An EO-Hiphuggers Story…
Searching to find you- Catherine, Linzi and Grissom
*Set during Season 1/ Season 2*
Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters apart from Marissa, Lara, Jodie, Bree-Anna and Max; all other characters belong to CSI:LV and Jerry B.
Chapter 1
"Linzi! We gotta get going if you want me to bring you to school." Catherine said checking her watch.
"Coming Mom!" Linzi shouted down the stairs from her bedroom as she closed the last Velcro strap on her trainer. She grabbed her tiny bag of her dressing table chair and put it on her back. She ran out of the room and down the stairs to her mom who had just finished putting Linzi's lunch in her lunchbox.
Catherine grabbed her own thermos of coffee, and grabbed her handbag and keys from the table. She checked that she had her gun and badge, and she headed toward the front door with Linzi right behind her. She made sure the door was locked as Linzi headed to the car.
Catherine helped Linzi into the back seat and made sure she had her seatbelt on. She closed the door and went around to the drivers side. She got in and put her bag and Linzi's lunchbox on the passenger seat. She put the key in the ignition and put the car in reverse. As she backed out of the driveway, she smiled at Linzi who smiled back.
"Mommy," Linzi said, "I love you."
Catherine's smile grew as she replied, "Well Sweetie, I love you lots too."
Catherine's smiled stayed as she drove Linzi the whole way to school. She was the luckiest mom in the whole world to have a daughter like Linzi.
About 10 minutes later, she pulled up outside Linzi's school. She had got caught in traffic, and was now running a little late. She helped Linzi out of the car, and handed her the little lunchbox. She kissed her forehead.
"Mommy will pick you up later okay?"
Linzi nodded, "Bye Mommy, I love you."
"Bye Sweetie, love you too." Catherine replied as she got back into the car. She watched as Linzi ran to the door of the building, were she met her friends, and they went inside. Catherine sped off toward the lab, knowing that Grissom might be mad because she was late…AGAIN!
She found a parking space and quickly grabbed her things as she rushed into the building. She signed in and met Grissom coming down the hall as she was going into the locker room to put her handbag and keys away.
"Catherine," Grissom started, but Catherine cut him off.
"Gil, I'm sorry. I had to drop Linzi off at school, but I got stuck in traffic and then I tried to get here as soon as I could, but it won't happen again." she said flustered and all in one breath.
Grissom looked at her strangely and said, "Okay, but that's not why I wanted to talk to you; here's your case. 33 year old female Vic at Caesar's, fell from 10th storey window, no suspects and also the Vic has no name."
"Perfect." Catherine sighed and took the slip from Grissom. She got her kit from the bottom of the locker and when she turned around, Gil was gone and Nick was standing in his place.
"Gris assigned me to work this case with you." Nick said with his famous smile. Catherine smiled back and nodded as they both walked out to the crime lab parking garage. Nick got into the drivers seat of a Tahoe and Catherine got into the passenger seat.
When they arrived at the scene, there was squad cars everywhere and also large crowds being held back by that famous yellow crime scene tape. They both got out of the Tahoe and ducked under the crime scene tape and walked over to where the body lay face down. They sat their kits down and began to look at the body. The Coroner, David, was watching the body and he knew not to touch anything until the CSI's did their thing.
"Find any ID yet?" Catherine asked as she took some photographs and carefully searched the body.
"No, but an Officer said that someone inside ID'd her as Jodie Gribbs." David replied expressionless; no crime scene seemed to shock him anymore.
Suddenly Brass appeared along-side them.
"I got some more info on the victim, Jodie Gribbs," he said in his raspy voice as he checked his notes, "She was single and from Miami, and she was here on one of her friend's hen-party weekends."
"They know what happened?" Nick chimed in.
"Well according to the hen, a… Marissa Lopez, they were all enjoying some Champagne in the main room and our Vic here, just gets up and walks into the bedroom and doesn't come back." Brass replied; the expression on his face didn't take a genius to work out that he wasn't buying the story.
