Rin P.O.V.
Ring Ring Ring. I reached over to hit the snooze button when 'plop' I rolled on the floor. Rubbing my butt, I realized I had completely forgotten that I moved my alarm clock, so that I would get up on time. Looks like my plan worked perfectly. "Ugh, another year of high school." I decided to just get up so I could turn off my alarm clock and take a quick shower.
Walking back into my room with my towel wrapped tightly around my body I looked at my clock and saw my shower had been longer than I thought. Then before I could do anything else my phone rang singing, 'I'm a survivor I'm gonna… Interrupting mid-sentence I answered my phone with, "Hello?"
Screaming in my ear was and overly excited Kagome saying, "Rin hurry it up or I'll leave without you! It's our Junior year and I don't want to be late! Come on come on come on hurry! Hurry! hu!" I hung up the phone before she could finish her sentence. It was way to early in the morning to deal with my preppy best friend. " Ugh I should kill Kagome for being so preppy this early in the morning." I was exhausted and was not in the mood to handle her overly chipper mood, but I pondered what my first day of school outfit should be. 'Hmm what to wear? I like this skirt, these flats, and this shirt.' Walking out my door I did a quick once over of myself in my full-length mirror and admired my wavy black skirt hugging my waist, my plain navy-blue V-neck shirt, and my black flats with a bow on the front. My hair was loosely curled with a black headband put in to separate my bangs from the rest of my hair.
"I approve." I spun around and saw Kagome looking at me leaning against the wall. My right hand was being held to my chest because I jumped when I heard her speak. Shocked I asked, "How did you get into my house?"
"I told you I'd leave without you, if you didn't hurry so I came in here to make you hurry", was my only response as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh, shut up I'm done now let's just go." I paused and looked at Kagome who was already halfway down the stairway. " Wait a second you still didn't tell me how the hell you got into my house!?"
"Well if I told you I'd have to kill you ha-ha" She said in a creepy laughing tone that reminded me of serial killers. She continued out my front door as I barely began to descend the stair case. I paused for a second thinking about what she had just said…." ha-ha wait you kidding right?" Kagome was already in the car and shutting her driver side door. So, I quickly got in and asked again this time concerned because she wasn't responding, and my best friend could be genuinely crazy sometimes. "Kagome? You were just kidding right..." no answer. I turned to her and raised my voice a little when I asked again "Right?"
" ha-ha of course Rin." Kagome replied winking. Then turned back to face the road. She reached over to turn on the radio and that was the end of our conversation until we got to school.
3rd Person P.O.V.
They got out of the car when they got to school, and the first thing Rin noticed before even fully closing the car door was the older looking one of the new brothers walking into the office. "Damn Kagome look at them." Rin looked up at Kagome and saw she was already staring and looked to be in some sort of trance. "Kagome?" Rin waved her hand in Kagome's face "you who?" Rin began snapping her fingers in her entranced friends face and finally got her attention. "I see someone's got a crush. Ha-ha." Rin joked.
Shaking her head side to side and regaining focus on what Rin was saying Kagome looked at her and responded, "Umm yeah let's go to class and we can find out more about them later." Dazed Kagome rushed into the buzzing main corridor.
" Avoiding the subject doesn't make it go away Kagome." Rin exclaimed as she ran after her retreating friend.
But before Rin could make her friend reply she had already run into their homeroom class 'Ding ding'. The bell signally the beginning of class went off. Their teacher walked in front of the chalk board faced them and said, "Class as you know my name is Mrs. Lubak and once again, I will be your homeroom slash English teacher this year." In walked the two new brothers.
"wow" was all that was heard from the girls in the class room. Mrs. Lubak turned to the brother and motioned with her left hand, "These are our new students they are dog demons. Since the rest of us know each other, I'll let them introduce themselves." Mrs. Lubak retreated to her desk and sat down while all the girls of the class stared at the two new kids practically drooling. Kagome and Rin included only Kagome had turned a bright shade of red from blushing.