Konoha was quiet. Surprisingly so, for it was the Third Great Shinobi war, and many ninjas were planning attacks and getting missions. Many Genin teams felt like they were doing nothing, and were ashamed of what seemed to be low ranked missions. Some felt they were being made a mockery of; they could do more complicated and fierce missions then send messages to and from hidden areas, but it didn't occur to their small, limited minds that sending those messages were helping the war move along. They were honing their skills as Shinobi to help with the war in later years, or perhaps even months. One of those groups that was impatient was Team 14, consisting of the usual two boys and one girl.

The girl had orange hair, although it wasn't as dark as someone like Kushina Uzumaki. It was more like a salmon colour, which earned her the name 'Salmon Head'. Most of the time it was all in good humour, as the girl was lucky enough not to be bullied during her time at the academy, but her twin liked to use it against her when he was upset. It was long, but the girl preferred to keep it up in a bobble, with a small clip keeping the bangs out of her face. Her green eyes were big, filled with flickering confidence and enthusiasm. It depended on what side of the bed she got up on that day, really. Being eleven, the girl had more on her mind than missions, though. She was interested in boys and friends and having a social life, she wasn't so sure about the ninja life she was being dragged into. Although it was merely family 'tradition', Kotori Kuromura didn't find it as interesting and useful as her twin did. Of course, she wore her Konoha sign with pride either way, having it stitched onto the front of her purple dress. The sleeves ended at her wrists, with the ends turning into multiple slits, stopping at her knees. Beneath that, she wore dark leggings, not wanting to expose anything that she shouldn't to the enemy while she kicked their butt. Kotori was definitely not as skilled as her two partners, but she did excel in Taijutsu, or at least that's what their sensei would say. Kotaru would claim he was better though, and the twins would often fight to prove each other wrong. Their sensei, or their team mate, would stop them before anyone got seriously hurt, but everyone knew it was all in good humour. The twins loved each other, and were possibly the closest of the large Kuromura family. Many people thought they were adorable, and Kotori was always amused when Kotaro disapproved of the word 'adorable'.

"I'm awesome! Cool! Slick! Not adorable!" he would claim. It made Kotori giggle just at the thought.

Heading down the street, hands clasped behind her back innocently, Kotori smiled to herself. Team 14 had been out on missions for days without rest. She wanted to do something a bit more exciting… But then she remembered what it was like to relax, to be able to walk around Konoha without being on guard about hiding enemies. She stopped at a fruit stall, picking up a green apple and smiling at the man in charge.

"How much?" she asked, fumbling around in her pouch for a few coins.

"Ten ryo." the man answered, taking her coins and smiled pleasantly as Kotori took a bite out of it, and let out a satisfied 'mmm'. She began to move, but bumped into a girl, not much older than herself. Kotori blinked, quickly apologizing, glancing at the girl's rectangles on her cheeks.

"It's alright." she said, smiling and asked for a dozen apples, looking at Kotori again. Kotori quickly looked down.

"Sorry. But… What's with the rectangles?" she inquired, looking at the girl again.

"Hm? Oh, they're kind of like a family thing." the girl grinned, paying the man, but not taking her eyes off of Kotori, "I'm Rin by the way."

"Oh! Kotori. Kotori Kuromura." she said, shaking the girl's hand. Rin smiled and thought for a moment, staring at Kotori.

"Kuromura… You're Arashi Kuromura's kid, right?" she asked and Kotori nodded, a bashful smile appearing on her lips, "You have the same eyes as him!" Rin remarked cheerily.

Arashi Kuromura was known as the Storm of Konoha. It was more of a play on his name, considering Arashi meant 'storm', but the Jounin was known for his amazing skills using the elements water and lightning. Although he did not have a kenkai genkai that could merge the two together, he displayed great powers on the battlefield and earned him the rank of ANBU squad leader. Kotori was proud to have him as a father, as many people commented on how much she looked like him, and that their smiles were identical. Arashi was a cheery man himself, and was known for his dislike for the war. He preferred small missions, akin to adventures, but as a Shinobi he knew it was his duty to protect Konohagakure, and he would do it until his dying breath.

