The title is taken from Timbaland's If We Ever Meet Again & this fic is the result of someone's prompt of Tyler's ex coming around. My mind just ran with the idea, and this is no longer a short one shot that I planned it to be.
"Tyler... what are you doing?" Pogue asked when he saw Tyler put his head down and put the napkin dispenser in front of him.
"Is this a mating ritual?" Reid teased and picked the dispenser up, moving it around in what was supposed to be a tribal manner.
"Reid, you look ridiculous," Caleb laughed and took the object away from Reid to set it down. He noticed Tyler had replaced the napkin dispenser with their drinks and gave the youngest a worried look. "Seriously, Ty... what's going on with you?"
"Nothing, just... be quiet," Tyler whispered and kept his hiding act up.
"What in all fuck is wrong with you?" Reid asked but before he could get an answer, there was a stranger standing next to Tyler.
"Tyler...? No way," The new guy said, sounding excited and surprised. He was tall and lean and had brown hair shaved down to nearly his scalp. The guy was tan and his muscles had definition, but he wasn't buff. He looked like a swimmer.
"Hi Justin," Tyler mumbled out sheepishly and sat up properly, but he didn't meet anybody's eyes and just stared at the table.
"Justin," Reid smirked, "The Justin?"
Tyler was praying for a hole to open in the ground and swallow him whole.
"Who's Justin?"
"Um, I am," Justin answered with a bright smile, "Tyler and I are old friends... from swim camp."
"Old friends," Reid snorted, "More like old fu—" Tyler's hand shut Reid up before he could finish the statement.
"Uh... well, I just transferred to Spenser from St. James Catholic," Justin explained, trying to break the awkwardness of the conversation. "Just in time for swim season."
"So you and Ty are gunna re-enact th—" Once again, Reid was cut off by Tyler's hand on his mouth, this time accompanied with a glare.
Caleb gave the blonde a disapproving look before he let his manners kick in. "I'm Caleb," he introduced and stood up to shake Justin's hand. "And that's Pogue, and he's Reid. Pull up a seat and join us."
"I, um, I, uh.. that's—"
"So, what do you swim?" Pogue asked, cutting off Tyler's babbling as Justin set a nearby chair by their table.
Tyler let out a soft groan and looked at Reid with the biggest puppy eyes he could muster, but Reid only smirked. He was going to have fun with this.
At the end of the evening, when the five of them had left Nicky's to go out and find their respective modes on transportation in the parking lot, Reid decided to ask the ever important question:
"So, are you dorming?"
Tyler had calmed down significantly after noticing that Reid hadn't made any more lewd comments, but whenever the blond spoke, he got a little on edge. No one ever knew what to expect out of Reid's mouth.
"Yeah, actually, I just finished moving in before I got to Nicky's. My roommate said I could meet people there," Justin explained. "Do you guys?"
"Well, three of us do. Caleb's too much of a mama's boy," Reid smirked and fended off Caleb's hand from pushing him.
Justin laughed and met Tyler's eyes. "Um, our rooms are close, hopefully?"
"Well, me and Ty, we're at Brett Hall, second floor, 207. Pogue's another floor up in 310. Where are you?" Reid asked, his arm around Tyler's shoulder in a chummy way.
By the bright smile that lit up Justin's face, everyone knew he must have been darn close. "Brett Hall, 215. We're almost neighbors."
Reid licked his lips as a smirk took over his mouth. "This is gunna be fun."
Tyler didn't like what Reid was implying, but he couldn't help but smile. Pogue didn't like what Reid was implying either... but he definitely wasn't smiling; however, nobody noticed because they moved on to say goodbye and go to their respective vehicles.
"Damn, Tyler, you nabbed one fine piece of ass that summer," Reid said as soon as they were in Tyler's Hummer.
The younger teen blushed and started up the car, praying to God that Reid would keep those comments to himself for the rest of the night.
"Seriously, Ty, if you don't go after him again, I might just have to play for the other team a bit to get some of that."
"Reid, it was a summer fling. I doubt he would even want to start anything up anyway," Tyler sighed and kept his eyes focused on the road. He didn't want to see Reid's infamous smirk, but Reid just stared at Tyler in disbelief until the dark-haired teen finally noticed the silence and turned to look at Reid with questioning eyes.
"Do I really have to hold your hand through this?"
"What?" He shook his head and turned back to the road.
"The guy couldn't stop talking about you, and you were right there. Tyler's a great swimmer... Tyler gave me this tip... Tyler told me about you guys... Tyler this, Tyler that... c'mon, Ty, I know you're not stupid," Reid said with a roll of his eyes. "He's obviously into you."
Tyler just kept silent and hoped Reid would drop it. In all honesty, he wouldn't mind reigniting what there was between himself and Justin, but he had quelled that hope at the end of swim camp when they parted ways. This whole situation of Justin coming back into his life like this... he wasn't sure how to handle it.
"You just missed a parking spot," Reid's voice brought him out of his thoughts, and Tyler let out a soft curse before glancing in the rear view mirror and backing up to get the spot.
"And now you just parked next to your former lover."
"Funny, Reid," Tyler muttered, but when he turned his head, there was Justin getting out of his Jeep Liberty. "You made me park here," Tyler accused, his eyes narrowing at the blond.
"I did nothing," Reid grinned and got out of the Hummer before Tyler could cause him any bodily harm.
Tyler closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headrest, taking a deep breath and letting it out all the while. He could do this—Justin was just one of the guys, it made no difference that he had slept with him. Several times. In many different ways.
No difference at all.
Tyler opened his eyes and let out a pathetic whine before finally slipping out of the driver's side.
"What were you doing in there, meditating?" Reid snorted, "Pogue got here from across the parking lot before you got out."
"You did always like your quiet time," Justin commented, and he and Tyler shared a small smile between each other... which Pogue quickly interrupted.
"Baby boy, hey, you wanna catch a movie in my dorm?" he asked, putting his arm around Tyler's shoulders as the four of them walked towards the building. "I've got popcorn."
"Sure," Tyler shrugged and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion slightly. He wasn't used to spending time alone with just one brother with the exception of Reid. They always tended to things in threes, or even more likely, all together.
Reid let out an offended scoff, "What the hell, Parry? No invite for me? Or the new guy?"
"It's cool, Brad wanted to show me around anyway," Justin shrugged.
"That still leaves me!"
Pogue rolled his eyes and pushed Reid towards the second floor exit on the stairs. "Nice meeting you, Justin," he said before going up the stairs to the third floor.
"Catch you later?" Tyler asked hopefully, grinning when Justin nodded, then followed Pogue up.