Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, Percy Jackson, or Wife Swap. The idea for the children of the half-bloods having bi-polar disorder and having a crest (a diff crest though) is from The Awesome One's stories A Twist in Time and Growing Up Together

Katrina and Kristina are for a story I am planning Called Two Hearts, One Beat but I decided to put her in this story as well.

Chapter 1: Applications

Connor Stoll POV

I was sitting in my office at work, feeling extremely bored when my brother Travis came in grinning.

"I just had a brilliant idea," he announced.

"We are going to sign Percy and Annabeth up for Wife Swap.

"That's a great idea," I said excitedly as he put a form on my desk and I grabbed a pen to fill it out, this was much more interesting then the paperwork I was supposed to be doing.

Family Name: Jackson

Father's Name and Age: Percy, 35

Mother's Name and Age: Annabeth, 35

Maiden Name: Chase

Names and ages of children from this marriage:

Minerva Zoƫ: 15

Phillip Luke: 10

Nestor Charles: 8

Marina Bianca: 4

Who takes care of the following responsibilities in your family:


Both parents.


Both parents.


Both parents.



"Because Percy's cooking is gross," I said.


Both parents.

Planning social life?


"I guess,"

Kid's homework?

Mom helps though they don't often need it.

Do you have any pets? How many? What type? Do they have free reign of the house?

Four horses in a stable and have a pasture. One cat in house.

How would you describe your diet? What restrictions are there, if any?

"Um..." I said.

Normal, not too much junk food.

What pushes your buttons?

I smirked.

Getting stuff wrong,

Have you ever or are you currently serving in the Military?

"Should I put yes or no?" I asked Travis.

"Yes," he decided, "that she used to, like when she was fifteen years old"

Do you or any members of your family have a physical or mental disability?

Everyone has ADHD and dyslexia and all kids have bi-polar disorder

Have you or any family member been treated for alcohol or drug abuse?


Have you or any member of your family ever been accused or convicted of a felony?

"Yeah, when they were twelve," I smirked.

Have you or any member of your family ever been detain, been arrested or been in jail for any reason?


"There I'm done I announced.

"How are we going to make the video," I asked. Travis showed me a magic item that could make my voice sound like someone else's.

Emmett POV

I am brilliant. Why, you ask? Because I just had the best idea in the history of the world! I am signing Esme up for Wife Swap.

Suddenly Alice ran into the room.

"Emmett, you're brilliant!" she cried. See, the Pixie thinks I'm brilliant too. She handed me an application form just as the rest of my siblings came in, with Renesmee and Jacob and their daughters, Katrina and Kristina.

"Emmett," said Edward warningly, shaking his head,

"This is a bad idea,"

Jacob however was grinning, as were the twins. Bella smiled,

"I love that show,"

They all sat down at the table. I looked down at the application:

Family Name: Cullen

Father's Name and Age: Carlisle, 29

Mother's Name and Age: Esme, 26

Maiden Name: Platt

Names and ages of children from this marriage:

Emmett: 18

Rosalie: 18

Jasper: 18

Jacob: 18

Edward: 17

Alice: 17

Isabella: 17

Renesmee: 17

Katrina: 5

Kristina: 5

Who takes care of the following responsibilities in your family:


Both parents and older sibling babysit.






Esme, and sometimes Bella and Edward.



Planning social life?


"Put Esme," said Jacob.

Kid's homework?

The kids.

Do you have any pets? How many? What type? Do they have free reign of the house?

"An annoying mutt," said Rosalie.

"Shut up, Blondie," snapped Jacob, but they got along a lot better now than they used too.

How would you describe your diet? What restrictions are there, if any?

"Blood," I said and Rose hit me.

What pushes your buttons?

My house been messed up and people putting my family in danger.

Have you ever or are you currently serving in the Military?


Do you or any members of your family have a physical or mental disability?

"Half the kids are crazy I said," but what I wrote was, Alice is a shopping addict, and Jasper has self control issues.

Jazz was actually a lot better at it now though.

Have you or any family member been treated for alcohol or drug abuse?


"Edward is addicted to heroine," chirped Alice.

Have you or any member of your family ever been accused or convicted of a felony?

"Nope, because we're too good to get caught," I said earning myself another smack.

Have you or any member of your family ever been detain, been arrested or been in jail for any reason?


"Ok, I'm done," I said.

"Let's make the video," We decided Edward should mimic Carlisle's voice. He didn't want to do it but Katrina turned into a snow white wolf cub and did super pleading puppy dog eyes.

He gave a tour of the house and talked about each kid.

"This is my son, Emmett," he showed me playing video games.

"And my daughters Rosalie and Alice," they were giving each other makeovers.

"And playing the piano is my son Edward,"

"Next, to him is Bella,"

"On the couch are Jacob and Renesmee,"

"And over here on the floor we have Katrina and Kristina,"

"Here I am in my office,"

"And last but not least, my beautiful wife Esme, working in her garden,"

We sent it in, and now all we have to do is wait for the results.

Please Review. *gets Katrina to do her white wolf cub puppy dog eyes which no one can resist*Later you will learn more about Katrina and Kristina and Percy and Annabeth's children.