Ginger did her usual tap dance routine in front of a small video camera on a tripod when she suddenly saw a strange shadow in the corner of her eye that came with a ghoulish sound. After being distracted for some seconds, she mumbled "Beetlejuice..." and then turned back to the camera.

But the camera was gone.

Meanwhile, in a certain poltergeist's bedroom, the ever lovable Beetlejuice and his best friend Lydia set up the said camera.

"Beetlejuice, are you sure that this is your camera?", Lydia questioned.

"Aw Babes, you know me, what makes you think I was stealing something that isn't mine?", he assured her.

"Mm-hm..." She was still suspicious of course. Why? Because she did know him.

Her suspicions were confirmed when an angry Ginger entered the room.

"Hey! It's okay to knock you know!", BJ angerly said.

"But it's NOT okay to steal my camera!", the spider protested, "It's a rental! I was going to use it to audition for a variety show!"

"Pfft, whatever!", Beetlejuice ignored, "We're doing something funner with it anyway!"

"Like what?", Ginger said.

Lydia then came into the conversation, "I hope you don't mind if we barrow", she gave Beetlejuice a look, "this camera, me and Beej have been getting a lot of fan mail lately from the show, and we thought we'd just film ourselves answering it."

"Oh! Really? Sounds like fun!", Ginger said, suddenly cheering up, "Can I join you?"

"WHAT?", said Beetlejuice, "No wa-"

"Actually, some of these are for you. Why not?"

"Huh? But Lyds-"

"Quiet BJ!", Lydia whispered to him, "It was her's in the first place! Think of it as payment."

"But I don't like paying!", he whined. I mean seriously, why do you think he stole it in the first place?

"Great!", Ginger clapped, "Can Jacques answer same too?"


"-Yes", Lydia gave him a look again. Beetlejuice slumped in defeat.

"Great!", Ginger said again, "I'll go get him!"

She then hurriedly ran out of the room.

"What the heck Lyds?", BJ questioned, "Why do they have to be part of this?"

"Beej, people ask them questions too, and it's not like it's gonna kill you!"

"That's because I'm dead already...", he mumbled to himself.

Lydia sighed, and got ready to start filming.

So, what are these questions? Well, I don't know, YOU haven't typed it yet! That's right!

You get to write stuff you want to ask the characters in the comments! Beetlejuice, Lydia, Jacques, Ginger, The Monster From Across the Street -


Live with it BJ - maybe even the Maitlands will make an apperence!

"Oh great!"

Yeah, yeah. Anyway, comment! And your questions will be answered in the next chapter and some more to came after it!

Have fun!