothing else happened.

"Wake up," a grunt was the reply, and the person lying in the futon turned around with a groan.

"WAKE UP YOU BAKA!" a foot came out of nowhere, kicking the sleeping demon out of his futon.

There was a shriek as the demon was pushed onto the hard ground with a loud thud. "Urgh… so mean, Fugaku…," came a sleepy moan.

The wolf demon scowled and put his hands on his hips. "If you had gotten up when I told you to then I wouldn't have to be so 'mean'."

The other demon chuckled and threw the tangled covers off his body. Elegantly he stood up, straightening out his cotton yukata before smiling down at the ookami. "Really Fugaku, is it such a bad thing that I get some extra sleep?"

"You should have thought of that before you partied all night," the wolf growled and turned around to walk out of the room.

"Aww, Fugaku-chan~," he whined back, trying to sound cute. Which he utterly failed in.

Fugaku growled angrily, gritting his sharp canine together. "Don't act like a child, Kyuubi; now get dressed, they are waiting for you," he replied and left the room, with the door closing behind him with a bang.

Kyuubi smiled as he watched his friend leave, and he waited 'til he was sure that the other was gone before the smile slipped off his slender face. Tiredly he turned around and stepped into the adjoining bathroom beside his room. The Ofuka was already filled with heated water; his sensitive nose tingled when he scented the sweetness of jasmine and tangerine oils in the steam.

Slowly he slipped off the cotton yukata and undid the bindings holding his hair up in knots, so that crimson locks cascaded down his back. The Kitsune raked his nails through them to untangle any final knots before he climbed into the water, making sure to fan out his hair so that the strands floated around him like bloody trails.

A relived sigh left Kyuubi as he buried himself until his shoulders were submerged, relishing the pleasant tingle of the water against his skin. His crimson eyes staring musingly at the cloudy liquid, slowly he flexed his long clawed fingers, watching how the nails broke the surface, only to dip back down when he spread them out.

"What a start…" he whispered.

The night before him had been quite hectic; he smiled as he remembered back to it. Fugaku had been so angry at him when he ran out of that meeting and got drunk with some rather lovely cougar demonesses. Ooh, they certainly knew how to celebrate, he thought to himself with a lick of his lips.

Maybe that's why Fugaku had kicked him out of his bed so angrily. It probably wasn't the best idea for him to bring a few of them back to his room. At least unlike last time they had left before daybreak. Yes he was a player, he wouldn't deny it; there hadn't been an occasion when there hadn't been a pretty submissive in his arms, and then later on in his bed.

But last night he'd had the oddest dream, a dream that had him confused about his current lifestyle. Normally he would have written it off as another sake-induced hallucination, yet there was something about this one that made his heart shudder and his skin tingle pleasantly at the thought.

He couldn't help but smile, and then took a deep breath of air before dunking himself into the water.


Fugaku stared blankly at the now fully dressed Kitsune general; he wore a charcoal black long sleeved kimono depicting a drawing made through yuzen-resistant dye. It depicted a delicate drawing of Sakura branches falling over his shoulders, a multi-coloured phoenix flying across his chest, and at the bottom of the long material white water lilies reaching up daintily from the surface of water. His long red hair was tied up in a series of knots that were twined with silky orange ribbons, so that it looked like fire. All kept together with one of his favourite headdresses, the one that looked like flowers cut from ruby.

"Took you long enough," he stated irritatingly.

Kyuubi chuckled and put his arm around the wolf's shoulder. "Looking this good takes time."

Fugaku snorted and shrugged the other's arm off. "You should know not to keep the council waiting," he said and led the way.

The Kitsune gave a barking laugh. "I've never been one to care about their opinions!"

"You honestly will get into trouble one day with that attitude…" Fugaku grumbled; he couldn't understand ho Kyuubi could be so carefree. There was a war going on, and the general didn't even care.

"Aw Fu-chan, you always worry about me!" he shouted and tackled the wolf. Fugaku growled and tried to pry the other youkai off him.

"Stop acting like a kittling Kyuubi, if the council sees you -"

"Alright, alright," Kyuubi pouted, and straightened his clothes out again. "So what is this meeting about?"

The wolf sighed and ran his hand through his black hair. "Since you decided to run out of the last meeting, we are going to repeat the meeting again just for you…"

"I thought that we sorted the strategy of attack out, in the end all we are doing is rushing at them with all we have… like always."

The wolf couldn't deny that, that was true; in every meeting the idea was always the same. Rush the humans and overthrow them with all they had. It didn't mean however that Kyuubi had to keep running away, or that he had to be the Kitsune's keeper and always retrieve him when he ran away. Honestly he didn't know why he had to babysit this overgrown child… even though technically Kyuubi was older than him.

They came to stand in front of a set of heavy double-doors, two inu-youkai opened them and they stepped through into the great hall where the council waited for them.

The great hall was known as the war room; it was large with a high ceiling, with elaborate tapestry depicting their history. With large arched windows that let the sunlight stream through, if the meeting was held at night time, there were torches lined along the wall. In the middle of the room was a large table, with a map stretched over it with small polished figurines to depict all the different sides.

The council members, demons that were the heads of the different youkai clans, were crowded around the table. They all looked up when they heard the doors creak open, greeting them with a short bow.

"Kyuubi-san, it is good to see you," came a stern voice.

