Yeah…school started today! …
….aww, who am I kidding…it is the frickin' longest day of the year…*headdesk* and guess what that means! Yep, fanfics. aren't going to be updated quickly…great…
Anyway…back on topic…one word: Angst! This is full of it…darn you 'Bee, quite trying to go emo…you can't pull it off! This was another idea byInvader Kathy Starsky and 'Hello' by Evanescence fit (well…more like it was the best choice I had)…and I wanted to keep a pattern…
P.S. …listen to the song…
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers and 'Hello' by Evanescence!
"Come on Bumblebee…" called the dark-skinned girl. She was running out of the warehouse and into the bright sun. He had just walked into the main room when she did. A grin spread across his face, and he nodded, heading towards the exit as well. Each step made an echoing sound within the open area. Each step getting closer to the exit…
Step… Step…. Step….. Step… Step…. Step….. Step… Step….
But each step, it seemed, was not, in fact, getting him any closer to the exit. He began to worry, which then turned into panic. He soon began running. Running for the exit. For his friend…for his life.
His pace increased, but as did the distance to the exit way. The light beyond it. He kept running.
Then the chuckling rang out. It attacked his audios, filling himself with panic and dread.
They were back. They were back to finish him off.
As he kept running, something invisible tripped him. He crashed to the ground, skidding to a halt. He paused, then began whimpering. They would attack him, hurt him, and then finally kill him. He began sobbing now.
Please…don't…please…please don't kill me…please…
Please…don't kill me…please…
Then everything faded away...
He could hear himself whimpering, and his optics shuttered on. The first he saw was the worried faceplates of Blurr. He felt the tears run down his cheeks.
"Bumblebee…" Blurr spoke softly to him. He then attached himself to the blue speedster, who responded by wrapping his arms around his from. He sat there, within Blurr's arm, sobbing. He vents were whirling, trying to keep up with him. It sometimes felt like there was no air in them.
"Bumblebee… TalkToMe. WhatIsWrong?" Blurr asked him while rubbing his backplates. But he just continued to sob uncontrollably. "Bumblebee…"
Playground school bell rings again
Rain clouds come to play again
Has no one told you she's not breathing?
Hello, I'm your mind giving you someone to talk to
He continued to sob within Blurr's arms for what seemed like hours, but it just seemed long to him. The nightmare kept attacking him, plaguing his memories, his thoughts. All of him.
"Bumblebee…" Blurr said with a calm and soothing voice, "LookAtMe." It seemed to do the trick, and he unburied his face from Blurr's shoulder. The watery optics met the speedster's worried optics. Then a soft smile spread across Blurr's faceplate and he murmured, "Ssshhh… It'llBeAlright. NothingWillGetYou. ISwearToIt."
He wanted to believe it. He really did…but he didn't fully. He felt like this was all just a dream. A dream, then he would wake up back in that hell.
He then bowed his head, tears falling from his optics and landing on Blurr's chasis. The other pulled him closer, resting the top of his head under Blurr's chin. He felt weak, helpless…broken. But was he really? He didn't know the answer.
More tears kept coming, and Blurr kept muttering small words of comfort and 'ssshhhh'-ing him.
"I'mHereBee. I'mHereAndNothingWillGetYou. Don'tCry."
He sniffed once, then twice. Tears slowing down. He still had his arms tightly around the other. He continued now to just rest against the other, sniffing softly. Blurr continued to murmur soft words and rub his backplates.
If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken
Hello, I'm the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry
After resting more against the other, he felt his optics slowly shutter off, and recharge take a hold of his systems.
He guessed that Blurr had fallen asleep after him, since when he awoke later on, the speedster was asleep. He watched the other sleep. So peacefully. How he craved for that peace, but the nightmares and pain still haunted him. He wanted them to go away. To leave him alone.
He rested closer against the other's chestplate, staring off into space. He knew he couldn't sleep now. He figured he wouldn't be able to now, since the nightmares would just haunt him.
A small sigh escaped him. He was still here, but his memories and mind was of the yesterdays. They wouldn't leave the pain.
Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping
Hello, I'm still here
All that's left of yesterday
Tada…the angst of 'Bee…and yes, more or less the song did inspire most of this fic.
I think I am getting darker as I continue to write for both BeexBlurr and BeexWasp…*shrugs* who knows…
Thanks again Invader Kathy Starsky!