Own nothing; review
Facilier stumbled into the boat. He looked up and saw Mama Odie 'watching' him.
"How was you night, child?" She asked.
"Fine," Facilier lied, his heart still pounding after his encounter with the shadows. "Best night sleep I've had in days." Odie 'looked' at him skeptically but said nothing.
"Alright then," she said. "Come with me. "
"What!" Facilier asked. "Why?"
"Y'all still have a lot of training," she said. "So let's go." Sighing and exhausted, Facilier followed the woman out of the boat.
"Alright," Odie said. "Y'all need to practice your shield. You brought your powder?" Facilier nodded, holding up a purple pouch with a pink powder inside. He tried his best not to yawn as Odie nodded. "Good," she said. "Now sprinkle it on the ground in a circle around you. The bigger the shield, the more energy it takes, so start small." Facilier muttered in agreement and sprinkled a circle around him. "Now," Odie continued, "focus your energy on protecting yourself. Ya ready?" Facilier nodded. Making her gourd appear, Odie shot at him. The blast went straight through the shield and hit Facilier square in the chest, knocking him to the ground. He coughed, a trickle of blood running from his mouth. He coughed, his lungs filling with blood. Odie rushed over to him and rolled him over on his back. Her hand started to glow and she ran it over his chest. He coughed again, spitting up blood. Soon his breathing had returned to normal. He opened his eyes and looked at her, his eyes a pale lavender. He coughed again.
"You didn't sleep last night, did you child?" She asked. Caught in a lie, Facilier shook his head.
"I slept just fine!" He snapped. "I was distracted, that's all." Odie looked at him, concerned.
"I could've killed you," she said, helping him to his feet. "You could have killed yourself. If the shield fails, it can amplify the attack and even if it doesn't, it takes a good chunk of your energy with it. Now, if y'all had slept last night, that shouldn't have been a problem, even if you was distr..."
"I said I'm fine!" Facilier snapped. Odie 'glared at him' then looked around, noting the sun was setting.
"In that case," she said, heading back to the boat, "why don't you sleep outside tonight too." She climbed the ladder and slammed the door.
"What!" Facilier gasped, looking around at the increasing darkness. "No!" He bolted up the ladder and slammed on the door. "Please," he begged. "Don't make me stay out. Alright, I'll admit it, I didn't sleep last night. Those damn shadows kept me up and attacked me." A screech filled the air and he started to tremble. "Odie please! Don't let them get me. I-I'm just sixteen. I ain't ready to die." His back pressed against the door as he looked out over the swamp. "I-I want to sleep in my bed. Please, I'll do anythin'! I'll clean the boat, I'll get supplies, I'll practice more, just don't let 'em kill me!" The door opened and Facilier fell backwards into the house. He looked up and saw Odie standing over him. She smiled gently at him.
"Come now, child," she said. "I wouldn't let 'em hurt you. You're a like son to me." She helped him to his feet and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Go to bed," she said. "You can sleep in as late as ya want tomorrow." Facilier nodded and headed off to his room, collapsing on the bed and falling asleep. Odie smiled and walked in, taking his shoes and his hat off. She put the shoes on the side of the bed and his hat on the nightstand next to him. She gave him a light kiss before heading off to her own bed.