Disclaimer: I stiil don't own any of this, on a side note who's excited about the new camp half-blood series? The series will be called Heroes of Olympus and the first book is going to be called The Lost Hero I'm so excited it sounds good! Anyways On with the story!

Chapter Four: Meeting the Family

Annabeth POV

I heard the doorknob turn and eleven people walked into the room. My mouth dropped open but I quickly closed it again. They were the most beautiful people I had ever seen, and I've met the goddess of beauty. The least beautiful was probably a russet colored man, he looked more normal but he was still handsome just not in an otherworldly way. All but four of them had gold eyes and most of them were pale.

A tall blonde man in a doctor's coat stepped forward,

"Hello," he said with a slight British accent,

"I am Carlisle Cullen,"

"Hello Carlisle, I'm Annabeth Jackson,"

A big burly boy came forward and gave me a hug lifting me off the ground. I gasped.

"Hi, I'm Emmett," he said.

"Emmett, please put the poor woman down," said Carlisle.

"Ok," he dropped me and went back to stand by a super-model like blonde girl.

"I'm Rosalie," she aid coldly with a nod.

A little pixie-like girl with black hair skipped forward and gave me a light hug.

"I'm Alice," she said skipping black to her place.

"Jasper Hale," the blonde boy next to her greeted me politely.

"I'm Bella," said a brown-haired girl with a soft smile.

The bronze-haired boy next to her had his arm wrapped around her,

"Hello, I am Edward Cullen," he said reaching out to shake my hand.

I'm Jacob Black," said the russet colored man or boy, whichever.

"Hi, I'm Renesmee but you can call me Nessie," said the girl beside him who had curly bronze hair and chocolate brown eyes.

Two little girls stepped forward. They looked exactly alike. They both had curly black hair and chocolate-brown eyes. They were pale like most of the others but had an undertone to their skin that was the same russet red the man had.

"I'm Katrina," said the first smiling shyly.

"And I'm Kristina," added the second one in a bold sort of voice.

"We're identical twins," they said together.

I smiled at them, It sounded like I was going to have an interesting stay here.

Esme POV

I heard a car park in front of the house and heard car doors slam. I smelled seven different scents coming up to the house. There was something off about their scents especially two of them. but I didn't have long to ponder it because a moment later the door opened.

A man with black hair and beautiful sea-green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson," he said shaking my hand.

"I'm Minerva," said the oldest child who had black hair and stormy grey eyes.

"I'm Philip," said a boy with blonde hair and sea-green eyes.

"I'm Nestor," This was a smaller boy with black hair and stormy grey eyes.

A cute little girl with blonde hair and sea-green eyes smiled at me,

"I'm Marina,' she said.

The last two people in the room were the two strangest scents that I had smelled earlier, they both seemed to have an aura of power and my vampire senses were screaming at me to get away from them they were dangerous which didn't make sense, as they looked human.

The man looked a lot like Percy with the same black hair and sea-green eyes. He looked like he was going to the beach in sandals Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.

"I am Poseidon," he said in a deep voice. So he was the grandfather.

The woman next to him had blonde hair in a ponytail and stormy grey eyes and was dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt.

"I am Athena," she said, her voice cool and proud. So she would be the one Poseidon fought with. Come to think of it, I think I remembered something about a rivalry between the greek gods Poseidon and Athena in Greek mythology. How odd.

"I'm Esme Cullen,' I said smiling warmly.

I hoped during my two weeks here I would be able to figure out the mystery of this family's strange scents.

Please review. So Esme knows there is something off about the Cullens. What will happen next, well that's for me to know and you to find out. Kind of short but I wanted to end it there , next chapter the swap starts.