We are Equestrian

By: horselover4ever

When I look at them,

I can not speak

They make my words go weak

But my actions stay strong

As we work together,

I know we will find a way

To overcome the fear

To take away the pain

To fill the gap of the lost

To tower over all our conflicts

To trust each other

And to love each other

And no matter how long it takes

No matter how hard we fall

We will get back up

And get back on

Because this is our dream

And we will NEVER give up

For we are Equestrian

And we,

Will NEVER forget what we love.

This was made up by me. I am very proud of it. It symbolizes what I think of the Equestrian sport. I hope you like it, and review if you like it. Even if you don't like it I still want you to review :) Also for all of you who have been reading Benson Family Reunion, and actually read this, I will have chapter 4 up soon. Bye for now!