Disclaimer: I own the stories/letters, nothing else.

::Letters to You::


::Madame Awkward::

Sumire Shouda

We started out as a pair of arch enemies. You threw me spiteful comments, I gave you snide remarks; you hated my pigtails, claiming that they were childish and annoying while I loathed your curly green hair for being fake and unnatural. We called each other nasty names mercilessly. But time was a funny thing, no? It makes a raging fire burn out slowly, humans die away bit by bit gradually, best friend turn into strangers. But in our case, enemies became friends. Our exchange of insults became our unique way of communicating and showing our love for each other. I came to realize that your curls look gorgeous in a chignon while you accepted my pigtails as my way of living life. Nicknames like 'stupid' and 'permy' became endearments. And soon enough, we became inseparable.

Perms, you silly butt, I love you and I thank you for being there for me always. You are the one I can proudly introduce to others as my awesome girlfriend without being the least bit ashamed for your silly, outrageous antics. People who don;t appreciate them are losers. You share the same rank in my heart with Hotaru. Yet you guys are literally two completely different people. With you, I can act like a normal teenage girl with her bestest friend. I can tell you anything from my rants due to PMS to just repeating 'I'm bored' for a hundred times without being afraid of getting hurt physically –because you are probably going to join me in my rants anyway ;)- Like two normal teenage girls who are best friends, we can go window shopping for hours, exchange millions of text messages, Facebook wall post, Twitter replies or IMs, that if I were two print them all out on one unlimited length of paper, it would probably circle the Earth for two rounds. We could also sit in a quaint little café, being all posh while we scout for potential Abercrombie and Fitch male models. You were always there when I needed you and you've always given me anything I need in an emergency, be it a tampon for my period, a chocolate when I'm in the dumps or just your companionship when I'm feeling alone.

Perms, I cherish your advices. Let it be about guys, life, what clothes to wear. They are all so meaningful to me. Your guy-advices are just awesome and flabbergastingly, they always work; you could always find the perfect solution for me when problems are thrown at me because I know you've been through much more; do I really need to comment on your fashion tips? You ain't crowned best-dressed for nothing, girl.

I love you, Permy.

Three more letters to go.