Ladies and Gentlemen of the Specials Class of AC 195, I have on piece of advice for you....
No matter what a Lucrezia Noin Tells you, there is no Zechs in the Champagne room.
Oh, there's champagne, in the Champagne room, but you don't want champagne. You Want Zechs.
And there is no Zechs in the Champagne room.

Don't go to parties with metal detectors.
Sure, it feels safe outside, but what about all those crazy 15 year olds with guns? They know you ain't got one.

If a boy tells you he's 20, and looks 16, he's 12.
If he tells you he's 26, and looks 26, he's damn near 30. (1)

Take off that silly ass hat (2)

The Alliance couldn't have possibly committed all of those crimes.....
Lady Une (3) did some of that shit.

Young Shinigami, if you go to outer space, and someone's attacking your mecha, let is slide.
Why waste the next couple episodes in jail because someone messed up your paint job?

Yaoi and Yuuri. Ain't nothing wrong with that.

No matter what you think of what I'm saying, remember this one thing:
There is no Zechs in the champagne room.

No Zechs in the champagne room.
No Zechs in the champagne room.
No Zechs in the champagne room.
No Zechs in the champagne room.
No Zechs in the champagne room.
No Zechs in the champagne room.
There's absolutely, positively no Zechs in the champagne room.

If a Gundam pilot is fighting a winning a battle, he obviously hasn't been a Gundam pilot that long.
Real Gundam pilots only fight loosing battles. (4)

If a girl follows you around for no reason, she'll probably suck your dick. (5)
If a guy follows you around for no reason, he'll probably blow you up.

Here's a horoscope for everyone...

Heero-Your gonna kill.
Duo-Your gonna blow stuff up
Trowa- ....
Quatre- You feel their pain
Wu Fei- Justice will be served

No one watches Endless Waltz for Mech with Wings (6)

If you've been dating a guy for four months, and haven't met any of his friends, you are NOT his boyfriend.

Some of the things I have said may not apply to you.
Some of the things I have said may not apply to you.
But no matter who you are, you must remember this one thing:
No matter what a Lucrezia Noin tells you, there is no Zechs in the Champagne room.


(1) The ages...umm, the boy really do look older than 15. Quatre sometimes looks younger though, or about 15. And Treize...come on! He looks older than 24. I stuck with a lot of things that were in the actual skit, but well....Treize could possibly pass for 30, but not 40.
(2) Hats- the barrets that the Ozzies wear. LOL! funny to me
(3) Was originally Khushirenada, but got changed think I think Treize wrote this while drunk. And if it was actually given, yeah, he was still drunk.
(4) They fight loosing battles and win....they just don't usually fight winning battles.
(5) *cough*relena*cough*
(6) I watch Endless Waltz for that reason...but then again, I have CLAMP crack. I think I'm alone in that though.....probably also alone in thinking Wing Zero Custom doesn't look like a penis in capsule form too....*sigh*

I hope you laughed. That was the point of this exercise Ja na!