AN: For those of you who are new readers great I hope you enjoy. For any of you rereading this I'm sorry to have screwed around wiht it so long but it's done now and we're moving on!

Anyway, as usual I don't own Soul Eater or any of the characters.

It was Monday and class had just ended. Kid walked quickly out of the academy with Patti and Liz in tow, they had a mission to finish, leaving Black Star, Tsubaki, Soul and Maka by themselves in the room.

"Come on Soul, let's go I have to make dinner and we have studying to do." Maka said starting for the door. Soul shrugged and followed murmuring a goodbye to Black Star and Tsubaki.

The walk home consisted of Maka chattering about how she was going to tackle the huge study load ahead of them, and Soul lost in his own thoughts only half listening. Maka pushed the front door open and walked to her room putting her bag down and adjusting her pigtails. She stood in front of the mirror frowning at her reflection, discontent, her eyes tracing the sight curve of her hips down to her petite legs. She blushed when she saw soul behind her leaning in the door frame smiling.

"What?" She asked nervously staring at him in the mirror.

"Nothing." He murmured walking into the kitchen. She followed pondering what to make for dinner. As she opened the fridge she saw that they were out of tomato sauce so she check the cupboards, none.

"Soul, can you go out and get some sauce from store?" She said digging through the pantry.

"Fine, I'll be back in twenty minutes." He said as he closed the door to their apartment.

Now was her chance. She watched him through the window then ran to her room retrieving her small blade tucked under her dresser, before walking to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bathtub staring at the small blade. She rolled up her sleeve shakily and placed the blade horizontally across her wrist pausing for a moment before pushing gently. Blood beaded to the surface and she let out a breath she hadn't been aware she'd been holding. Maka closed her eyes and tried to keep hold of the moment, but all too soon it was gone and she was back sitting in the bathroom bleeding. She stayed like this for a few more minutes before cleaning her arm and pulling her sleeve back down hiding all traces. She peeked out the door checking for Soul; good he wasn't back yet. She dashed towards the kitchen and got some noodles cooking while she chopped some vegetables for a mish-mash pasta medley. Shortly after Soul returned with the sauce and sat down in the living room saying something about taking a nap.

"Thank you Soul." Maka called from the kitchen. He grunted in reply.

"Soul! Dinners done come on." Maka called from the kitchen. Soul sauntered in a few minutes later, his hands in his pockets his eyes half open.

Dinner was for the most part silent, and when it was over Maka started cleaning the dishes. Soul left the room lingering in the dark hall as Maka turned the water on and cast a quick nervous glance around before rolling up her sleeves to reveal her scars. Soul squinted at her arm noticing something was there but kept walking to his room deciding he would investigate later and collapsed on his bed.

About an hour later Soul laying on his bed pretending to sleep, heard Maka walking slowly down the hall pausing at his open door before hiding in her room.

After at least an hour of sitting staring at her books Maka gave up on trying to focus on studying, setting off towards the kitchen, her blade wrapped in her fingers, creeping past Soul's still open door and to the bathroom not even bothering to close the bathroom door. Soul was still asleep so why should she be worried? What she didn't know was that Soul had watched her walk by and seen the blade glint in her hand. A minute or two after she'd walked past, Soul stood up and shuffled down the hall. Pretending to be still half-asleep, he walked into the bathroom and Maka gasped unable to hide her bleeding wrist and the blade in time.

"Maka, what the hell are you doing?" Soul asked eyes wide with shock.

"I…uh…nothing." Maka said, a dark blush covering her face as she frantically tried covering her wrist with a towel and trying to run from the room. Soul slammed the door shut and stood in front of it blocking her only exit.

"Maka. What the hell is going on?" Soul said, his voice dangerously low. "Tell me everything."

Maka dropped her head in shame of being caught. She'd never wanted Soul to see her like this, but here he was waiting for an answer. "I, I don't know." It was a terrible answer, an excuse and she knew it, but she hadn't a better answer. After a long moment of dead silence Soul left the room slamming his bedroom door and locking her out.

"Soul please!" Maka cried pounding weakly on his door, tears forming in her eyes. Why did he have to catch her? She'd been doing fine on her own, he didn't need to know, didn't need to carry the weight of her problems.

"What Maka?" He asked sharply, opening the door. His eyes were full of pain and it killed her to look at him. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact, instead looking to the side.

