"He could never be mine"

She looked solemnly in the mirror as she carefully pinned up her blonde curls. She knew that she should be happy today - today was her day. It was the moment that most girls dream about all of their lives. Katie was only an hour or two away from being wed to the perfect groom at a perfect wedding. She knew that she should be smiling at her reflection as she daydreamed about the future she was going to share with Oliver, but the blonde just couldn't. As she looked at herself in the silver-trimmed full-length mirror, Katie couldn't help but think back to a memory that took place years previous.

Lying on the soft grass by the lake, the blonde girl eyed the boy beside her. She reached over and took his hand in hers - they fit perfectly together. "Theo," she said, biting her lip softly.

The Slytherin looked over at her, their eyes meeting. "Hmm?"

A mischievous smile played on her rosy lips and she asked, "Could you ever see us getting married? In the future, I mean…"

Theo's slate eyes widened at her question and a look of confusion spread across his pale face. "Ermm, maybe… Why?"

Katie shrugged her slight shoulders. After a minute of silence, she spoke again. "Where would you want it to be?"

He thought this over for a moment and then replied, "Probably the ocean because you like it so much."

The Gryffindor smiled as she heard his answer but then shook her head. "No, but where would you want it? Without considering me."

The dark-haired boy narrowed his eyebrows. He sat up and looked down at her. "I'd still pick the ocean."


Theo smirked as he answered, "Because it would make you happy."

Katie felt her lips slowly pull into a grin was she recalled that day. An ocean wedding would have been beautiful, but she supposed that a Quidditch one was just as nice.

Much to her dismay, the former Gryffindor had recently found herself thinking more and more about Theo. She had blamed it on the fact that her three year-old daughter, Aspen, was looking more and more like him everyday. Sometimes she wondered how he was doing and other times she wondered how things could've turned out between them - not that it mattered. The blonde knew that they wouldn't have lasted even if she hadn't left him that day. They were heading down different paths in life…

"I'm indifferent

I've got nothing for you

I've got nothing for you now"

"You may now kiss the bride."

Her face lit up as Oliver slowly pulled the white veil over her face. She knew at that moment that this was what was right, that they belonged together. He placed one calloused hand on her neck and the other on her slim waist as he leaned forward, kissing her passionately. After they pulled away from each other, he smiled and whispered, "I love you."

Katie returned the smile. She couldn't even believe that only hours previous she had been thinking about Theo. He was a part of her past and that was where he belonged. The bride knew that she was meant to be with Oliver and he was the one who would make her happy. It was never supposed to be Theo. "I love you, too."

"Gonna dance and think of him no more"

She couldn't remember the last time that she felt so happy. As she walked from table to table, greeting guests, all she could think of was her husband. The smile on her face had never been so real for a long time.

As she headed over to the dance floor, Oliver stepped in front of her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist. "Where are you going?" he questioned, kissing the top of her head.

"I was just talking to everyone," she said, beaming. "How about you?"

When Oliver didn't reply, she looked up at him and saw that he was glowering at someone behind her. "What's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

"Oh, what? Nothing… I'll be right back… Why don't you go find Aspen or something?" he said distractedly. Hurriedly, he moved past her without another explanation.

The lyrics that I used are from Meg and Dia's song "Timmy."

Ooo, what's going on with Oliver? Is Katie really happy? How does Oliver feel about Aspen? Stay tuned to find out!


Fangz mew for betaing, showing me the song, giving me the idea to continue this, and giving me some ideas how to continue this!
