Lily Luna Potter has always been the shy girl who never spoke much and usually ended up lost in her own thoughts. Can one boy change her entire life without ruining it? My first fanfic please R&R

Chapter 1: King's Cross Station

Lily Luna Potter was an excellent witch. She already knew many spells/ and was going back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry to learn even more in her third year. Her brothers, James Sirius and Albus Severus, were sitting with her in the back of their car, teasing her about what torture she would have to go through.

Her mother, Ginny, scolded the older brothers. "If you two don't stop that right now, I'll make your father pull over, and both of you will be very sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if we missed the train."

The boys immediately stopped laughing. Lily started to smile at their horror-struck faces and ducked her head to look out the window, stifling her giggles. When she caught sight of Harry Potter's brilliant green eyes dancing with laughter, she had to renew her efforts.

Harry stepped in once he had controlled himself. "Actually, my third year was amazing. Lily, you should ask Professor Hagrid if he's going to introduce to you some hippogriffs.

Everyone groaned in unison from the back seat of the car. "Dad," Albus complained, "We've heard your stories millions of times! We don't need a rerun every year!"

Ginny smiled, her eyes twinkling like Lily's did when she was happy. "I don't know, Albus. I certainly do like his story of his sixth year. The good parts at least."

James made a disgusted noise. "Mum, seriously, I bet all of my friends don't have to deal with this whenever they go to King's Cross Station!"

Lily piped up a little. "I happen to like dad's stories, too. James, no matter how cool you think you are, dad defeated Voldemort. I'd have to say that he's a little cooler."

They had pulled into the parking lot of the train station, and her oldest brother jumped out of the car muttering, "Shut up, Lily."

It was a little hard sometimes, living in the shadow of someone as amazing as Harry Potter, but they had learned to deal with most of it. The three children lived with the fact that sometimes their best friends only became their friend because their dad was so famous. Lily hated all the kids that would swarm around her; most of the time she preferred to be by herself. Popularity didn't matter to her.

However, Rose Weasly could never find enough of it.

She was an almost exact replica of her father, and a bit more haughty. Lily's cousin followed true to the Weasly traits that were passed down. She had flaming red hair and blue eyes, but certainly not as many freckles as her father. She constantly flaunted that Harry potter was her uncle and waited for the results that had to come. She was in fifth year, like James, but hadn't gotten to be a prefect. Because she was smart, her head had swelled to an enormous size and she thought she was the best in the world.

Her younger brother, Hugo, was in my year and had Aunt Hermione's intellect. He had red hair, too, and chocolate brown eyes that always helped her through her problems. He was a bit more quiet, though not as much as Lily, but he would give anyone a piece of his mind if necessary.

Ron and Hermione Weasly waited with their two children between platforms nine and ten, hovering around a large, regular-looking support made of bricks.

Everyone embraced each other, even the adults, before they all began to make sure that the trunks were securely fastened on the trolleys and the pet owls were safe in their cages. The Potter children and Hugo had broomsticks in their trolleys as well, the boys eager for Quidditch. Hugo saw Lily's broomstick and gasped. "You got the new Lightningbolt? Man, I'm still stuck with the Nimbus 3000! Dad, I could really use one of those!"

Uncle Ron chuckled. "You might want to get your hopes up around Christmas."

Aunt Hermione patted his shoulder. "We'll worry about that later. You had better hurry up, unless you want to miss the train to Hogwarts. Everybody better get through the barrier!"

Then the two families were a flutter, trying to get through the barrier. Rose and James approached the barrier first and leaned against it casually, while chatting about what Professor Longbottom would have in store for their Herbology class this year. Then, to Lily's mild astonishment, they seemed to be consumed by the brick wall and disappeared. No matter how many times she saw it, it was always a little disconcerting to watch them go through the barrier that would lead them to Platform 9 3/4.

Next, Albus and Hugo strode through the barrier nonchalantly as if all muggles walked through bricks every day. Ron and Hermione were about to go through when a man's voice drawled, "Well, look who it is."

Lily and her family turned to see the Malfoy family coolly watching them disappear. Draco Malfoy had been an enemy of the family for a very long time, particularly to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Now that the Dark Lord had been vanquished, they were trying to have a peaceful relationship and avoiding killing each other, but it was difficult. Mrs. Malfoy had a hand on her son's shoulder.

Scorpius Malfoy was a quiet boy with the same white-blonde hair as his father and the grey eyes of his mother. He was in Albus's year and the seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team. Albus said that he usually kept to himself and only spoke in class when he was asked to. Lily had seen him before in the corridors of Hogwarts, but never this close before. Of course, since she had heard so many of her Father's stories of what school had been like when he was there, she had heard plenty of the injustices of Draco Malfoy and his father. She had constantly hear Uncle Ron tell Rose and Hugo that the apple never falls far from the tree, so they should watch out for Scorpius. He didn't seem to mean.

"Malfoy," Uncle Ron acknowledged.

Ginny was more polite, having not been through as many events with Malfoy. "Hello, I see you brought your son. How has your family been, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco cleared his throat warily. "Um, excellent, Mrs. Potter. I do not see your boys. Have they already gone through?"

Harry answered, "Yes, they just did…"

The short silence stretched and became awkward. Scorpius suddenly spoke up to break the ice, addressing Lily, to her dismay. "I see you have the new Lightningbolt, Lily. Are you going to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year?"

She swallowed nervously. "Umm, I don't know. I rather like just flying around on my broom. I doubt I'd actually be that great at Quidditch."

Scorpius frowned. "I'm sure you'd make an excellent Seeker, like your father."

She blushed and dropped her gaze to the floor. "Perhaps…"

Hermione looked up at the clock hanging just behind the Malfoys. "Oh, Lily! The train is leaving in two minutes! You'd better hurry. Go ahead through; we'll catch up with you!"

Lily's face went white; she didn't usually go through the barrier alone. Scorpius took a step forward. "I'll go with you."

Before she could let the fear that would follow the relief wash through her, Scorpius had grabbed her hand and was leading her through the barrier. The last thing she registered was her mother asking if the Malfoys would come for a Christams dinner this winter. Thanks, Mum, she thought before Platform 9 ¾ folded out before her.

A great red train with steam issuing from it whistled, warning the surrounding witches and wizards to say their goodbyes quickly. "Lily! Lily! Over here! C'mon! You're going to miss the train!" Her brothers were shoving each other to stick their heads out of the window of the train as they waved their arms in big, sweeping movements.

Lily raced off, pushing her cart as fast as her little arms would allow. She found the compartment filled with her brothers and cousins. James helped her store her trunk on the racks above the seats as she leaned out the window, searching for a last sight of her parents. Harry and Ginny stood close to Ron and Hermione and waved to her when they saw her soft red hair spilling out of the window. The train started to take off with three blasts of an ear-shattering whistle.

Lily turned away from the window when the train rounded a corner, making the Potters disappear from sight.