Dean's a hunter. Sam's not. AU…yay!

No Beta so give me the benefit of the doubt.

So the other day (reviews) I thought about writing this (reviews) story and I agreed that I (reviews) wouldn't say anything (reviews) about you guys giving me reviews. =) hahaha

Dean Winchester sighed as he sat down at the diner table, looking over the things Bobby had sent him.

Bobby was the brains of the operation, and Dean just went and killed anything supernatural that Bobby dug up.

He wasn't stupid, he could do research but it was his least favorite part of the job so it helped when he had Bobby with him…oh and Ash.

Dean was not interested in this case because it was at Stanford. Bunch of 'goodie goodies' and college punks who thought they knew the world but didn't know shit.

Three deaths had already occurred there, all suicides, but Bobby had told him that it looked more like the works of a smart spirit.

So here he was at a diner just outside of campus, wishing he wasn't but looking into the deaths anyways….it was his job.

"Stupid job" Another coffee startled him out of his reverie and a pretty blonde smiled at him. Her name tag said 'Jessica' and Dean gave her a charming smile, flipping the file in front of him closed.

"I might hate my job but being a waitress has to suck worse."

Jessica laughed and nodded her blonde head, before patting her stomach with a wink, "I'm working so I can get a good apartment to raise my child. I think my life is a little more stressful then yours. Then again… I have no idea what you do."

Dean grinned, liking how she put him in his place, making sure he knew she wasn't flirting and then made him feel like a friend.

"I'm a cop, looking into the suicides."

Jessica's face feel and she shook her head, "Your right…your job does suck."

"Did you know any of the victims?"

Jessica's lip trembled and then she blinked once straightened her back, and met his gaze, "Yeah, Mike…he was…the…he…"

Dean watched as she touched her stomach and he reached out and touched her hand briefly, "Don't worry about it…I'm not going to make you talk about it unless I absolutely have to."

Jessica smiled began to walk away and then turned around, digging out a pen and paper and writing down her number, "I don't want this to come out the wrong way….but I thought if you did have questions…or you figure out w-why…"

Dean took the number and nodded his head, "thanks Jessica, I'll let you know…I promise."

"It's Jess…"


Dean was talking with a few students, after checking in with the office. They had so many cops around lately that it was easy for him to get access to things.

He was talking to a few students about the suicides but this place was fucking huge and it was hard to find a solid person who knew the victims well. He just hoped Bobby could pull some info about Stanford so he at least had a lead.


He looked up to see Jess smiling down at him from a stair way. He smiled and had to half yell, "Wait you go to Stanford…and work?"

She laughed and three people followed her up to him. With all the students milling around it gave Dean time to asses the three others coming with Jess. One was African American looking like he just woke up despite it being three in the afternoon. The other was a short male looking like the average frat guy, good looking though…that probably helped him with the drunken ladies.

Dean looked up at the last guy and he felt his throat go dry. The guy was fucking huge…like Sasquatch huge. His hazel eyes were laughing at something the short man said and Dean shook his head, tearing his eyes away from the silky brown hair and expressive eyes.

He really needed to get laid…and soon.

"So what are you doing here? Interviews?"

Dean smiled as Jess finally stopped in front of him, "Yeah just some follow up stuff."

"You don't have a partner?"

Dean felt his skin tingle just at the deep voice coming from the tall…tall man. His voice was smart but suspicious and Dean noticed the way he leaned in towards Jess…heck all three boys were leaning towards her…protecting her.

"No…I'm somewhat alone on this. Have my own theories and my department doesn't seem to like my ideas…I'm solo on this."

"And what department is that?"

Jess scowled and elbowed him in the stomach, "Sam! Geez lay off…god you'll make a good lawyer. Dean the tall one is Sam, the short one is Gabe, and he's Andrew."

Okay. Black guy- Andrew. Frat Boy- Gabe. Sasquatch with a big mouth- Sam.

"Hi I'm Dean Winchester."

Andrew smiled, "Like the gun!"

Dean nodded his head, smiling. At least they weren't completely dense, "So I've got a few more interviews and then I'm off duty, maybe I'll see you at the diner Jess?"

Jess smiled, nodded and then snapped her fingers, "Wait if you're off duty you can come to Ginger's with us's a bar"

They all seemed okay with this except for Sam who continued to give him a suspicious and angry glare. The guy might be gorgeous but he was a pain in the ass, "I don't know…What do you think Sammy? You don't seem to like me much."

Sasquatch's eyes flashed and his nostrils flared, "It's Sam and I don't like you very much."

Jess glared at him, "What is your problem Sam?"

Andrew and Gabe were snickering at the sheepish look that appeared on Sam's face when he actually looked at Jess.

"I'm just saying that…you don't need some leather jacket guy hitting on-."

Jess looked ready to murder him and Dean sighed, waving his hand and cutting off Sam, "Don't worry Sammy. You can calm down… I have no interest in Jess. We've already discussed this."

Jess smiled at him and Sam's eyes narrowed, "It's Sam and right! I am supposed to believe you because…?"

Dean hated his condescending tone, "Look here college boy, apparently you're not as smart as you think you are. I won't be hitting on Jess because I don't swing that way. Stupid Sasquatch. See you later Jess, I'll text you for the details."

Dean left all three boys staring at him and a very angry Jess glaring at Sam.



Dean made his way through the bar; very aware that he was getting heated glances from both genders…this usually happened. The bar was nice though, the music not too loud, a little old fashioned but still it was nice.

He had always been good looking and he used that to the best of his advantage when it came to the hunt and when the nights got a little too lonely.

Bobby was still researching possible suspicious deaths…but Stanford was a very old school…and apparently a lot of people died here.

It didn't help that through half of their conversation he was distracted by stupid hazel-eyed giants swimming in his head.

