"Uh…" I coughed. I had a massive wound scarily close to my heart. I was losing too much blood to keep on living.

"Tell *cough* tell, Nico *cough, cough, cough* that…" I weakly tried to make my request known to Percy, who was the only one still alive.

"I…" I was struggling with the normal fear, coupled with the physical strains; it really wasn't the best confession conditions.

"Love… hi-*COUGH*" I was seized by a massive coughing fit, and my life was drained away from my body.

At least I told somebody about my feelings before I died.

My name is-er, WAS Krystal Choti. I am now a nothingness, a vague figure, an apparition. Now, you may be wondering: Isn't Nico a son of Hades? Can't he communicate? He was banned from the Underworld as punishment for helping Percy get out of the prison. So, not accepted above or below ground, he retreated to the only place left; my tree house.

Nico and I were best friends, right from when I entered camp at 13. A year after the War of the Great Prophecy. I was a daughter of Zeus, but I don't like to admit it often. It got

me funny looks. I usually lied and said, "I haven't been claimed yet."

The only ones who knew were Nico and Chiron.

I miss them already. Nico was my best friend, Chiron was my mentor, and with them I felt like I could beat the whole world. Little did I know, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

A sound that would have sounded like a drone to the living, but was decoded for me as,

"Soul #12312943476324 please report to Hades' Palace."

I drifted over the rocky ground, wading through the souls just like me, and I reached a building. I could make out a vague shape, but no details. One of the perks of being dead, I guess.

A tune suddenly blared in my ear. It was soft and rolling, sweet sounding, like the songs of the blooming flowers in springtime. I saw rainbow colors swirling around me, and had I been able to make a conscious thought, I would have thought, "WHAT THE FLIPPEN HECKZ?" A little laugh hummed in my ear. And the words that the voice said next chilled my foggy being. In a voice commonly heard from a 6 year old girl, I heard,

"You have been given the chance of life, Miss Krystallyn Marie Cassandra Alanna Choti. Don't abuse it."

And, in a flash and a boom, I was standing in a lobby of some sorts. In a PINK DRESS.

Who did this is going to pay.