Title: Trouble

Pairing: HARU/yuki

Summary: When Haru, Yuki, and Kyo get trapped in a closet what will happen?

Disclaimer: I don't own and thanks to my friend Orin Forever Crimson for editing this

Chapter 1

"And you'll stay in there until you three can get along!" Shigure's voice was uncharacteristically angry as he yelled through the door of the closet he had just locked his cousins in, "I'll be back in a few hours. Try to straighten yourselves out before then."

The three cursed boys stood in the hallway linen closet with varying shades of shock on their faces as they listened to the dog's footsteps fade away.

After about ten minutes of shock, chaos erupted in the small space of the closet.

"This is your fault we are stuck in here cow!"

"No this is your fault, damn cat!"

"Will you two be quiet? You're yelling in my ears and I have a headache," Yuki stated as he glared at the two arguing males before continuing with a sigh, "We are all at fault as we were the ones who broke Shigure's house…again."

"Shut up ya damn rat or I'll shut you up!" Thecat yelled angrily as he glared at his cousin.

"Don't talk to Yuki like that or I'll kick your ass," The cow said angrily as he stared down the cat,his black persona beginning to show through.

Yuki sighed and took a seat on the ground of the solid cedar closet that Shigure had built especially for storing his bed linens so that they would soak up the scent of the wood.

"Why don't you both sit down and shut up so we can figure a way out of here?" Yuki barked out sharply, annoyanceclearly evident in his voice as he glared up at his two cousins, "Haru, Kyo, sit!"

"Okay Yuki," Haru said quietly, now calm, as he sat down next to the rat.

Kyo sat down on the other side of the cow without a word, though he had a surly expression on his face.

Luckily the closet was 4ftX4ft, so there was enough space for them to sit beside one another without crowding one another too much.

Yuki shut his eyes and leaned his head back on the wall with a weary sigh.

"Yuki? You okay?" Haru asked worriedly as he watched the rat rub his temples.

"Yeah, just tired and a bit stressed, we have beenlocked in here and it was draining trying to stop you two from fighting in such a confined space. The weather is starting to affect me. I am exhausted and I just want to go lay in my bed and sleep," Yuki said quietly with a yawn as his eyes slid closed.

"I wouldn't mind being in my bed asleep either," Kyo complained in a tired voice despite his earlier energy, "It's going to rain soon."

Yuki reopened his eyes to slits when Haru placed one arm around the rat's shoulders and pulled him towards him so the rat's head was resting on his shoulder.

"You should sleep for now. It's winter and I don't want you to get sick," Haru said firmly as Yuki curled up in a ball and snuggled up to Haru so that his head was on the cow's chest, "Especially since Kyo says it's going to rain."

"Alright Haru," Yuki said sleepily, "Shigure won't be home for another two hours at least and Miss Honda won't be home for another three more hours. We might end up having to wait for Miss Honda."

Haru reached up and snagged one of the many blankets from the shelf over their heads and covered Yuki in hopes of warding off an attack.

With the blanket and Haru's body heat surrounding him, Yuki fell into a light sleep, his head still resting on the cow's chest.

Kyo and Haru sat quietly debating on what they could do to get the door open that wouldn't destroy Shigure's closet.

About half an hour later, Yuki woke feeling the weakness in his lungs and heat in his body that he associated with illness.

"I still think we should just force the door open," Yuki heard Kyo's voice say tiredly, "Even with Yuki getting sick, and this damn drowsiness, the two of us should be able to force it open."

"Or we could just wait for Shigure or Tohru to let us out," Haru's voice responded, Yuki could feel the vibrations of his soft voice through the chest he was resting on, "We don't need Shigure even more mad at us than he was when he locked us in here."

"Hey," Kyo retorted, "You were trying to fight me in the first place. If you hadn't started the fight, Yuki wouldn't have come up and got involved, and then he wouldn't have sent me through the screen door. If we hadn't broken that screen door then Shigure wouldn't have gotten mad enough to lock us in this stupid closet."

"Haru?" Yuki interrupted them, his voice weak.

"Hmm? What is it Yuki?" Haru asked curiously, completely ignoring the now fuming cat, as Yuki shifted around so that he could move his head from the cow's chest so that his forehead was against Haru's cool neck.

Then Haru noticed the unnatural heat that the rat was letting off.

"Yuki you're burning up!"

"I thought as much…have you two found a way out of here yet?" Yuki asked quietly, not complaining as Haru pulled him into his lap. A testament to how awful he felt.

"No we haven't and I want to get out of here now! 'Cause I don't want to be stuck in here with you if you have an attack," Kyo said angrily as he glared accusingly at the back of Yuki's head. Even the cat's accursed fatigue was put off for a few moments in order to berate the rat.

Yuki didn't have the energy, or the will, to turn around toglare back and hoped Haru would say something so he wouldn't have to.

"Kyo calm down, it's not Yuki's fault he is sick, alright? It's the winter season and it's raining outside that's at fault so shut up," Haru said firmly glaring at Kyo.

As Haru was speaking, a chill went through Yuki's body making him shiver badly and cling to Haru desperately seekingwarmth.

"Huh? Yuki areyou alright?" He asked concernevident in his voice as he placed a hand on the back of Yuki's neck comfortingly.

"C-cold," Yuki replied weakly though chattering teeth.

Haru quickly covered him with another thick blanket he pulled down from the shelf over their heads.

"Lucky for you we got locked in a linen closet. Are you warming up yet?" Haru asked worriedly as he looked down at Yuki.

Yuki looked up at Haru, meeting his eyes dazedly.

"Y-yes, but I'm still kind of cold…and tired," Yuki yawned softly before continuing, "We need to get out of here before I do have an attack."

Yuki didn't react when Haru kissed the top of his head and tightened his hold around him a little.

"Go back to sleep and when you wake up you will hopefully be in your room," Haru soothed gently and Yuki had no choice but to agree as he passed out.