"Apart from Marissa and our Vic, Jodie, who else was in the main room?" Catherine inquired.
"3 other girls; Lara Lopez- Marissa's sister, Bree-Anna Scott and April Evans. There was also a male stripper,…Max Huberman. No ones seen him since they found the body. His car is gone from the parking lot and we have a BOLO out on him now."
The CSI's took a few more photographs and collected a few bits of evidence from the room where the victim fell from. They were heading back to the Tahoe when Nick's cell rang.
"Stokes…Really?…Okay, that's great…yep, on our way back now…Okay, Thank You."
Catherine looked at him. "Grissom?"
"Yea," Nick said with a smile, "They got the Stripper, but he's not talking."
Catherine chuckled, "Typical, however, they always talk in the end."
Catherine and Nick got into the Tahoe as the Coroner van left the scene. They headed back to the lab to process any evidence they had collected.
Back at the lab, Nick questioned the stripper, but had to let him go because they didn't have enough to hold him. Catherine was making her way to the Coroner's office while Nick was doing the interview and now Nick was headed to see what Greg Sanders had got from their evidence.
"David, got anything from the body?" Catherine asked as she came through the door to the autopsy room and over to David, who was beside the body taking notes.
"Yeah, COD was a result of the fall, but I did find a large amount of alcohol in her system."
"Not surprising," Catherine rolled her eyes, "She was on a hen-party weekend."
"Yes, but I also found some GHB in her system, and those are not a good combo together, and I doubt very much that her friends slipped her the drug, because GHB isn't usually a women's choice."
"Okay, so are you suggesting that maybe the stripper slipped it to her?"
"My guess would be yes, but that is kind of risky for him as all eyes would have been on him all night, so when would he have had the time to slip her the drug?"
"Well," Catherine sighed, "Usually it is slipped into someone's drink, so my guess would be that she ingested it through the large amount of alcohol she drank."
David nodded. "Anything else?" Catherine crossed her arms. David checked his notes.
"Vic had some close and very friendly activity a very short time before her death."
"Trauma?" Catherine piped up as her eyes grew wider.
"No trauma; everything points to consensual. I also found some glass in the back of her arms, more than like from the window she fell through, but I sent it to the lab for comparison just to be sure."
"Okay, thanks David."
Catherine headed back up to the lab, and headed for a computer. She typed the name, 'Max Huberman' into the computer and searched for anything hinky on him. Catherine stared at the computer as it slowly searched through the databases.
Sometime later, Catherine noticed the time. 'Shit!' she thought, 'Linzi.'
She left a note for Nick, who was meant to meet her in the computer lab, as she got up and headed out to go and collect Linzi from school and drop her off at the sitters.
Catherine pulled up around the corner from Linzi's school as there was no free spaces in front of the school. She headed toward the building and decided to cut through an alley rather than go the whole way around the block. She was half way through the alley, when everything went from blurry to black.
A/N: Okay, so I know people have asked me if I'm going to continue with my other stories, and I promise I am; I'm going on holiday in a week, but when I'm there, I'll be able to get some more idea's and some inspiration- I've been told poolside writing can be very inspiring! LOL Plus, I'll have 9 hours on a plane to do a lot of writing too, so, I shall hopefully had many updates.
This story came to me, as I was having a sort of mini CSI fest (you know, as you do LOL) and I was watching S1 and S2 on DVD, and I was inspired to do a story for the original CSI, as I haven't written on before on FF for it- I have a GSR story on the CSI:LV message board, that I'll try and find (only if I can) and hopefully post it up here, cause it's complete, but only if I can find it LOL. Thanks for reading, and remember, click that R&R button that's calling out to you; I want to know your thoughts and opinions; R&R's get you more chapters a lot quicker, as I have up to part of chapter 3 written on this story so far.