"I-I didn't mean for you…" she stopped talking, and stood tears cascading down her cheeks trying to get words out.

"Didn't mean for me to what? Find out? Discover your secret? Or you didn't want me to help?" He asked before slamming the door in her face.

She walked to her bedroom and curled up in a ball at the end of her bed sobbing. Why didn't he understand? Because she hadn't explained it. She justified it by telling herself that he hadn't given her a chance to explain. In the back of her mind she knew it was a lie created only to sooth her thoughts for the moment.

Maka pushed her door open and grabbed her bag leaving the apartment before Soul woke up. She'd left him breakfast on the counter and his bag by the door and had no reason to meet him face to face just yet. Sure she would probably see him at the Academy but she wasn't ready to deal with it. Nobody could handle that much pressure first thing in the morning...right? She walked slowly to the school not paying attention to her surroundings and walking straight into a trap.

"Hello little girl." A dark voice came from the shadows and Maka froze, slowly looking around her and finding no one. Something covered her mouth and instantly she was out and dragged away by the man the only sound his snickering.

Soul opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm going off and jumped out of bed running to take a shower.

Ten minutes later Soul stepped out of the shower and rushed to get ready.

"Maka!" he yelled pulling his shirt on.


"Maka are you awake?" He called, again getting no reply. He walked down the hall to her room and saw that her bag was gone.

"Must have left already." He mumbled to himself as he quickly ate half of his breakfast before grabbing his bag and running towards the Academy so he wasn't late.

"Hey Kid have you seen Maka?" Soul asked while Kid straightened his pile of books.

"No, sorry."

Soul murmured a 'thanks' and went to look for Black Star.

"Yo Black Star, have you seen Maka?"

"Nope. Where is she?" He asked, his voice for once lower than a scream, Tsubaki shook her head.

"Dammit." Soul murmured as Stein walked in starting class.

"Soul, where's Maka?" He asked before saying anything else.

"I don't know." Soul said silencing the entire class. Why wasn't the top student in class? That was unexpected to say the least.

"Oh that's a shame." Stein said with absolutely no sincerity at all.

By the time class ended and Maka still hadn't shone up and now Soul was starting to worry about her.

"Hey Soul want the great Black Star to help you look for Maka?" Black Star practically yelled across the empty room, empty all for Stein anyway.

"I think I'm gonna go home see if she went home sick, I'll catch up with you later ok." Soul said sliding his bag over his shoulder making to leave.

"Soul." Stein's voice stopped him and he looked over his shoulder at the man.


"If Maka isn't at your apartment come see me I have a bad feeling about this." Stein said turning the knob on the side of his head slightly.

"Okay." Soul nodded before taking off for their apartment, flinging the door open when he got there. "Maka!"


"Maka are you here?" He yelled again running through every room of their small apartment. "Dammit Maka! Where the hell are you?"

Soul collapsed on the couch and held his head in his hands. Maybe if I hadn't yelled at I can't go down that road. She probably just took a day off to study or something. That's reasonable right? Soul couldn't shake the feeling of heaviness as he walked silently back to the academy.

"She's gone." He said quietly staring at the floor.

"Don't worry Soul she's around here somewhere. We'll find her." Stein said emotionlessly.

"She left because of me." Soul murmured still staring at the floor.

"What do you mean?"

Soul sighed and dropped onto the nearest chair. "Last night I walked in on her cutting herself and I yelled at her. This morning she left before I woke up." Soul explained slowly.

"No, Soul. Maka wouldn't leave over something small like that. Now go find Black Star and Tsubaki. Meet me outside the academy in half an hour." Stein said before walking out of the room, Soul followed soon after going the opposite direction.

"Hey Soul did'ja find Maka yet?" Black Star shouted across the street.

"No, Professor Stein told me to come find you. I don't know what he's planning, but he said eh had a bad feeling about this." Soul said starting back toward the academy with Tsubaki and Black Star right behind him.

"Of course he wanted the awesome Black Star to help!" Black Star shouted running ahead of Soul and Tsubaki.

"When did you last see her?" Tsubaki asked quietly.

"Last night. We got into a huge a fight, then this morning she was gone before I woke up."

Tsubaki smiled sympathetically. "We'll find her Soul, I promise."