"You wanna come with me? I need to get some things for my mom, she's wanting to bake an apple pie." Rin offered, looking at Kotori. The girl smiled and nodded eagerly. The two kunoichi headed down the street.

"You're on team 14, right?" Rin asked, looking at Kotori. Kotori was impressed by how much Rin knew about her, but then again team numbers and such were simple knowledge. Despite this, Kotori probably wouldn't be able to tell whose team Rin was in, apart from the fact Minato was her sensei. Even then, that was a guess at most.

"Yup! With Kotaro Kuromura and Tsubasa Fukui!" Kotori answered, adding on quickly, "With Kimi-sensei!"

Rin giggled, "I'm sure he goes crazy when you call him that!"

Kimihiro Kurosawa. A well respected Jounin of Konoha, famed for his strict training routines. Any sane person would have said that whoever had him as a sensei got the short end of the stick. Kotori agreed, for sometimes she became physically sick from his gruelling exercises, but deep down she knew it was for the best. The only one in their team that seemed to take them on with delight was Tsubasa, but he was almost always a confident and competitive boy, making everything into a competition that he had a chance to win.

"Kinda." Kotori giggled, "I just don't say it around him." she said and the pair walked into a small corner shop.

"I just need to get a pan for the pie." Rin explained and headed down one of the mere three isles. Kotori followed idly, taking another bite of the apple. She gazed at the sweets, smiling to herself.


The obnoxious voice rang in Kotori's ears and she looked round at a black haired boy. Her immediate thought was Uchiha, but that's all she ever thought when seeing a person with black hair. More often than not the girl was right, too.

"Obito!" Rin smiled, turning on her heel, smiling as the boy approached.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to do anything today." Obito smiled bashfully despite his assertive tone. He then noticed Kotori and blinked before holding out his hand, "Obito Uchiha!"

"Kotori Kuromura!" she said back, shaking the boy's hand. Was he part of Rin's team? At least she was right about him being an Uchiha.

"Well I was actually just getting my mom stuff for baking an apple pie…. You can come round and have some when it's ready, if you like!" Rin offered, looking at Kotori, "You too! I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind."

"That sounds great, Rin!" Obito smiled, "Want me to help getting you anything?"

He seemed oddly persistent about hanging around with Rin. The girl nodded, giggling a little and asked if he could find a circular pan to bake the pie in. Obito eagerly set off to find what Rin was looking for and she smiled, watching him go before looking at Kotori.

"He's always like that. So confident." she remarked and Kotori smiled, nodding. She watched Rin, noticing a soft sigh escape the dark haired girl.

"You might be able to meet Kakashi, too."

Now Kakashi was someone Kotori knew about. Son of the White Fang of Konoha. She didn't see him around often, but she knew that apparently he looked like his father and hid the lower half of his face. Kotori was also told the story of how Kakashi's father disgraced Konoha and himself… Her mother spoke badly of him from then onward, although Arashi felt he did the right thing. Then they would argue, but Arashi always finished the fight by asking her if she would either continue the mission or save him from danger, or one of her children. Either she would grow silent and change the subject, or say that they were all powerful enough to get themselves out of trouble. Kotori knew that that meant her mother, Yoshiko Kuromura, would save her family and abort the mission. Although her mother had quit being a ninja to look after the large family(Kotori had six siblings, including Kotaro), she was strong kunoichi in her time and Kotori aimed to be like her one day. Perhaps minus the amount of children.

"Yeah, maybe." Kotori commented, so Rin didn't think she was ignoring her. The two looked round when Obito returned with several pans and Rin sighed.

"Not really what I was looking for." she said, but smiled all the same so she wouldn't discourage the Uchiha boy.

"I think what you're looking for is this." a calm, bored voice spoke up from behind Obito and the dark haired ninja stood aside to reveal none other than Kakashi Hatake. He was holding up the correct size of pan and Rin smiled wider.

"Right! Thanks, Kakashi." she said sweetly, taking it from him. Kakashi just nodded and looked at Obito.

