Bullet #3 – Music to my Ears
It took Tobi an hour to regain consciousness and free himself from the closet his senpai locked him in. Although, to be fair, if Deidara hadn't have turned around so quickly then her breasts wouldn't have hit him and he never would've been knocked out in the first place. He didn't mind too much. At least this way he managed to avoid an inevitable explosion.
The masked man trudged through the hallway, heading towards the living room. He hoped the gun would still be on the floor where he dropped it in his rush to escape from the angered woman. (He had never seen a woman so angry since Konan's last 'time of the month'.) Luckily for him, the weapon lay unnoticed in the doorway. He picked it up carefully, and was about to dispose of it when a tiny voice spoke up.
Tobi span around to see a small, silver haired baby, stretching out his hands towards him and stared at the gun in his hands. "You can't have this!" Tobi said, wagging a finger at the child. "This is Tobi's!" He couldn't give it to him. It was way too dangerous for a child. Just look what it did to Deidara!
"Give my child the toy!" Konan told him, acid dripping from her words. Tobi whimpered. She can be very scary when she wanted to be, which was far too often for the boy's wanting. He held the weapon towards the baby, who took it quickly and eagerly.
Finally! Hidan was wondering how he was going to get his hands on that thing again, especially since Konan wouldn't let him go. He fumbled with the object, trying to point it at himself so he could hopefully reverse the affects. Except, his hands were much too small to use the object properly and he pulled the trigger by accident.
The final bullet span through the air until it embedded itself into a layer of blue skin. "AH!" Kisame yelled out, his hand reflexively clasping over the area where the bullet passed into his body. An unusual feeling began bubbling up inside of him. It was an overwhelming feeling, one that made him want to sing out to the heavens. Literally.
"She was just a small town girl~!" he sang out, jumping up from his seat in the couch. Everyone in the room could only stare at him in amazement as he continued. "Livin' in a lonely world~! She took the midnight train going anywhere~!"
"What are you doing?" Sasori asked him, raising an eyebrow.
Kisame replied by singing yet another verse of a random song that barely answered the puppet master's question. "Sing with me~! Sing for the year~! Sing for the laughter~! Sing for the tear~! Sing with me if it's just for today~! 'Coz maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away~!"
"Kisame, un?" Deidara asked, eyeing him disgruntled. "You're weird, you know that?"
"Dude looks like a lady~!"
"Oooh Kisame!" Konan spoke up and skipped over to the singing fish. "Could you sing a little something to put Yahiko to sleep? I think it's time for his nap~!"
Kisame grinned, happy to oblige. "Hush little baby, don't say a word~ Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird~!"
It was at that moment Pein decided to enter the room and check out what all the commotion was about. He would've checked earlier, but people running around his base screaming at each other to 'drop dead' weren't unusual. His members' frequently bursting into song however, was very unusual. "What's going on here?"
"Deidara changed into a female, Hidan into a child and Kisame into Troy Bolton from 'High School Musical'," Itachi replied casually, turning another page in the book he's reading. "My guess is that the object at your feet is what's causing the mysterious changes."
Pein looked down at the discarded weapon before looking up at his organisation and sighing. "I always thought that there was no way that you all could get any weirder. Thanks for proving me wrong."
Tobi smiled, patting him on the back. "You're welcome~!"
"…I was being sarcastic."
"Really? Tobi didn't notice~!"
"…It's the final countdown~!"
"Look Yahiko! It's your Daddy~!"
"DAMMIT Pein! Must you faint EVERY time I mention babies?"
This series was too fun to write. xD
Anyway, songs used:
-Don't stop Believing – Journey
-Dream On – Aerosmith
-Dude looks like a lady – Aerosmith
-Whatever that nursery rhymes' called – whoever wrote it
-The Final Countdown - Europe