Jo isn't blind. Or stupid. But it seems to her that Kendall Knight is under the impression that she is both.

They're not exactly discreet. Jo sees it. All of it. The little touches. The hugs that last a little longer than they should. The not-so-subtle glances that they share. Jo is a very observant person.

She's talked to Stephanie about this. Normally, she'd go to Camille, but not with this. It would break Camille's very fragile, overly-dramatic heart. She's just positively in love with Logan. So Jo settles for consulting with Stephanie. The girl tries, she really does. But she's much more "take the bull by the horns and face it head-on" than Jo needs. Stephanie suggests confronting Kendall. Jo disagrees, saying that the last thing she needs is him knowing that she knows. Jo considers talking to Mrs. Knight or Katie about it, but then figures that that may be a little awkward for either of them.

One night, after coming home from a double date with Kendall and Carlos and Stephanie, Jo has an epiphany. She quickly pulls out her phone, dialing out the ten digits. He picks up, sounding groggy. She asks him to meet her in the lobby in five minutes, and he hesitantly agrees (after she tells him that it's urgent).

When the elevator doors open, she sees him sitting there, his short brunette hair sticking up at odd angles and eyes droopy from being woken from the sleep that he so obviously needs. He sees the anxious look on her face, and offers a comforting hug and a reassuring smile. If Jo had any arguments with herself about why this was a terrible idea before, they were gone now.

They sit down, and she quietly confesses everything to Logan, her eyes looking everywhere but at him. When she's finished, she looks up at his face. His eyes are on the floor, his face emotionless. Jo finally finds the courage to ask if there is anything going on between him and Kendall. After a quiet moment, Logan raises his eyes to meet hers, murmuring an almost inaudible 'yes'. Jo smiles and thanks him, apologizing for waking him. They say goodnight and head up to their respective apartments.

The next morning, Jo breaks up with Kendall. When he asks for a reason, she give Logan a knowing look before saying that he deserves to be happy.

Jo isn't blind. Or stupid. And she isn't heartless, either. She goes and has a sob-fest with Stephanie and Camille later that morning and for the next few days. But when she sees the beaming smile that shows off Kendall's dimples on his face a month later when he tells everyone that he and Logan are dating, she realizes that it's really all worth it in the end.