"Perhaps if you paid attention to the labels instead of just taking any you could to please Rin, she would have gotten it quicker."

"Yeah, well you shouldn't have been eavesdropping on what she wanted!" Obito yelled back, putting the things back on the shelf. Kakashi ignored him and looked at Kotori, who frowned at him. He seemed like a jerk.

"Kakashi, this is Kotori Kuromura." Rin introduced, "She's part of team 14."

"With your twin and Fukui." Kakashi concluded and Kotori nodded, holding out a hand to shake. Kakashi kept his hands in his pockets and Kotori frowned, putting her hand back to her side. Rin's smile deteriorated.

"I was just saying to Obito and Kotori that they could come by for some apple pie once it was done." Rin said, not wanting to kill the conversation, "Would you like to, too?"

"Not really." Kakashi answered, looking at his team mate, and hesitated, "I don't know." he concluded.

"Well, come by if you ever want to." Rin offered and went off to pay for the pan. Kotori smiled at Rin as she left, and looked at Kakashi and Obito.

"You think you're soooo cool." Obito grunted, glaring at Kakashi, "I was gonna pick that pan next, y'know."

Kakashi stared at him, then turned, looking at Kotori before walking past her. Kotori frowned and watched him leave the shop and then looked at Obito, who seemed to be filled with rage and jealousy at Kakashi.

"That jerk! Kakashi's always just so… Cool!" Obito snorted, and Kotori noticed he wasn't just ranting to no one, he was talking to her, "I know he's an awesome ninja, and he's stronger than me! But can't he just get off his high horse for once?" Obito sighed heavily, looking at Kotori. She smiled hesitantly.

"He… Does seem like a jerk." she commented, albeit unhelpfully. Obito just smiled though, glad someone was agreeing with him.

"Right. Well, I'll see you later at Rin's." Obito grinned and waved, running out the shop, "I gotta go train!"

Rin walked back over to Kotori and smiled. The pair walked outside and Rin told Kotori her address before walking down the street and Kotori headed down a different path, throwing her finished apple in a nearby bin. The sun was getting lower, but it wasn't low enough to create the image of harmonious colours that Kotori gazed at every day until the sun set. At least she had plans for this evening… And no annoying Kotaro to bother her.

"Hey, Kotori! Kotori!"

Or not. Despite being twins, Kotaro enjoyed calling Kotori with no suffixes, indicating that he thought she was younger. She stopped and turned to look at her twin, smiling. He jumped up from the tall wall he was running on, the sun reflecting off of his headband. His headband forced bangs to appear on either side, his hair otherwise spiked to the right side, and slightly forward. Although twins, Kotaro's hair was like his father's; light brown. He wore a khaki coloured jacket, with the zip going horizontal and ending at the end of his right collarbone, where there was a large collar surrounding his neck all the way to the other side. The jacket's sleeves were cut off, exposing red sleeves that spaced out near at his hands, revealing only his fingers. His trousers were black and ended at his ankles, showing his black sandals.

"Kotori, where ya been?" he asked, landing in front of her, "I've been wanting to train with you!""I was just with a new friend." Kotori answered, walking down the street, "Rin.""Rin?" Kotaro repeated, staring at Kotori, "You mean the Rin that's on Kakashi Hatake's team?" he demanded and the girl nodded. He flailed, grabbing Kotori by the shoulders dramatically and made her look at him, "Are you serious? I've wanted to fight that white haired brat for ages!"

"Well I'm going to Rin's house later…" Kotori trailed off, but then she thought better of telling him. But it was too late.

"We'll ask mom, and see if we can go!""We're better off asking dad." Kotori said, looking at her brother as they continued walking, "He'd let us."

"Eh, dad left for a mission this afternoon." Kotaro mumbled, "So we need to ask mom." but suddenly the boy grinned and looked at Kotori, "But don't worry! I'll charm her into letting us go!"

Kotori stared at her brother before waving a hand in his face idly, walking on faster, "Whatever you say, brother."

"What's that supposed to mean?"