Kyuubi sneered at the head of the Uchiha clan; Fugaku's father was a cruel youkai with greying hair, his furry ears hued silver in the light. Just like most Uchiha he had an expressionless face, a hard jaw and black steel eyes, with a few lines of wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. Uchiha Kamin, yet unlike his name he was anything but joyful. Then again he never liked this guy… always being so prickly… and so damn serious.

"Good to see you too, Kamin," he replied with a bow.

"Fugaku you may leave," the young wolf bowed and left the room with the door closed behind him.

Kyuubi watched dejectedly as Fugaku left; even though the demon was the next in line to the Uchiha clan, he wasn't yet allowed to attend any of the meetings, because his father didn't allow him. In the end Fugaku ended up being an errand boy for his father.

"Alright then, let us get this meeting started," came the Hyuuga's voice, breaking up the tension in the room.

Kyuubi snorted and turned away from the older Uchiha and made his way towards the table, taking his place near the end of the table. The Kitsune never had any interest in these meetings, heck he didn't even care about this whole war with the humans. In his opinion it was all just a joke. He wasn't even participating in the actual fighting, only stood there to support.

"KyuubI-san, please pay attention." His red eyes glanced at the other council members with pure annoyance. "This is important!"

"Why, all that's going to happen is that we rush them…"

"Yes, but you are going to fight today."

The Kitsune couldn't help but grin; his crimson eyes flashed eerily. "You are actually letting me fight?"

"I'm sure you're tired of sitting around doing nothing…" came Kamin's snide reply.

Kyuubi didn't take the bait, instead he stood up; he regarded the council members with great amusement. They were taken aback by the sudden giddy excitement that they recognized within the fox.

"Sure, I love a good bloodbath," and he turned around to leave the room.

Fugaku looked up when he saw the fox open the door; he arched a delicate eyebrow when he noticed how giddy the other looked.

"I'm guessing you got some good news?" he asked as he followed behind.

"Yeah, very good news in fact," Kyuubi replied with a grin. "I'll be able to have some fun." Fugaku frowned when he noticed that crazy look on the fox's face.

There had always been this notion that the Kitsune General tip-toed the lines between sanity and lunacy. One moment he was this silly irresponsible cub-like youkai that drove him mad with his antics. Then the next thing he knew he became this fearsome bloodthirsty monster, destroying everything in his path as he went berserk. But it became even more eerie when he was just quiet, because then you knew that he wasn't just killing for 'fun'…

In essence Kyuubi was a weapon… a last resort.

He may go to the front lines, but not once did he actually fight. Kyuubi often remarked how the humans weren't really even worth his time, but Fugaku guessed he was getting impatient.


There is this wide forest separating Hi no Kuni (Fire country), where the youkai resided, and the Kaminari no Kuni (Lightning country) where the humans made their home. Well at least it used to be a forest. Now it was just a barren wasteland where countless lives, both human and youkai, have been lost. Their fallen bodies left in the trenches to fester, and their blood turning the ground into a disgusting consistency. The air always stunk like rot and decay, with the wind only carrying the message of death.

This was Shoyū-sha no nai tochi.


Fugaku's sharp charcoal eyes surveyed the land with something akin to disgust.

He didn't see why they had to keep drawing the fight out for so long. They should have ended this war before it even had a chance to escalate at this rate. Humans, as pathetic of a race they were, were also quick learners. They understood that demons had the upper hand because they had the ability to control chakra, and make jutsu's. Or as the humans called them, spells. At first all the fleshy creatures had were their melee instruments, swords, and arrows. Not much use against youkai magic. They occasionally got lucky with their crafty and dishonourable ways, like when attacking during mating season. Forcing them to make potions to counteract the effects of heat.

But humans moved up in their attacks; some leaned how to use and process their own inner chakra, which put the humans almost in the same league as the demons.

It was frustrating really, thinking of this unending war and back to his own situation at home. Mikoto wanted another child, but he was worried. He didn't know what could happen in the future so he didn't want to risk her being pregnant and possibly being alone. He let out a heavy sigh and ran his hand through his long black hair, which drew Kyuubi's attention to him.

"Everything alright?"

Wearily Fugaku turned around to give his companion an irritated stare. "Not really, Mikoto wants another child…"

"Ah, another child would be a good thing for your family," Kyuubi commented, almost sage-like.

Fugaku couldn't help but arch a delicate eyebrow at that statement, Kyuubi usually tried to avoid all things family related. He was the born bachelor, so for him to actually agree with Mikoto about him having a larger family was just out of place.

"What brought this on?" he asked.

Kyuubi looked unsure how to reply. He fidgeted with the sleeve of his kimono, as if he was embarrassed by what he had said. "I had this dream, in that Inari came to me and said that I could have any wish…"

Inari was worshiped as the god of luck, but to foxes he had an even deeper meaning. "And what did you wish for? More females? An endless supply of sake-"

"A family."

The Ookami choked on his own spittle; he coughed and wheezed and hit against his chest to lessen the discomfort. The Kitsune blushed and whined throatily. "Fu-chan, stop doing that, it's embarrassing!"

"Why would you wish for something like that?" he finally managed to ask.

"I know that wishing 'that' is so out of place for me, I'm normally not the type to want a family… but then that dream made me think…"

"About what?"

"That maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea being with someone forever…"

"I can't imagine you being with anyone for more than a day," Fugaku replied.

Kyuubi gave him a toothy grin. "Well I don't have to start with a family now… there is still some time to have fun," he implied lewdly.

"Ugh… you never change," the ookami muttered, ignoring the laughing fox beside him.

He returned back to staring at the barren landscape in front of him. The sound of a horn blared in the background… it was about to start.

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