T / implied sex

For the APH Fluffathon on LJ. Takes place during England's rule, I guess - don't think too much about it. Uses Victoria as Seychelles' human name. This was a jerkface to write, and I don't like how it came out, but my proofreaders are getting pissed at all my revisions...

Francis woke up on the beach at sunrise. The sea before him sparkled red and yellow as Victoria shifted closer to him in the sand. He remembered the night in a vivid detail, and those memories flickered in his head like the lights of the dancing ocean.

She sat up slowly, wiping sleep from her eyes. They sat in silence for a few minutes until she finally spoke. "... we should get back before everyone else wakes up." she said, her voice thick and fatigued. "Arthur'll be pissed if he finds out."

"Do you have to mention him?" He complained lazily, looking up at the salmon sky.

"Well-" she started, then sighed. "I guess I don't have to, but I'd really like it if he didn't find out. He still thinks I'm a proper young lady, you know?"

The blonde ran his hands through his lover's sticky chocolate hair carelessly. "I'll take care of him if he gets mad, okay? Je t'aime..." he mumbled. Victoria glanced at him over her shoulder, lovingly, but once her eyes rested on his face she broke into hard, loud giggles, shattering the syrupy sweetness of the moment. Francis stared at her, confused.

"What's so funny, ma cherie?" he asked, sitting up. A stinging pain swept across his body suddenly, and he let out a small yelp. He looked at his skin in horror - no longer was it a warm peach, but a bright, tacky red that felt too tight for his body.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU F-FELL ASLEEP NAKED! ON A B-BEACH!" she screamed gleefully.

"Y-Y-Y-YOU DID IT TOO! WHY AREN'T YOU BURNT?" he yelled back in a fluster, examining her unblemished skin with jealousy.

"BECAUSE I'M NOT WHITE, FRANCIS!" she exclaimed, bursting out again into uncontrollable laughter that left her rolling on the beach. Francis grumbled an angry curse in his native tounge, admiring Victoria's smooth naked body in the morning sun. The day, undaunted, continued beginning.


"Francis."Arthur hissed, staring down the Frenchman. "Where were you two last night?"

Francis shrugged, trying his hardest not to smile. Victoria shuffled her feet, refusing to meet either of the mens' eyes.

"If you don't know," He continued bitterly, "what's with the marks on her neck!"

Red rushed to the teenager's cheeks, and Francis laughed. "You noticed those before my Victoria-shaped sunburn?"