Kotori turned her head sharply, narrowing her eyes. She raised her hand and set her foot back, getting into a Taijutsu position. She wasn't going to take any more bullshit from anyone, especially the man in front of her. He had made her run all around this city and look like a fool, and now he was insulting her family? He wouldn't get away with that.
"Come here and say that to my face!" she demanded.
He crossed his arms, the rich fabric of his coat rubbing against his skin. He smirked down at her, and two figures stepped forward. Guards? Swords? This was child's play for Kotori. She glared harder, hearing footsteps from behind as they entered the grand hall. By their silence, she assumed it was more guards attempting to take her down.
"I'd rather stay up here. Why don't you go play some more?" he waved her off and turned to leave, but stopped in his tracks. With in seconds Kotori had leapt in front of him, blocking his path and the guards moved to unsheathe their swords, but as soon as they grabbed the handles their belts collapsed: Kotori had slashed through them with the kunai in her hand.
"What did you call my father." she seethed, but she didn't want to wait for an answer. He opened his mouth and backed up, but her fist rammed into his jaw and sent him flying.
"My lord!" the group down below yelled and ran forward, grunting and yelling when he landed on them, but at least he was safe. He groaned and sat up, tapping the tip of his nose and gasped.
"I'm bleeding!" he yelled, then pointed, "You made me bleed! I'll tell the Hokage about this, Kuromura! She won't accept this!"
"I won't accept you talking crap about my family!" she called back, and leapt into the air, ready to take him down again.
Sakura laughed heartily as she sat by the camp fire.
"Naruto, she was only joking!" she teased, and Yamato smiled as well. The blonde huffed and crossed his arms, looking away. Kotori shrugged and leaned back, grinning at Naruto and Naruto looked over at her.
"What?" he demanded, and Kotori rolled her eyes.
"What?" she imitated, and Naruto grit his teeth, grip tightening on his arms.
"Stop that!"
"Stop that!"
"I said quit it!"
"I said quit it!"
"I'm stupid!" Naruto said, proud that he had thought of a tricky plan. But Kotori blinked and smirked, looking away.
"I know you are, but what am I?" she taunted, and Naruto hung his head in defeat. Kotori laughed, crossing her legs, "Look, kid, I've done that more times than you can count! All the stuff you try on me, I've done to others when I was your age. Hell, even Kakashi."
"Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto wondered, looking up at her, "Really? Did he fall for them?"
"What? No." Kotori frowned, striking a 'duh' tone. Yamato continued to smile and nodded, adding that Kakashi was a talented young man when they were just teenagers. Sakura sighed a little, twisting her fingers out of boredom.
"I hope he's okay." she said idly, and Kotori looked over at the other girl. She was genuinely worried for their sensei. Kotori smirked.
"Are you kidding? He's probably trying to do push ups right now. Don't underestimate him." Kotori urged, and Naruto looked from Sakura to Kotori before deciding to help.
"Yeah, you should have seen him take down that Akatsuki dude!" he smiled, "He didn't have a chance against Kakashi-sensei!"
"Heh." Sakura put on a smile of her own and nodded.
Osamu grunted as he skidded back on the water's surface, watching their opponent. He hurt all over. Kotori watched from the sidelines, wincing as she attempted to rip her arms from the concrete that held them, but was slow. Gaining chakra after using so much was difficult, and back up wasn't going to appear any time soon. She had to get out there and help them.
Suddenly, the ground burst open. Vines shot from across the edges of the lake and wrapped around the enemy, digging into his arm to make sure he was kept in place. He narrowed his eyes, looking at the sudden trap and snapped his head round.
"You think this can hold me?" he demanded, "That's pathetic! Do you know who I am?"
"Shut the hell up!" Osamu demanded, looking round as Eiji straightened up from the ground, wincing. That jutsu must have been tough. Suddenly he felt a burst of wind and turned, seeing Kishi stand behind him with her arm extended by her side. Small bouts of water were gathering around her hand like a broken circle, and was slowly extending.
"Please move, Osamu!" she asked urgently, but her brother was staring in awe at first. She clenched her fists, and the waves of water surrounding her clenched hand snapped bigger, and the force was causing ripples in the water, "I said move! Please!"
"Uh-Right." Osamu jumped to the side, and Eiji ran over to Kotori, who was watching Kishi.
"Osamu, over here!" Eiji called, and he turned, confused. He quickly leapt over, hesitating, but the pair turned at the sound of Kishi running. She ran faster along the water, yelling out in pain almost and she leapt into the air, slamming her hand down on the man. But as she jumped, Kotori could swear she saw the water around her hand take shape of a seahorse, its eyes narrowed and dangerous, before the water exploded onto the man's chest. He cried out in agony as a burst of chakra was released around his body, and the water seemed to wrap around him and crush him for a few seconds before releasing him, and he fell limp. The only thing holding him up were the vines. Kishi, on the other hand, collapsed towards the water. Kotori immediately felt her chakra return as determination soared through her and she broke free, Eiji and Osamu stepping back to dodge flying concrete, and Kotori zoomed across the surface to catch her.
"Kishi!" Osamu cried, and Eiji watched silently, concern washing over his face. Kotori sighed heavily, watching the young girl fall limp. Straightening up, she walked back to land to join Osamu and Eiji, just in time to see three Jounin leap through the trees.
"Kotori we heard- Oh." they stopped, frowning, "You took care of it then…"
"She did." Osamu pointed out indignantly. The Jounin laughed a little and Kotori smiled tiredly before reluctantly handing Kishi over to one of the more fit adults to carry her back to Konohagakure.
And there will be much more! Keep a look out for the second of the Kuromura trilogy, titled The Will of Kuromura!