He felt a little guilty…he knew he should be working right now but he couldn't help feeling like he should be able to have fun every once in a while.

Jess stood up and waved and as he made his way across the room, he smiled slightly at a brunette who not so subtly bumped into him. He felt her slide a hand in his pocket and he had to fight to keep his eyes from rolling, he now had another number to add to the collection.

Jess was giggling and he flung the number at Gabe and Andrew, "Here, see the brunette…ten o'clock. Give her a call sometime."

Gabe snatched the number away and kissed it, while Andrew glared and then quickly made his way over to the brunette. Dean laughed, "Sorry Gabe, looks like Andy beat you to it."

Jess started to laugh and Gabe looked heartbroken but Dean stopped him, "See the blonde, right next to Andy, she's the brunette's friend and she's getting mad that her friend is ditching her for Andy. Go try her."

Gabe stared at Dean, "You're like a God," and then took off towards the blonde.

Jess was cracking up, "You just made two best friends for life."

Dean felt his stomach clench…he wouldn't be around long enough to keep them as friends.

He took a sip of beer that some random chick had put on his table before giggling and running away, and then gripped the bottle tighter. Sam had just walked into the bar…he didn't even have to turn around to know it.

For some reason the guy had a presence that felt it was climbing all over Dean trying to seep into his skin, "Oh hey, Sam's here! I think he has something to say to you…"

Dean gave her a knowing smile and Jess giggled, "So maybe I'm making him say it…but it still needs to be said."

The Sasquatch sighed and sat down in the chair across from Dean and avoided his gaze. Instead he looked around the bar, "I think Andy and Gabe are about to strike out."

Dean raised an eyebrow and saw that Sammy was right; the girls looked bored to tears. So Dean held up a finger to let Jess and Sam know where he was going and then he made his way over.

If he judged these girls right then this should work perfectly, "Hey ladies, why don't you come join our table!"

Both girls perked up and Gabe gave him a confused look, while Andy just sat there waiting, "Andy will grab the drinks and Gabe will grab some more chairs. But be careful ladies…don't let these two get more then two drinks in them…they…well let me say from experience…they get feisty. Gabe's good with his fingers and Andy used to have a tongue ring."

The girls started, grinning at each other. The blonde grabbed Gabe's hand, who was just staring at Dean somewhat shocked and Dean was sure Andy had a matching expression, "And how would you know this…you said experience?"

Dean gave her his best cocky grin and then made a show of shivering slightly and giving both boys a once over, "Experience…definitely."

The both gasped and the blonde pulled Gabe in closer grinning at him, "Oh! I'll grab the drinks! You go sit down!"

The brunette was already kissing Andy, "You take a seat! I'll find seats!"

Dean smiled at both of them and then clapped the boys on the back, leading them towards Jess and Sam who were both watching them with curious eyes.

Gabe snapped out of his daze first, "Holy shit! How…What?"

Andy was next and he hugged Dean, "I could kiss you man…but not really…but What just happened?"

Dean laughed and sat back down at his seat, "Gentleman you are going to have the best sex of your lives tonight. Those girls haven't been pure since the seventh grade."

Andy was quickly telling Sam and Jess what just happened and despite Sam hating him, both he and Jess were holding their sides with laughter, "Dean you are a genius!"

Dean smiled as he continued to drink his beer.

They had a good time, Andy and Gabe leaving early with the girls and an hour or so later Jess asked to be escorted home. He hadn't had a good old fashion hang out with friends in about…well he had never had that.

This hangout wasn't as bad as before, although Sam acknowledged him he still was far from friendly. Overall he had a lot of fun.

Jess was still giggling as they walked home, "I can't believe you just got Andrew and Gabe laid! They will literally be at your beck and call for the next ten years."

Dean again felt his stomach clench and he tried to push the sadness away. Normally this didn't happen…he didn't get attached to a place, but he actually liked it here and if you took Sasquatch out of the picture, Dean liked Jess, Gabe and Andy.

They dropped Jess off and Dean smiled slightly as Jess gave Sam a stern look. Sam sighed, hugged her and then turned to give him an apprehensive look.

"Do you want me to walk you home princess?"

It was the wrong thing to say but Dean couldn't help it. Sam glared at him and stomped away, and Dean had to try hard to control his laughter, "I'm sorry! Sammy, you just haven't given me a chance…you just disliked me off the bat."

Sam whirled around on him and Dean hated how he had to look up, "Something's weird about you…I can feel it."

Dean didn't let his face show anything and he sighed, shaking his head and stepping around Sam, "I'm here to help Sam…"

Sam whipped him around yanking Dean towards him so that they were inches from each other; Dean ignored the heat that flashed through him. Sam was mad and he was about to say something, but Dean's attention was dragged else where.

He looked three stories up and saw Jess, with a woman in white holding her by the neck. Dean cursed and took off running, ignoring Sam yelling his name, he spat out, "Jess!" and kept running.

Dean climbed the stairs three at a time and then got to Jess's room, kicking open the door. He whipped out his gun but the ghost was fast and attacked him.

He heard Jess screaming and crying, but all he could do was struggle as the ghost gripped his neck tighter.

His gun was a few feet away and as he went to reach for it he saw Sam running to grab Jess, a look of shock and fear on his face.

The ghost screeched, letting go of Dean to run after Sam. A snarl ripped from Dean's throat, "No! Sam!"

He grabbed his gun and shot twice at the ghost who disappeared, and immediately felt the coldness leave the room. He started coughing and ran to Jess, "Are you okay? Jess?"

She nodded, tears in her eyes and she hugged her stomach, clinging to Sam.

Sam stared at him, "What the hell was that? What's going on?"

Great…fucking great…

Sigh….Dean is just dreamy! Hahah more to come, promise!